(A)   It is the intent of these criteria, and the design guidelines, to insure, insofar as possible, that changes to a designated landmark (or structures in a historic district) shall be in harmony with the reasons for designation.
   (B)   When considering a Certificate of Appropriateness, the Historic Preservation Commission shall take into account the historic or architectural significance of the structure under consideration and the exterior form and appearance of any proposed additions or modifications to that structure, as well as the effect of such change or additions upon other structures in the vicinity. In a historic district, it is not the intention of these criteria or the guidelines to require the reconstruction or restoration of individual or original buildings or prohibit the demolition or removal of same or to impose architectural styles from particular historic period. In considering new construction in a historic district, the Historic Preservation Commission shall encourage contemporary design which is harmonious with the character of the district.
   (C)   The following criteria shall be considered, when relevant, along with companion design guidelines and the guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior in reviewing for a Certificate of Appropriateness:
      (1)   Lot coverage, defined as the percentage of lot area covered by primary structures;
      (2)   Setback, defined as the distance from the lot lines the building;
      (3)   Building height;
      (4)   Spacing of buildings, defined as the distance between adjacent buildings;
      (5)   Building materials;
      (6)   Proportion, shape, positioning, location, pattern and sizes of any elements of fenestration;
      (7)   Surface textures;
      (8)   Roof shapes, form and materials;
      (9)   Use of local or regional architectural traditions;
      (10)   General form and proportions of buildings and structures, and relationship of any additions to the main structure;
      (11)   Expression of architectural detailing, such as lintels, cornices, brick bond, and decorative elements;
      (12)   Orientation of the building to the street;
      (13)   Scale, determined by the size of the units of construction and architectural details in relation to the human scale and also by the relationship of the building mass to adjoining open space and nearby buildings and structures;
      (14)   Proportion of width to height of the total building facade;
      (15)   Archaeological sites and resources associated with standing structures;
      (16)   Major landscaping efforts that would impact known archaeological sites;
      (17)   Appurtenant features and other features such as lighting; and
      (18)   Structural condition and soundness.
(Ord. O-2002-46, passed 8-5-02)