General Provisions
152.001 Purpose
Historic Preservation Commission
152.010 Creation
152.011 Joint ordinance
152.012 Representation
152.013 Tenure
152.014 Attendance at meetings
152.015 Meetings
152.016 Rules of procedure
152.017 Quorum and vote required for recommendation
152.018 Private interest of members
152.019 Commission powers
Designation of Historic Districts
152.030 Adoption of an ordinance of designation of an historic district
152.031 Definition of character of an historic district
152.032 Required procedures
Designation of Landmarks
152.040 Adoption of an Ordinance of Designation of Landmarks
152.041 Inventory of landmarks
152.042 Required procedures
Alteration of Demolition of Designated Landmark or Historic District
152.050 Certificate of Appropriateness
152.051 Limitation on jurisdiction over interior spaces
152.052 Application for Certificate of Appropriateness
152.053 Contents of an application for Certificate of Appropriateness
152.054 Time for Hearing Applications of Certificate of Appropriateness
152.055 Notification by Historic Preservation Commission of affected property owners
152.056 Public hearing
152.057 Action on an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness
152.058 Review criteria for Certificates of Appropriateness
152.059 Minor work
152.060 Certain changes not prohibited
152.061 Appeals
152.062 Submission of new applications
Delay of Demolition of Landmarks and Buildings within Historic Districts
152.080 Delay by Historic Preservation Commission
152.081 Delay pending designation as district or landmark
152.082 Prevention of demolition by neglect
152.083 Structures having statewide significance
Records of Commission
152.090 Record of action taken by Commission
152.100 Receipt and expenditure of funds
152.110 Staff and technical services
152.120 Ownership of property
Publicly Owned Buildings and Structures
152.130 Ordinance to apply to publicly owned buildings and structures
Other Laws
152.140 Conflict with other laws
152.150 Remedies