(a) Preliminary business improvement district tax roll. Within 10 days after the effective date of this law, the district corporation must provide the Executive and Council with a preliminary business improvement district tax roll.
(b) Imposition of business improvement district tax.
(1) The Council must impose a business improvement district tax to provide funds for the operation of the District.
(2) The Council must impose on members of the District the district tax at a rate specified by the board and approved by the Council.
(3) The tax imposed under this subsection must not count against the limits on the ad valorem weighted tax rate on real property in Section 305 of the County Charter.
(c) Collection. The district tax must be collected in the same manner as real property taxes are collected and distributed each quarter to the District.
(d) Reimbursement for collection costs. The district corporation must reimburse the County for the costs incurred in collecting the district tax.
(e) Miscellaneous Revenue. All other revenues collected by a business improvement district corporation, including charges for services and private contributions, must be used to benefit the district corporation. (2021 L.M.C., ch. 25, §1.)
(a) In general. The district corporation must provide public services and facilities in the District that are:
(1) primarily of benefit to the property and persons within the District rather than to the County as a whole; and
(2) in addition to services and facilities that the County provides generally.
(b) Services. The district corporation must provide services that include promoting and programming public interest activities that benefit both residential and commercial interests of the District (and which may incidentally benefit neighboring communities).
(c) Insurance. The district corporation must secure reasonable and appropriate insurance for its activities (2021 L.M.C., ch. 25, §1.)
(a) Expansion by the District. The District may expand the geographic area of the District if:
(1) a petition for inclusion is submitted from:
(A) owners of at least 51% interest in the assessed value of the nonexempt property and, subject to subsection (b) of this section, a designated board member of a condominium or cooperative housing corporation proposed for inclusion in the district; and
(B) owners of at least 51% of the total number of parcels of nonexempt property and, subject to subsection (b) of this section, a designated board member of a condominium or cooperative housing corporation proposed for inclusion in the district;
(2) the petition under paragraph (1) of this subsection is accepted by a majority vote of the board of the district corporation; and
(3) the appropriate documents, as applicable, are submitted under §12-608 of the Economic Development Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and a hearing is held under §12-609 of the Economic Development Article.
(b) Expansion by condominium or cooperative housing corporation.
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title and subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, a condominium or cooperative housing corporation that is in the proposed expanded geographic area of the District may petition to join the expansion.
(2) A condominium or cooperative housing corporation described under paragraph (1) of this subsection may petition to join the expansion only if:
(A) the condominium or cooperative housing corporation is governed by a board;
(B) the board votes to join the district corporation; and
(C) the board has a representative member of the board sign the appropriate documents required under §12-608 of the Economic Development Article.
(3) For the purposes of the votes cast under subsection (a)(1):
(A) a condominium or cooperative housing corporation must be considered a single parcel; and
(B) the decision reached by the board must constitute the vote of the condominium or cooperative housing corporation. (2021 L.M.C., ch. 25, §1.)
(a) Review; development of procedures for evaluation. The Executive must:
(1) review the effectiveness and desirability of continuing the district every 3 years beginning from the time this Act takes effect;
(2) develop by method 2 regulation policies and procedures for evaluating the desirability of continuing the District; and
(3) recommend to the Council whether the District should continue.
(b) Effect of disapproval. If the Council adopts a resolution disapproving of the continuing existence of the District:
(1) the District must cease to exist as directed by the Council; and
(2) the district corporation must continue its existence only as long as necessary to terminate operation in a reasonable manner. (2021 L.M.C., ch. 25, §1.)