(a) Outdoor public swimming pools owned or operated by Montgomery County and all indoor public swimming pools, except public spas, shall be made accessible to persons with mobility impairment not later than January 1, 1986.
(b) "Accessible" includes access to the pool's edge and a means to enter and exit the water.
(c) The approving authority shall develop in conjunction with each pool owner a plan of compliance specifying the levels of impairment to be accommodated, the equipment to be provided, and a schedule for completion. The approving authority may waive this requirement on a determination of unreasonable hardship, as where access to the pool's edge would involve major structural changes to elevators, stairwells, or hallways, or where the restricted size of the deck or pool makes access unfeasible, or where use by persons with mobility impairment is, as a practical matter, unforeseeable.
(d) The pool owner is responsible for maintaining any equipment necessary to provide accessibility but is not required to provide personnel to operate the equipment. (1985 L.M.C., ch. 42, § 1.)