General Provisions
153.01 Findings; purpose; authority
153.02 Scope
153.03 Definitions
153.04 Dwelling unfit for human habitation; nuisance
Minimum Standards For Dwellings
153.15 Standards of dwellings and dwelling units fitness
153.16 Structural standards
153.17 Plumbing standards
153.18 Heating standards
153.19 Electrical standards
153.20 Light and ventilation standards
153.21 Space, use and location standards
153.22 Safe and sanitary maintenance standards
153.23 Insect, rodent and infestation control standards
Minimum Standards For Rooming Houses
153.35 Provisions applicable to rooming houses
153.36 Water closet, hand lavatory and bath facilities
153.37 Reserved
153.38 Sanitary conditions
153.39 Sanitary facilities
Administration and Enforcement
153.50 Code Enforcement Offcicer created; powers
153.51 Inspections
153.52 Administrative liability
153.53 Owner and occupants_Responsibilities
153.54 Same -- enforcement of responsibilities
153.55 [Reserved]
153.56 Preliminary investigations; notices; hearings
153.57 Procedure after hearing; order
153.58 Failure to comply with order
153.59 Service of complaints and orders
153.60 Appeals
153.61 Alternative remedies
153.62 Conflict with other provisions
153.63 Violations
153.64 Notice of lis pendens
153.65 Repeal and reenactment of existing minimum housing code
(A) Pursuant to G.S. § 160D-1201 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, it is hereby found and declared that there exist in the city planning and development regulation jurisdiction dwellings which are unfit for human habitation due to dilapidation, defects increasing the hazards of fire, accidents and other calamities, lack of ventilation, light and sanitary facilities, and other conditions rendering such dwellings unsafe and unsanitary, and dangerous and detrimental to the health, safety and morals, and otherwise inimical to the welfare of the residents of the city planning and development regulation jurisdiction.
(B) In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city planning and development regulation jurisdiction, as authorized by G.S. Chapter 160D, Article 12, it is the purpose of this chapter to establish minimum standards of fitness for the initial and continued occupancy of all buildings used for human habitation, as expressly authorized by G.S. §§ 160D-1201 and 160A-193.
(C) In addition, it is hereby found and declared, under the authority of G.S. § l60A-174, that there exist in the city dwellings which, although not meeting the classification as unfit for human habitation, fail to fully comply with all the minimum standards for housing fitness as established herein and therefore have present one or more conditions which are inimical to the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions, if not corrected can lead to deterioration and dilapidation of dwellings which render them unfit for human habitation.
(D) This chapter is hereby declared to be remedial and shall be construed to secure the beneficial interests and purposes thereof, which are public health, safety, and general welfare, through structural strength, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards incident to the construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition, use and occupancy of dwellings, apartment houses, rooming houses or buildings, structures or premises used or intended for use as such.
(Ord. passed 2-18-92; Am. Ord. O-1999-37, passed 6-15-99; Am. Ord. O-1999-61, passed 10-5-99; Am. Ord. O-2022-54, passed 7-12-22)