The following notice requirements are the minimum necessary to ensure appropriate notice for communities affected by an application. For notice required under Section 7.5.1, the following standards apply.
A. Newspaper Notice
1. When an application is accepted, the intake body must publish a notice of the public hearing in at least 2 newspapers of general circulation in the County a minimum of 30 days before the hearing date.
2. The notice must include the date and place of hearing, applicant, application number and name, location of property, property size, zone, density of development, and telephone number and website for the applicable intake agency. The notice for a Zoning Text Amendment must also include a brief summary of the proposed amendment.
B. Pre-Submittal Meeting
1. Before an application may be accepted, the applicant must hold a public meeting to present the proposed application and respond to questions and comments. The meeting must be held no more than 90 days before filing the application.
2. The applicant must post a sign advertising the pre-submittal meeting, equivalent to the requirement for an application sign, a minimum of 15 days before the meeting.
3. The applicant must send notice advertising the pre-submittal meeting to the same recipients required under Section 7.5.2.E.1, Hearing Notice, a minimum of 15 days before the meeting.
4. The notices must include the date and place of meeting, applicant, application number and name, location of property, property size, zone, proposed use, and density of development.
5. The applicant must submit a list of attendees and a record of the pre- submittal meeting with the application.
C. Application Sign
1. The applicant must post at least one sign along every frontage; if the frontage is more than 500 feet, a sign must be posted at least every 500 feet.
a. For a sketch plan, site plan, or major site plan amendment application, the sign must be posted before an application is accepted.
b. For a Local Map Amendment, conditional use, or variance application, the sign must be posted within 5 days after an application is accepted.
2. The sign must meet the following specifications:
a. For a sketch plan, site plan, or major site plan amendment application, the applicant must use the sign template provided by the Planning Department.
b. For a Local Map Amendment, conditional use, or variance application, the sign must:
i. be made of a durable material;
ii. be a minimum of 24 inches tall by 36 inches wide;
iii. have a white or yellow background color; and
iv. have black lettering and characters at least 2 inches in height.
3. The sign must include:
a. application number and name;
b. requested zone, if a Local Map Amendment;
c. proposed use, density, or structure description, if not a Local Map Amendment; and
d. telephone number and website for the applicable intake agency.
D. Application Notice
1. When an application is accepted, the applicant must send notice of the application to all abutting and confronting property owners; civic, homeowners, and renters associations that are registered with the Planning Board and located within 1/2 mile of the site; any municipality within 1/2 mile; and, if applicable, pre-submittal meeting attendees who request to be a party of record. A condominium's council of unit owners may be notified instead of the owner and residents of each individual condominium.
2. The notice must identify the applicant and include the application type, number, and project name; location of property; property size; zone (and requested zone, if applicable); proposed use and density of development; changes covered by the proposed amendment, if applicable; and telephone number and website for the applicable intake agency.
E. Hearing Notice
1. Hearing notice must be sent to all abutting and confronting property owners; civic, homeowners, and renters associations that are registered with the Planning Board and located within 1/2 mile of the site; any municipality within 1/2 mile; and, if applicable, pre-submittal meeting attendees who request to be a party of record. A condominium's council of unit owners may be notified instead of the owner and residents of each individual condominium.
a. The District Council, Hearing Examiner, and Board of Appeals, as applicable, must send notice of the hearing a minimum of 30 days before the scheduled hearing date.
b. The Planning Board must send notice of the hearing a minimum of 10 days before the scheduled hearing date.
2. For a sign variance, the deciding body must also send notice of the hearing to any special taxing district in which the proposed sign would be located and the technical staff of the Planning Board if the sign would be located on a property with a site plan.
3. The notice must include the date and place of meeting, applicant, application number and name, location of property, property size, zone (and requested zone, if applicable), proposed use or density of development when applicable, and telephone number and website for the applicable intake agency.
4. A hearing may be postponed or continued if the time and place of the continued hearing is publicly announced at the time of the adjournment or notice is given to all parties of record a minimum of 10 days before the next scheduled hearing date.
F. Resolution Notice
1. The deciding body or its designee must issue notice of the approved resolution or opinion to the applicant and any additional parties of record on the day a resolution or opinion is issued.
2. The notice must provide the date the decision was made, a summary of the decision, a copy of the resolution or opinion or a website link to a copy, and the phone number, address, and website of the applicable deciding body.
G. Building Permit Sign Notice
After a building permit is approved, the applicant must post a sign as required under Chapter 8.
H. Website Posting
1. During review, the applicable intake agency or designee, must post the application on its website within 15 days after acceptance.
3. When the Hearing Examiner provides a recommendation report on an application decided by the Board of Appeals or the District Council, the Hearing Examiner must post the recommendation report on its website a minimum of 10 days before the Board of Appeals or the District Council hearing.
4. After a decision is made, the applicable deciding body or designee, must post on its website the resolution reflecting its decision and if approved, plans certified by the deciding body or designee, modified from the submitted plans to satisfy the decision.
5. When DPS accepts a building permit application, DPS must post on its website the application information and track the status of review. After a decision is made, DPS must post on the internet its decision and, if approved, a summary of the approval, including at least the approved use and gross floor area.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 18-08, § 28.)