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Montgomery County Overview
Montgomery County Code
Preliminary Information
Part I. The Charter. [Note]
Part II. Local Laws, Ordinances, Resolutions, Etc.
Part III. Special Taxing Area Laws. [Note]
Chapter 60. Silver Spring, Bethesda, Wheaton and Montgomery Hills Parking Lot Districts. [Note]
Chapter 61. Battery Park.
Chapter 63. Reserved.*
Chapter 64. Reserved.*
Chapter 65. Drummond. [Note]
Chapter 66. "Village of Friendship Heights." [Note]
Chapter 67. Reserved.*
Chapter 68. Montgomery County Suburban District.
Chapter 68A. Montgomery County Urban Districts.
Chapter 68B. Noise Abatement Tax Districts.
Chapter 69. Reserved.*
Chapter 70. Oakmont.*
Chapters 71-86. Reserved.*
Chapter 87. Washington Suburban Transit District. [Note]
Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance (2014)
COMCOR - Code of Montgomery County Regulations
COMCOR Code of Montgomery County Regulations
TABLE 1 Previous COMCOR Number to Current COMCOR Number
TABLE 2 Executive Regulation Number to Current COMCOR Number
TABLE 3 Executive Order Number to Current COMCOR Number
County Attorney Opinions and Advice of Counsel
Part III. Special Taxing Area Laws. [Note]
Chapter 60. Silver Spring, Bethesda, Wheaton and Montgomery Hills Parking Lot Districts. [Note]
§ 60-1. Special taxing areas continued; areas defined.
§ 60-2. Acquisition of land for parking lots; improvement, operation and maintenance and sale or lease thereof.
§ 60-3. Taxes to be levied.
§ 60-4. Off-street parking facilities--Authority of council to establish minimum standards.
§ 60-5. Off-street parking facilities—Location.
§ 60-6. Off-street parking facilities—Exemption or reduction from tax where provided.
§ 60-7. Off-street parking facilities—Location of with reference to establishment served by.
§ 60-8. Off-street parking facilities—Availability to public or customers required for exemption.
§ 60-9. Tax exemption for off-street parking structures.
§ 60-10. Off-street parking facilities—County authorized to lease, operate, and maintain.
§ 60-11. Off-street parking facilities—Lease to Montgomery County Revenue Authority.
§ 60-12. Administration and enforcement generally.
§ 60-13. Reserved.
§ 60-14. Application for exemption; determination.
§ 60-15. Parking meters; enforcement of parking and standing regulations.
§ 60-16. Purpose of parking lot funds.



   Editor's note—In Hanrahan v. Alterman, 41 Md. App. 71, 396 A.2d 272 (1979), it was held that art. 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland is inapplicable to special taxing districts. Special tax districts are not municipal corporations, and do not have unlimited powers to sue and be sued, as do municipal corporations under article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Friendship Heights v. Funger, 265 Md. 339, 289 A.2d 329 (1972).
   Cross reference—Authority of citizens committees of special taxing districts to regulate, construct, maintain, etc., streets and roads, § 49-4.
   *Editor's note—In Galblum v. Board of Appeals of Montgomery County, 258 Md. 168, 265 A.2d 232 (1970), it was held that one could not obtain a variance from the zoning ordinance and use it to avoid compliance with this chapter. Chapter 60 is cited in Montgomery County v. Woodward & Lothrop, Inc., 280 Md. 686, 376 A.2d 483 (1977).
   2008 L.M.C., ch. 5, §§ 2 and 3, state:
   Sec. 2. Any responsibility or right granted by law, ordinance, regulation, delegation of authority, contracts, or other documents to the Department of Public Works and Transportation in connection with designing, building, and maintaining County facilities (except maintaining or renovating public parking facilities under Chapter 60, as provided for under Section 1 of this Act), maintaining County vehicles and equipment, acquiring and disposing of real property not associated with roads, bridges, and other related transportation facilities, and operating mail, printing, and duplication services, is transferred to the Department of General Services.
   2008 L.M.C., ch. 5, § 3, states: Sec. 3. Any regulation in effect when this Act takes effect that implements a function transferred to another Department or Office under Section 1 of this Act continues in effect, but any reference in any regulation to the Department from which the function was transferred must be treated as referring to the Department to which the function is transferred. The transfer of a function under this Act does not affect any right of a party to any legal proceeding begun before this Act took effect.
   Cross references—Special requirements for off-street public parking, § 31-22 et seq.; zoning requirements for off-street parking and loading, § 59-E-1.1 et seq.; zoning provisions relative to parking lot districts, § 59-E-3.1 et seq.
Sec. 60-1. Special taxing areas continued; areas defined.
   (a)   Silver Spring Parking Lot District. The Silver Spring Parking Lot District consists of all land within the area described as follows:
      (1)   Commencing at a point on the Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line at the intersection of the west right-of-way of Georgia Avenue within the Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line and running in a northwesterly direction along the Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line to its intersection with the east right-of-way of Sixteenth Street; thence in a northerly direction along the east right-of-way line of Sixteenth Street to its intersection with the northwest right-of-way line of Spring Street; thence in a northeasterly direction along the northern right-of-way line of Spring Street, crossing Second Avenue, First Avenue, Georgia Avenue and Alton Parkway, then southeasterly to its intersection with the northwest right-of-way line of Fairview Road; thence in a northeasterly direction approximately 390 feet along the northwest right-of- way line of Fairview Road to its intersection with the westward prolongation of the southwest line of Lots 1 and 2, Block B, Section 4, Woodside Park, as recorded January 30, 1923, in Plat Book 3, Plat 244, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence crossing Fairview Road in a southeasterly direction along the said southwest line of Lots 1 and 2, Block B, Section 4, Woodside Park, to its intersection with the southwest right-of-way line of Noyes Drive; thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwest right-of-way line of Noyes Drive to its intersection with the northwest right-of-way line of Colesville Road; thence crossing Colesville Road in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of the southeast right-of-way line of Colesville Road and the southwest line of the Silver Spring Public Library site, Parcel No. P959; thence along said line to the southeast right-of-way line of Ellsworth Drive; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southeast right-of-way line of Ellsworth Drive to its intersection with the common line of the Academy of the Holy Names site and the northeast line of Evanswood Sec. 1 Subdivision, also shown as the common lot line of Lot 9 and Lot 10, Evanswood Section One, as recorded March 2, 1932, in Plat Book 5, Plat 439 among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southeasterly direction along the northeast lot lines of Lots 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 as shown on aforesaid plat, crossing Pershing Drive along a prolongation of said line to its intersection with the southeast right-of-way line of Pershing Drive; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southeast right-of-way line of Cedar Street; thence in a southeasterly direction along the northeast right-of-way line of Cedar Street, crossing Wayne Avenue, to its intersection with the southeast right-of-way line of Wayne Avenue; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southeast right-of-way line of Wayne Avenue for approximately 750 feet, to its intersection with the east lot line of Lot 24, Block 4 in Jordan’s and Smith’s Addition to Silver Spring Park, as recorded June 2, 1925, in Plat Book 4, Plat 301, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southeasterly direction along the east line of Lot 24 to the southeast corner of Lot 24; thence in a southwesterly direction approximately 15 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 14, Block 4, Jordan’s and Smith’s Addition to Silver Spring Park, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southeasterly direction along the east line of Lot 14, as shown on aforesaid plat, to the northwest right-of-way line of Bonifant Street; thence in a southerly direction crossing Bonifant Street to the intersection of the southeastern right-of-way line of Bonifant Street and the northeast corner of Lot 5, Block U, Silver Spring Park, as shown in Plat Book 1, Plat 99, recorded April 4, 1909, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland, also being the same as the northeast corner of Montgomery County Public Parking Facility 29; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the east line of Lot 5 and the west line of Lot 6 as shown on the aforesaid plat, crossing Easley Street along the southern prolongation of said line to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Easley Street; thence in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Easley Street approximately 50 feet to its intersection with the common lot line being the west line of Lot 7 and the east lot line of Lot 28, Block P, Silver Spring Park, as shown in Plat Book 1, Plat 99 recorded April 4, 1909, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the common line of Lot 7 and Lot 28, Block P and the common line of Lot 18 and Lot 19, Block P, Silver Spring Park, as shown on aforesaid plat, crossing Thayer Avenue to the intersection of the south right-of-way line of Thayer Avenue and the common lot line being the east lot line of Lot 5 and the west lot line of Lot 6, Block G, as shown on a “Map of building Sites for Sale at Silver Spring,” as recorded May 23, 1904, in Plat Book 1, Plat 54, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line of Lot 5 and Lot 6, Block G, and with a prolongation of said line to the south right-of-way line of a 20-foot alley dividing Block G and Block H, as shown on aforesaid map of Silver Spring Building Sites; thence in a westerly direction approximately 50 feet along the south line of said alley to its intersection with the common lot line being the east line of Lot 4 and the west line of Lot 5, Block H, as shown on the aforesaid map of Silver Spring building Sites; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line of Lot 4 and Lot 5, Block H, to its intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Silver Spring Avenue; thence crossing Silver Spring Avenue to the intersection of the southern right-of-way line of Silver Spring Avenue and the common lot line being the east line of Lot 4 and the west line of Lot 5, Block I, as shown on the aforesaid map of Silver Spring Building Sites; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line of Lot 4 and Lot 5, Block I, crossing a 20-foot alley dividing Block I and Block J, as shown on aforesaid map of Silver Spring Building Sites, to its intersection with the south right-of- way line of said alley and the common lot line, being the east line of Lot 4 and the west line of Lot 5, Block J, as shown on aforesaid map of Silver Spring Building Sites; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line of Lot 4 and Lot 5, Block J, to its intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Sligo Avenue; thence along a southern prolongation of the said common lot line of Lot 4 and Lot 5, Block J, to its intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Sligo Avenue; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southern right-of-way line of Sligo Avenue to its intersection with the northeast corner of Lot 19, Block A, shown on a plat of Blair Section 1, recorded June 7, 1922 in Plat Book 3, Plat 229 among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the east line of Lot 19, Block A, to its intersection with the remainder of Lot 25, Block A, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction approximately 15 feet to its intersection with the northwest corner of Lot 51, Block A, as shown on a plat of Blair, Section 1, recorded November 16, 1935, in Plat Book 8, Plat 626, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of said Lot 51 to its intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Gist Avenue; thence along a southerly prolongation of the west line of said Lot 51 to the southern right-of-way line of Gist Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along the southern right-of-way line of Gist Avenue to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of Fenton Street; thence in a southerly direction along the eastern right- of-way line of Fenton Street crossing Philadelphia Avenue, Isington Street and New York Avenue to its intersection with the corporate limit line of the City of Takoma Park; thence in a southwesterly direction with the corporate limit line of the City of Takoma Park crossing the northeast right-of-way line of the B&O Railroad to its intersection with the southwest right-of-way line of the B&O Railroad; thence in a southeasterly direction with the southwest right-of-way line of the B&O Railroad to its intersection with the northeast right-of-way line of Blair Road; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeast right-of-way line of Blair Road to its intersection with a prolongation of the southeast line of Parcel One, Yost’s Addition to Silver Spring as shown in Plat Book 85, Plat 8874, recorded March 13, 1968, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southwesterly direction along said line to its intersection with the northeast line of Eastern Avenue, said line also being the Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line; thence in a northwesterly direction along the Maryland-District of Columbia boundary line to the point of beginning; and
      (2)   Beginning for the same on the west side of Georgia Avenue at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block A, Montgomery Hills Subdivision, as shown on a plat recorded among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland, in Plat Book 4, Plat No. 381; and running thence in a westerly direction with the south line of said Lot 1 to the rear corner of Lots 1 and 7, thence running northwest with the division line of said Lots 1 and 7 as shown on said plat to a point on the east line of Columbia Boulevard at the front corner of said Lots 1 and 7, thence running northeast with the east line of said Columbia Boulevard to the beginning of curve No. 13 as shown on said plat, thence running in a northwesterly direction across said Columbia Boulevard and Seminary Road to the southwest corner of Lot 7, Block J, Montgomery Hills Subdivision as shown on a plat recorded among the aforesaid land records in Plat Book 4, Plat No. 401, thence running north with the east line of Selway Lane as determined in Equity Cause No. 8141, to the northwest corner of said Lot 7, Block J, thence running north across the 20 foot alley and with the east line of Selway Lane as shown on said plat to the south line of the Childs Property, thence continuing in a northerly direction with an extension of said east line of Selway Lane a distance of 36 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Childs Property as shown on the above mentioned plat of Montgomery Hills Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 4, Plat No. 381, and running thence in an easterly direction with a part of said north line a distance of 29 feet, more or less, thence leaving said north line and running in a northerly direction crossing the Brookeville-Tenleytown Road and the Church Lot for a distance of 261 feet, more or less, to the south line of Lot 6 of the division of the Riley Property, thence continuing in a northerly direction across a part of said Lot 6, with the west line of the existing commercial zoning, a distance of 230.27 feet, thence running in an easterly direction, with the north line of the existing commercial zoning 150 feet to the west line of Georgia Avenue, being also the east line of Lot 6, said point being 250 feet measured along the west line of Georgia Avenue, from the southeast corner of Outlot A, Block D, as shown on a plat of The Valley Subdivision, recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Plat Book 21, Plat No. 1350, thence running in an easterly direction with the north line of said Outlot A, being also the south line of Flora Lane as shown on said plat, to the northeast corner of Outlot A, thence running in a southerly direction with the east line of Outlot A, being the west line of the 20 foot alley as shown on said plat, to the southeast corner of Outlot A, being also the northeast corner of Parcel A, Block 16 as shown on a plat of Section Three, Woodside Forest Subdivision, recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Plat Book 25, Plat No. 1583; thence running in a southerly direction with the east line of said Parcel A, being also the west line of the 20 foot alley as shown on said plat, to the southeast corner of Parcel A, thence continuing in a southerly direction across White Oak Drive to the northeast corner of Parcel A, Block 15, as shown on said plat, thence continuing in a southerly direction with the east line of said Parcel A, Block 15, being also the west line of said 20 foot alley, to the southeast corner of Parcel A, thence continuing in a southerly direction with the west line of said 20 foot alley as shown on another plat of Section Three, Woodside Forest recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Plat Book 20, Plat No. 1233, to the northeast corner of Lot 2, as shown on a plat of dedication for Columbia Boulevard recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Plat Book 5, Plat No. 443, thence continuing in a southerly direction with the east lines of Lots 2 to 12, inclusive, being also the west line of the 20 foot alley as shown on said dedication plat, to the north line of Columbia Boulevard, thence continuing in a southerly direction across said Columbia Boulevard to the northeast corner of Parcel A, Block B, as shown on a plat of Woodside Village recorded among the aforesaid Land Records in Plat Book 9, Plat No. 693, thence continuing in a southerly direction with the east line of said Parcel A, Block B, being also the west line of the 20 foot alley, and running across Corwin Drive to the northeast corner of Parcel A, Block A, as shown on said plat of Woodside Village, thence continuing in a southerly direction with the east line of said Parcel A and with the east line of Lot 17, Block A, being also the west line of said 20 foot alley as shown on said plat, to the southeast corner of said Lot 17, being on the north line of Ridge Road, now Luzerne Avenue; thence running in a southwesterly direction with the south line of Lot 17, being also the north line of said Ridge Road, now Luzerne Avenue, to the southwest corner of Lot 17, being on the east line of Georgia Avenue, thence running in a northerly direction with the east line of Georgia Avenue, being the westlines of said Lot 17 and Parcel A, Block A, as shown on said plat of Woodside Village, to the northwest corner of said Parcel A, being the intersection of said east line of Georgia Avenue with the south line of the aforesaid Corwin Drive, thence running in a northwesterly direction, diagonally across Georgia Avenue to the place of beginning.
There shall also be included within said district the property known as Lot 11, Block A, Montgomery Hills Subdivision, as shown on Plat No. 1648, Plat Book 26, recorded among the land records of Montgomery County.
There shall also be included within said district the property known as Lots 1, 2 and 7, Montgomery Hills Parking Lot No. 12, as recorded in Liber 1697, Folio 480 among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland.
There shall also be included within said district the following area: Beginning at the intersection of the northeast line of Georgia Avenue and the southerly line of Flora Lane and running in a northeasterly direction along the southerly line of Flora Lane to its intersection with westerly line of the 20 foot alley situated in Block 16, Section 3, Woodside Forest, thence due north along a straight line to its intersection with the northerly side of Flora Lane, thence in a southwesterly direction along the northerly line of Flora Lane to its intersection with the northeast line of Georgia Avenue, thence in a southeasterly direction along the northeast line of Georgia Avenue to the point of beginning.
There shall also be included within said district the property known as Lots 18, 19, 20, 1, and 2, Block I, Montgomery Hills Subdivision, as shown on Plat No. 381, Plat Book 4, recorded among the lands records of Montgomery County.
There shall also be included within said district the property known as part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block A, Section 1, North Woodside; as shown on Plat No. 250, Plat Book 3, recorded among the land records of Montgomery County and more particularly described as follows:
Being for the same at a pipe set at the intersection of the North line of Luzerne Avenue with the West line of 16th Street Extension as shown on Maryland State Roads Commission Plat No. 16876, thence with the North line of Luzerne Avenue, being also the south line of said Lot 3;
         (A)   Along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 2242.01 feet, a distance of 23.22 feet, chord S 64 degrees 44' 24" W 23.22 feet to a pipe at the rear corner of Lots 3 and 4, Block A, thence with the rear lines of Lots 3, 2 and 1, Block A, as resurveyed.
         (B)   N 17 degrees 09' 14" W 196.01 feet to a pipe at the rear corner of Lots 1 and 2 thence with a part of the north line of Lot 1, as resurveyed.
         (C)   N 78 degrees 55' 40" E 102.35 feet to intersect the aforesaid west line of 16th Street, thence with said line, two (2) courses.
         (D)   S 40 degrees 57' 20" E 3.00 feet to intersect a curve to the right, thence,
         (E)   Along the arc of said curve 199.96 feet, chord S 06 degrees 54' 45" W 196.05 feet, to the place of beginning, containing 14,331 square feet of land.
There must also be included in the aforegoing described area any lot partially within and partially without the described area.
   (b)   Bethesda Parking Lot District. The Bethesda Parking Lot District consists of all land within the area described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the east right-of-way line of Wisconsin Avenue at the northwest corner of Lot 47, Block 1, in the resubdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3 of Rosedale Park, as recorded January 9, 1939, in Plat Book 16, Plat 1038, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of Lot 47 and Lot 48 to the northeast corner of Lot 48 as shown on aforesaid plat; said line also being the north line of Block 1 of the Rosedale Park Subdivision, as recorded August 5, 1908, in Plat Book 1, Plat 92, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of Block 1 in the Rosedale Park Subdivision to the northeast corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Rosedale Park, as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the east line of Lot 5 and the west lot of Lot 6, Block 1, Rosedale Park, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Chestnut Street, as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence crossing Chestnut Street to the northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 3, Rosedale Park, as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lot 7, Block 3, Rosedale Park, to the northwest corner of Lot 16, Block 3, Rosedale Park, as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence along the west line of Lot 16, Block 3, Rosedale Park, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Rosedale Avenue; thence crossing Rosedale Avenue to the northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 7, Rosedale Park, as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lot 7, Block 7, Rosedale Park, to the northwest corner of Lot 15, Block 7, Rosedale Park, as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lot 15, Block 7, Rosedale Park, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Maple Avenue; thence along the north right-of-way line of Maple Avenue to its intersection with the west right-of-way line of Tilbury Street; thence in a southerly direction along the west right-of-way line of Tilbury Street, crossing Maple Avenue and Highland Avenue to the south line of Highland Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Highland Avenue to its intersection with the northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 5, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as recorded April 31, 1916, in Plat Book 2, Plat 186, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the east line of Lot 8 and the west line of Lot 9, Block 5, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat, crossing a public alley to the northwest corner of Lot 18, Block 5, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of Lot 18, Block 5, to the northeast corner of Lot 18, Block 5, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the east line of Lot 18 and the west line of Lot 19, Block 5, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of West Virginia Avenue, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of West Virginia Avenue to its intersection with a northern prolongation of the west lot line of Lot 15, Block 9, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along said prolongation, crossing West Virginia Avenue to the northwest corner of Lot 15, Block 9, West Chevy Chase Heights, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the west line of Lot 15 and the east line of Lot 14, to the southwest corner of Lot 15, Block 9, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of a ten-foot-wide alley as dedicated on aforesaid plat to its intersection with a northern prolongation of the west line of Lot 21, Block 9, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along said prolongation, crossing a ten-foot-wide alley to the northwest corner of Lot 21, Block 9, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the west line of Lot 21 and the east line of Lot 20, Block 9, West Chevy Chase Heights Subdivision, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Chase Avenue, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Chase Avenue to its intersection with a northerly prolongation of the west line of Outlot “A,” Block 1, Westboro Subdivision, as recorded July 12, 1937, in Plat Book 12, Plat 839, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along said prolongation, crossing Chase Avenue, and continuing along the common line being the east line of a twenty-foot public alley and the west line of Outlot “A,” Block 1, Westboro Subdivision, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Cheltenham Drive, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Cheltenham Drive to its intersection with the west right-of-way line of Tilbury Street; thence in a southerly direction along the west right-of-way line of Tilbury Street crossing Cheltenham Drive and along a prolongation of said right-of-way line of Tilbury Street to its intersection with the north line of Rabner’s Subdivision, as recorded May 11, 1936, in Plat Book 9, Plat 675, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in an easterly direction along said north line of Rabner’s Subdivision to the northeast corner of Lot 6, Rabner’s Subdivision, as shown on the aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the east line of Lot 6 and the west line of Lot 7, Rabner’s Subdivision, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Middleton Lane, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a westerly direction along the north right-of-way line of Middleton Lane to its intersection with a northern prolongation of the common lot line being the east line of Lot 2 and the west line of Lot 3, Mae S. Middleton’s Subdivision, as recorded December 31, 1935, in Plat Book 8, Plat 639, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line between Lot 2 and Lot 3, Middleton’s Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat, to its intersection with the north line of the George G. Bradley Subdivision, as recorded December 31, 1935, in Plat Book 8, Plat 635, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of the George G. Bradley Subdivision to the northwest corner of Lot 5, George G. Bradley Subdivision; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lot 5, George G. Bradley Subdivision, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Avondale Street, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence crossing Avondale Street to the northwest corner of Lot 22, George G. Bradley Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southerly direction along the west line of Lot 22 to its intersection with the southern line of the George G. Bradley Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of George G. Bradley Subdivision to the southeast corner of Lot 14, George G. Bradley Subdivision, said point also being the intersection of the east and south line of the George G. Bradley Subdivision as shown on the aforesaid plat, and also the northeast corner of Parcel A, Waverly House, as recorded November 12, 1976, in Plat Book 101, Plat 11383, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the east line of Parcel A, Waverly House, as shown on the aforesaid plat to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of East-West Highway; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of East-West Highway to its intersection with the east right-of-way line of Pearl Street; thence in a southerly direction along the east right-of-way line of Pearl Street crossing East-West Highway to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Montgomery Avenue; thence in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Montgomery Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, second plat, Imirie’s Subdivision, as recorded February 13, 1934, in Plat Book 5, Plat 477, among the land records in Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along a prolongation of the east line of Lot 1, Block 1, Imirie’s Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat, crossing Montgomery Avenue, to the northeast corner of Parcel A, Block 6, Highland Park Subdivision, as recorded May 10, 1979, in Plat Book 107, Plat 12432, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the east line of Parcel A, Block 6, Highland Park Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of the B&O Railroad; thence in a southwesterly direction with the north right-of-way line of the B&O Railroad to its intersection with the east line of Pearl Street; thence in a southerly direction crossing the B&O Railroad right-of-way along a prolongation of the east right-of-way line of Pearl Street to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of the B&O Railroad; thence in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of the B&O Railroad right-of-way to its intersection with the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block L, Section 8-B Chevy Chase Subdivision, as recorded July 29, 1926, in Plat Book 4, Plat 336, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line being the west line of Lot 2 and the east line of Lot 1, Block L, Section 8-B Chevy Chase Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Elm Street; thence in a westerly direction along the north right-of-way line of Elm Street to its intersection with a northerly prolongation of the west right-of-way line of 47th Street; thence in a southerly direction along said prolongation crossing Elm Street and continuing in a southerly direction along the west right-of-way line of 47th Street, crossing Willow Lane to the south right-of-way line of Willow Lane; thence in an easterly direction along the south right-of-way line of Willow Lane to its intersection with the west right-of-way line of 46th Street; thence in a southerly direction along the west right-of-way line of 46th Street, crossing Leland Street and Walsh Street to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Walsh Street; thence in an easterly direction along the south right-of-way line of Walsh Street to its intersection with the west right-of-way line of West Avenue; thence in a southerly direction along the west right-of-way line of West Avenue, crossing Stanford Street, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Bradley Lane; thence in a westerly direction along the north right-of-way line of Bradley Lane to its intersection with the east right-of-way line of Wisconsin Avenue; thence crossing Wisconsin Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Section 1, Bradley Hills - Bethesda Subdivision, as recorded August 10, 1957, in Plat Book 60, Plat 4990, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northwesterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Bradley Boulevard to its intersection with a southern prolongation of the east right-of-way line of Strathmore Street; thence in a northerly direction along the east right-of-way line of Strathmore Street crossing Leland Street to the north right-of-way line of Leland Street at the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Plat of Section One, George P. Sack’s Subdivision Bethesda, as recorded November 24, 1931, in Plat Book 5, Plat 435, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along the common lot line being the west line of Lot 2 and the east line of Lot 3, Block 1, George P. Sack’s Subdivision, to its intersection with the north line of George P. Sack’s Subdivision as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of George P. Sack’s Subdivision to the northwest corner of Lot 11, Block 1, George P. Sack’s Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of George P. Sack’s Subdivision to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of the Metropolitan and Southern Branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; thence in a westerly direction along the prolongation of aforesaid subdivision line to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of said railroad; thence in a southerly direction along the north line of said railroad right-of-way, crossing Bradley Boulevard, to its intersection with a southern prolongation of the west line of Parcel “EYE,” Bradley Hills, Section 2, as recorded December 16, 1954, in Plat Book 50, Plat 3893, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along the west line of Parcel “EYE,” Bradley Hills Section 2 Subdivision, to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Bradley Boulevard, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a northerly direction, crossing Bradley Boulevard, to the southwest corner of Parcel B, Bradley Hill Subdivision, as recorded December 30, 1948, in Plat Book 25, Plat 1582, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along the west line of Parcel B, Bradley Hills Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat to its intersection with the southern boundary of Miller’s Addition to Bethesda Subdivision, as recorded October 23, 1946, in Plat Book 29, Plat 1823, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a westerly direction along the southern boundary of said subdivision to its intersection with the east line of Lot Pt 6, Block E, Miller’s Addition to Bethesda Subdivision, as recorded by deed dated September 2, 1948, and described as Parcel No. 1 in Liber 1185, Folio 513, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along said east line of Lot Pt 6, Block E, to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Bethesda Avenue; thence crossing Bethesda Avenue to the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Bethesda Avenue and the east line of Lot Pt 6, Block D, Miller’s Addition to Bethesda Subdivision, as recorded by deed dated September 2, 1948, and described as Parcel No. 2 in Liber 1185, Folio 513, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along said east line of Lot Pt 6, Block D, to its intersection with the south line of another Lot Pt 6, Block D, Miller’s Addition to Bethesda Subdivision, as recorded by deed dated July 14, 1949, in Liber 1274, Folio 367, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of aforesaid Lot Pt 6, Block D, to the southwest corner of Lot Pt 8, Block D, as recorded by deed dated July 14, 1949, in Liber 1274, Folio 367, among the land records for Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of aforesaid Lot Pt 8, Block D, to the southeast corner of aforesaid Lot Pt 8, Block D; thence in a northerly direction along the east line of aforesaid Lot Pt 8, Block D, to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Elm Street; thence in an easterly direction along the south right-of-way line of Elm Street, crossing Arlington Road, to its intersection with the east right-of-way line of Arlington Road; thence in a northerly direction along the east right-of-way line of Arlington Road, crossing Elm Street and Hampden Lane, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Hampden Lane; thence in an easterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Hampden Lane to the southeast corner of Lot 9, Block 24D, Edgemoor Subdivision, as recorded June 4, 1935, in Plat Book 7, Plat 573, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland, said point also being on the west line of a public alley running between Hampden Lane and Montgomery Lane and also the proposed western right-of-way line for Woodmont Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along the west line of said alley to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Montgomery Lane; thence crossing Montgomery Lane to the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Montgomery Lane and the west right-of-way line of Woodmont Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along the west right-of-way line of Woodmont Avenue, crossing North Lane, Edgemoor Lane and Middlesex Lane to its intersection with the northeast line of Lot 1, Block 12B, Edgemoor Subdivision, as recorded August 13, 1925, in Plat Book 4, Plat 308, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeast line of Lot 1, Block 12B to its intersection with the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 12B, Edgemoor Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southeast line of Lot 5, Block 12B, to its intersection with the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block 12B, Edgemoor Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a northwesterly direction along the common lot line being the southwest line of Lot 5, and northeast line of Lot 4, Block 12B, Edgemoor Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat, to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Moorland Lane; thence in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Moorland Lane to its intersection with the east right-of-way line of Arlington Road; thence in a northerly direction along the east right-of-way line of Arlington Road to its intersection with the southwest right-of-way line of Old Georgetown Road; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southwest right-of-way line of Old Georgetown Road, crossing Arlington Road, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Wilson Lane; thence in a westerly direction along the north right-of-way line of Wilson Lane, crossing Cordell Avenue, to its intersection with the west right-of-way line of Cordell Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along the west right-of-way line of Cordell Avenue to its intersection with the common lot line being the north line of Lot 5 and the south line of Lot 4, Block L, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as recorded July 24, 1925, in Plat Book 4, Plat 304, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a westerly direction along the common lot line of Lots 4 and 5 as shown on aforesaid plat to its intersection with the east line of Lot 6, Block L, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a northerly direction along the east line of Lot 6 to the southernmost corner of Lot 21, Block L, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as recorded November 30, 1951, in Plat Book 41, Plat 2973, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southwest lines of Lots 21, 20 and 1, Block L, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Del Ray Avenue; thence in a westerly direction along the south right-of-way line of Del Ray Avenue to its intersection with the common lot line dividing Lot 16 and Lot 17, Block L, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as recorded August 24, 1923, in Plat Book 3, Plat 261, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence crossing Del Ray Avenue to the southwest corner of Lot 8, Block K, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as recorded February 26, 1962, in Plat Book 70, Plat 6614, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along the west line of Lot 8, Block K, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision to the southwest corner of Lot 29, Block K, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southern lot lines of Lots 7, 6 and 5, Block K, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as recorded August 24, 1923, in Plat Book 3, Plat 261, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland, to the southwest corner of Lot 5, Block K, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southern line of Lot 35, Block K, Section 2, Battery Park Subdivision, to its intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Glenbrook Road, as recorded June 6, 1980, in Plat Book 111, Plat 12996, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southern right-of-way line of Glenbrook Road to the southwest right-of-way line of Old Georgetown Road; thence crossing Old Georgetown Road to the intersection of the northeast right-of-way line of Old Georgetown Road and the southeast right-of-way of Glenbrook Road; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southeast right-of-way line of Glenbrook Road to the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block A, Samuel T. Robertsons Addition to Bethesda Subdivision, as recorded January 9, 1930, in Plat Book 5, Plat 407, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southeasterly direction along the northeast line of Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Samuel T. Robertsons Addition to Bethesda Subdivision, to its intersection with the southeast boundary line for Samuel T. Robertsons Addition to Bethesda Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat, said subdivision boundary also being the common subdivision boundary with Woodmont Subdivision as recorded November 13, 1894, in Plat Book 1, Plat 4, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northeasterly direction along the common subdivision boundary line between Samuel T. Robertsons Addition to Bethesda and Woodmont Subdivisions to its intersection with the southwest right-of-way line of Norfolk Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along the common subdivision boundary line between Samuel T. Robertsons Addition to Bethesda and Woodmont Subdivisions, crossing Rugby Avenue to its intersection with the southern boundary line of Northwest Park Subdivision, as recorded October 10, 1910, in Plat Book 2, Plat 134, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in an easterly direction along the common subdivision boundary line between Northwest Park and Woodmont Subdivisions to its intersection with the westernmost line of Lot 633, Woodmont Subdivision, as recorded October 8, 1982, in Plat Book 119, Plat 14027, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along the westernmost line of Lot 633, Woodmont Subdivision, to its intersection with the northernmost line of Lot 633, Woodmont Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction along the northernmost line of Lot 633, Woodmont Subdivision, to its intersection with the east line of Lot 633, Woodmont Subdivision, said line also being the west line of Lot 45, Block 1, Northwest Park Subdivision, as recorded October 10, 1910, in Plat Book 2, Plat 134, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a southerly direction along the common lot line of Lot 633, Woodmont Subdivision and Lot 45, Block 1, Northwest Park Subdivision, to its intersection with the northern boundary line of the Woodmont Subdivision as shown on aforesaid plats; thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of the Woodmont Subdivision as recorded November 13, 1894, in Plat Book 1, Plat 4, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland, to its intersection with the west line of Montgomery County Public Parking Facility No. 35 site as recorded in Liber 2388, Folio 521; thence in a northerly direction along the west line of Public Parking Facility No. 35 to its intersection with the north line of Public Parking Facility No. 35; thence in an easterly direction along the north line of Public Parking Facility No. 35 to its intersection with the western right-of-way line of Woodmont Avenue; thence in a northerly direction along the western right-of-way line of Woodmont Avenue to its intersection with the southern right-of-way line of Battery Lane; thence in a northerly direction, crossing Battery Lane, to the northern right-of-way line of Battery Lane at the southeast corner of Lot 47, Block 2, Northwest Park Subdivision, as recorded October 10, 1910, in Plat Book 2, Plat 134, among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland; thence in a northerly direction along the east line of Lot 47, Block 2, Northwest Park Subdivision, said line also being the west line of Lot 20, Block 2, Northwest Park Subdivision, to its intersection with the northern boundary line for the Northwest Park Subdivision, as shown on aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundary line of the Northwest Park Subdivision to its intersection with the west right-of-way line of Wisconsin Avenue; thence in an easterly direction, crossing Wisconsin Avenue, to the point of beginning.
There must also be included in the aforegoing described area any lot partially within and partially without the described area.
   (c)   Wheaton Parking Lot District. The Wheaton Parking Lot District consists of all land within the area described as follows:
Beginning for the same on the west side of Amherst Drive at the southeast corner of Parcel B in Block A, Wheaton Forest Subdivision, as delineated on a plat recorded among the land records of Montgomery County, Maryland, in Plat Book 34 on Plat No. 2306; and running thence west with the south line of said Block A, to the east side of Georgia Avenue as delineated on said plat of Wheaton Forest; thence running northwest and crossing Georgia Avenue to the P. T. of the Fillet Curve on Lot 6, Block H, Triangle Park as per plat recorded among said land records in Plat Book 26 on Plat No. 1659, said point also being on the northeasterly side of Viers Mill Road; thence northwest with the northeasterly side of Viers Mill Road to the southeasterly side of the 20 foot alley contained in Block E, said point being also the western corner of Lot 6, Block E, of said Triangle Park Subdivision; thence leaving the northeasterly side of Viers Mill Road and crossing said Viers Mill Road southwest and running with the southeasterly side of a 20 foot alley contained in Block D, Triangle Park as delineated on a plat recorded among said Land Records in Plat Book 20 on Plat No. 1251, to the westerly dedicated limits of said alley in said Block D; thence continuing on same course, still southwest 240 feet, more or less; thence leaving said line extended and running in a northwest direction and crossing the Kensington-Wheaton Road and running with the northeasterly limits of Block F, Section 2, Kensington View as delineated on a plat recorded among said Land Records in Plat Book No. 4 on Plat No. 303 to the southeasterly side of Kensington Boulevard; thence northeast with said southeasterly side of Kensington Boulevard, as is planned to be extended, across Viers Mill Road to the west corner of Lot 1, Block B, Triangle Park as delineated on a plat recorded among said Land Records in Plat Book No. 4 on Plat No. 338; thence with the southerly side of Kensington Boulevard in an easterly direction and crossing Wheaton Hill Road to a point on the easterly direction and crossing Wheaton Hill Road to a point on the easterly side of said Wheaton Hill Road, said point being also the north corner of Lot 16, Block A, as delineated on said plat of Triangle Park recorded among said Land Records in Plat Book 4 on Plat No. 338; thence running with the easterly side of Wheaton Hill Road northeast to the south side of Blueridge Avenue, said point also being the P. T. of Fillet curve No. 4 and generally the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 44, as delineated on Plat No. 9, Wheaton Hills recorded among said Land Records in Plat Book 32 on Plat 2058; thence with the southerly side of Blueridge Avenue, with the arc of a curve to the left in a general easterly direction, to the east side of Grandview Avenue; thence with the east side of Grandview Avenue north to the common front corner of Lots 19 and 20, Block 27, as delineated on said Plat No. 9, Wheaton Hills; thence leaving the east side of Grandview Avenue and running with the dividing line of said Lots 19 and 20, and Lots 9 and 10, Block 27 of said Plat No. 9, Wheaton Hills east to the west side of Georgia Avenue; thence with the west side of Georgia Avenue and running south, approximately 200 feet; thence leaving the said west side of Georgia Avenue and crossing same and running east with the northerly subdivision limits of Villa Verde Subdivision as delineated on a plat recorded among the said Land Records in Plat Book No. 4 on Plat No. 388 to the northeast corner of Lot 8, Villa Verde; thence in a southerly direction along the east line of said Lot 8, Villa Verde and crossing Blueridge Avenue to the intersection of the prolongation of the east line of Lot 8, Villa Verde and the south line of Blueridge Avenue; thence along the south line of Blueridge Avenue to approximately 125 feet east of the east line of Amherst Avenue, the same being a point on the dividing line between Lot 1, Block 1, Wheaton Manor, and the property occupied by Columbia Broadcasting Company as shown on plat recorded in said Land Records in Plat Book 45 on Plat No. 3390; thence in a southerly direction along said line to its intersection with the northerly line of Lot 3, Block 1, Wheaton Manor; thence in an easterly direction along said northerly line of Lot 3, Block 1, Wheaton Manor, to its intersection with the easterly line of said Lot 3, Block 1, thence in a southerly direction along said easterly line of Lot 3, Block 1 to the intersection of the prolongation of said line with the southerly line of University Boulevard West (formerly Old Bladensburg Road); thence in a northeasterly direction along said southerly line of University Boulevard West to its intersection with the west line of Amherst Avenue (formerly Vernosia Place); thence in a southerly direction along the said west line of Amherst Avenue, crossing Reedie Drive and Prichard Road to the point of beginning.
There must also be included in the aforegoing described area any lot partially within and partially without such area zoned for commercial or industrial use. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 44-1; 1968 L.M.C., ch. 2, § 1; 1968 Ex. Sess., ch. 20, § 1; 1979 L.M.C., ch. 48, § 1; 1982 L.M.C., ch. 22, § 1; 1985 L.M.C., ch. 5, § 1; 2005 L.M.C., ch. 35, § 1; 2017 L.M.C., ch. 20, §1; 2018 L.M.C., ch. 3, §1.)
Sec. 60-2. Acquisition of land for parking lots; improvement, operation, maintenance and sale or lease thereof.
   (a)   To provide off-street parking facilities for the use of the public in and for each district, the County may acquire by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise any land in a district, or any land outside any district, if the land is located in whole or in part within 600 feet of the boundary of any district as created or modified, after public hearing under Section 11B-46. After acquiring any land, the County may improve the land for use as off-street parking lots and operate and maintain a parking facility under this Chapter.
   (b)   Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the county may utilize any property acquired with parking lot district funds for purposes other than off-street parking or may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of property or portions of property, including mineral rights, air rights, and easements, on the condition that the county reimburse the district affected the fair market value of the property disposed of or used for purposes which do not provide for off-street parking. However, the county need not reimburse a parking lot district at fair market value for the transfer of interests in property as authorized under subsection (c). The county executive may issue regulations under method (2) to implement this subsection.
   (c)   Locating affordable housing near property devoted to commercial, industrial, and general business uses benefits businesses located in the district. Therefore, the county executive may, for less than fair market value, lease property acquired with parking lot district tax funds or transfer the air rights or an easement to property acquired with parking lot district tax funds, if the county executive, by executive order:
      (1)   provides that the interest in property to be transferred must be used for:
         (A)   a productivity housing project under chapter 25B, Article 4, Productivity Housing Program; or
         (B)   an opportunity housing project under chapter 56, Article VI, Housing Opportunity Act.
   However, the county executive may allow up to 20% of the gross floor area of the housing project to be used for retail purposes if the retail use is compatible with the surrounding property;
      (2)   determines that the property to be transferred is not reasonably expected to be needed for parking in the foreseeable future;
      (3)   determines that the property to be transferred is not required to assure revenue necessary to pay outstanding or planned bonded indebtedness; and
      (4)   determines that the transfer of property is consistent with the obligations of the County under any outstanding bond agreements. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 44-2; 1985 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 1; FY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1; 2010 L.M.C., ch. 49, § 1.)
Sec. 60-3. Taxes to be levied.
   (a)   The council is hereby authorized, beginning with the fiscal year 1968-69, to levy and cause to be collected annually special taxes in the nature of ad valorem taxes not to exceed the following amounts on the described property within each district:
      (1)   A tax of one dollar ($1.00) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed value of real property, including both the value of the improvements, if any, and the value of the land, which is used in whole or in part for commercial, industrial or general business purposes, and a similar tax of one dollar ($1.00) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed value of all tangible personal property located on such land or within such improvements.
      (2)   A tax of fifty cents ($0.50) on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed value of real property, including both the value of the improvements, if any, and the value of the land, which is not used for commercial, industrial or general business purposes, but which is classified, or shown on any zoning plan or master plan adopted by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission as recommended for classification, in a zone permitting a commercial, industrial or general business use; provided, that any tax levied under this paragraph (2) shall not exceed one-half of the tax levied under paragraph (1) above, and provided further that no such tax shall be levied on any property which on the effective date of this chapter is improved by a residence of permanent construction so long as such property is used exclusively for nontransient residence purposes.
   (b)   As used in subsection (a) above the phrase "used for commercial, industrial or general business purposes" shall include any property which is designed for or devoted to such use.
   (c)   The classification of property in a zone, as the phrase is used in subsection (a) above, refers to the classification of property under chapter 85 of this Code and all ordinances and regulations adopted thereunder, as now or hereafter amended.
   (d)   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the special taxes authorized in this section shall be levied and collected, have the same standing and priority, bear the same interest and penalties, and in every respect be treated the same as ordinary taxes.
   (e)   Railroad yards and rights-of-way, other than passenger stations, shall be exempt from the taxes prescribed by this section. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 44-3; 1967 L.M.C., ch. 4, § 1; 1970 L.M.C., ch. 27, § 1.)
Sec. 60-4. Off-street parking facilities-Authority of council to establish minimum standards.
   (a)   The county council is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt and amend by ordinance standards, schedules and regulations for off-street parking facilities in order to qualify land and improvements for exemption from the ad valorem tax in any parking lot district as authorized by section 60-6. Any ordinance adopted hereunder shall be in accordance with the procedures prescribed by section 2-105.
   (b)   Any land and improvements within a parking lot district now qualified, or which may hereafter qualify for exemption from the ad valorem tax, shall not lose that exemption by subsequent amendments of the standards, schedules and regulations adopted under subsection (a) hereof, but will be held to the same standards, schedules, and regulations and provisions as were applicable when such exemption was obtained. The standards applicable at the time of issuance of a building permit shall apply to subsequent applications of the same land and improvements for an exemption under this chapter.
   (c)   Any vacant parcel of land which does not provide parking facilities for any particular commercial or other establishment listed in this section shall be entitled to complete exemption from the taxes prescribed in this section, if the entire area thereof is made available for off-street parking in compliance with all other applicable requirements of this chapter. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 44-4.)