Any member of the Drummond Citizens' Committee may be removed by the county council upon the charge of malfeasance or misfeasance in office, preferred by a member of said committee, after due notice of said charge and opportunity has been given in defense thereof, and a hearing to be fixed therefor. The said treasurer and other officers of said Village of Drummond shall hold their offices or positions at the pleasure of said Drummond Citizens' Committee or in conformity with contracts which may be made by and between said committee and such officers and employees, for a period not to extend beyond the limits of the terms of office of said committee. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 65-7; 1916, ch. 22, § 6.)
Said Drummond Citizens' Committee shall not expend for material or work in connection with anyone undertaking a sum exceeding three hundred dollars ($300.00) without having first advertised the specifications therefor and inviting bids for the same, after which said committee may purchase such material or make contract for such work, or have such work done by employing labor, or otherwise, as it may deem best. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 65-8; 1916, ch. 22, § 7.)
The said county council may, upon recommendation of the Drummond Citizens' Committee, adopt such regulations with respect to dumping of garbage, sanitation, erection of buildings, care of property, or other police or health regulations, and provide penalties for the violation thereof as said board may deem proper, which regulations may be enforced by or through said committee. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 65-9; 1916, ch. 22, § 8.)
Said members of said Drummond Citizens' Committee, for the purpose of making contracts or otherwise incurring liabilities in the performance of the duties provided by this subtitle shall be considered in law as a corporation, and are not to be held individually or personally liable in connection therewith. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 65-10; 1916, ch. 22, § 9.)
The treasurer of said Drummond Citizens' Committee shall deposit all funds coming into his hands, as such, in depositary or depositaries as may be designated by the majority vote of the said committee, duly recorded in the minutes thereof, to his credit, as such treasurer, and that said treasurer shall not dispose of any of the funds coming into his hands, as such treasurer, except upon check, duly signed by him, as such treasurer, and countersigned by the chairman of said committee, or some member thereof acting as chairman; said acting chairman shall be duly authorized to act by resolution of said committee which must be first placed upon the minutes of the committee. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 65-11; 1916, ch. 22, § 10.)