(a) Required submissions. A person subject to this Chapter must submit to the Director the following information with each application for a sediment control permit:
(1) a plan delineating:
(A) the property boundaries;
(B) the proposed limits of disturbance, including any off-site areas;
(C) any shade tree planting locations and the required open surface area for each planting location;
(2) a table summarizing:
(A) the square footage of the property;
(B) the square footage of the limits of disturbance of the proposed activity;
(D) the open surface area surrounding each shade tree planting location; and
(3) any additional information specified by regulation.
(b) Qualification of preparer. A professional engineer, land surveyor, architect, or other person qualified to certify an erosion and sediment control plan under Chapter 19 is also qualified to submit the information required under this Chapter.
(c) Incomplete submissions. The Director must not accept an incomplete submission.
(d) Review of submissions. Each submission required under this Chapter must be reviewed along with any submission required under Article I of Chapter 19.
(e) Coordination of review. The Director may coordinate the review of any information submitted under subsection (a) with one or more other agencies as appropriate. If the Director coordinates the review with other agencies, the reviews must be performed concurrently and in accordance with any review coordination required under Chapter 19.
(f) Issuance of sediment control permit. The Director must not issue a sediment control permit to a person that is subject to this Chapter until:
(1) the Director has approved the applicant’s planting plan;
(2) the applicant pays any fee required under this Article; and
(g) Validity period. An approved shade tree planting plan remains valid for the length of the associated sediment control permit.
(h) Application requirement. To prevent circumvention of this Chapter, the Director may require a person to apply for a sediment control permit if that person limits the removal of tree canopy or limits land disturbing or construction activities below the requirements for a sediment control permit and within the next 10 years disturbs additional tree canopy or land on the same property, or conducts other activities, such that in the aggregate a sediment control permit would have been required. (2013 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 1.)
(a) Permission to gain access. The Director may enter any property permitted under this Chapter to inspect the property and enforce this Chapter while the permit is in effect.
(b) Plan to be on site; field markings. A copy of the approved limits of disturbance, including planting locations and minimum open surface areas, must be available on the site for inspection by the Director. Field markings must exist on site before and during installation of all newly planted shade trees, sediment and erosion control measures, construction, or other land disturbing activities.
(c) Inspections. The Director must conduct field inspections for any activity subject to this Chapter along with any inspection required for a sediment control permit under Article I of Chapter 19. The Director may authorize additional inspections or meetings as necessary to administer this Chapter.
(d) Timing of inspections. The inspections required under this Section must occur after all construction activities are completed to determine the level of compliance with shade tree planting requirements. (2013 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 1.)
(a) Regulations. Except as otherwise provided, the County Executive must adopt regulations, including a technical manual, to administer this Chapter, under Method 2.
(b) Technical manual. The technical manual must include guidance and methods to:
(1) preserve trees onsite where possible;
(2) identify, map, and evaluate the suitability of planting site locations, including acceptable shapes of open surface areas and the use of County rights-of-way;
(3) identify criteria for acceptable species, sizes, and health of newly planted shade trees;
(4) identify criteria for acceptable installation techniques; and
(5) otherwise comply with program requirements, consistent with this Chapter and applicable regulations.
(c) Administrative fee. The County Executive may, by Method 2 regulation, adopt a schedule of fees to administer this Chapter.
(d) Reports. On or before March 1 of each year, the Directors of Permitting Services and Environmental Protection must jointly submit an annual report on the County shade tree planting program to the County Council and County Executive.
(e) Comprehensive planting plan. The Director of Environmental Protection must adopt and maintain a comprehensive County-wide shade tree planting plan to specify appropriate uses for funds in the Tree Canopy Conservation Account. The Director should develop the plan after consulting other County agencies and the Planning Department.
(f) Survival and mortality analysis. The Department of Environmental Protection must collect data on shade trees planted under this Chapter, and those planted under other programs, to evaluate and provide guidance to the County’s tree canopy programs.
(g) Tree canopy plan. The Director of Environmental Protection, after consulting other County agencies, the Planning Department, the Forest Conservation Advisory Committee, organizations representing development and environmental interests, and the public, must propose to the Executive and Council recommendations regarding:
(1) tree canopy goals for the County; and
(2) a comprehensive strategy to increase the number of trees planted in the County. (2013 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 1.)
(a) Established. A Department assigned by the Executive must create a County Tree Canopy Conservation Account. The Account must be used as provided in this Chapter and the adopted operating budget.
(b) Use of funds. The assigned Department must use funds deposited in the Tree Canopy Conservation Account only to plant and maintain shade trees, including costs directly related to site identification, preparation, and other activities that increase tree canopy. Funds deposited into the Account must not revert to the General Fund and must not be used to hire additional County staff or to supplant funds otherwise appropriated to plant and maintain shade trees and enhance tree canopy.
(c) Fines. Any fine collected for noncompliance with shade tree planting requirements must be deposited in a separate account in the Tree Canopy Conservation Account and must be used to administer this Chapter.
(d) Plantings.
(1) Shade trees native to the Piedmont area of the County should be used, if feasible, to meet the mitigation requirements of this Chapter.
(2) The planting of shade trees under this Chapter must occur in the subwatershed where the project is located, if feasible. Otherwise the shade trees may be planted anywhere in the County.
(3) In planting trees under this paragraph, the assigned Department must give highest priority to those areas of the County, such as central business districts and other urban and suburban areas, that have relatively low tree canopy coverage. (2013 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 1.)
(a) Compliance. The Director may issue a notice of violation, corrective order, stop-work order, or civil citation to any person that causes or allows a violation of this Chapter.
(b) Civil penalty. A violation of this Chapter is a Class A violation. The maximum civil penalty for any violation of this Chapter or any regulation adopted under this Chapter is $1,000. Each day that a violation continues is a separate offense. (2013 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 1.)