The Historic Preservation Commission is authorized and empowered to undertake such actions reasonably necessary to the discharge and conduct of its duties and responsibilities as outlined in this ordinance:
   (A)   Undertake an inventory of properties of historical, prehistorical, architectural, and/or cultural significance;
   (B)   Recommend to the Union County Board of Commissioners, the Monroe City Council, and the Town Councils of Marshville and Wingate, areas to be designated by ordinance as “historic districts”; and individual structures, buildings, sites, areas or objects to be designated by ordinance as “landmarks”;
   (C)   Acquire by any lawful means the fee or any lesser included interest, including options to purchase, to properties within established districts or to any such properties designated as landmarks, to hold, manage, preserve, restore and improve the same, and to exchange or dispose of the property by public or private sale, lease or otherwise, subject to covenants or other legally binding restrictions which will secure appropriate rights of public access and promote the preservation of the property;
   (D)   Restore, preserve, and operate historic properties;
   (E)   Recommend to the Board or Council that designation of any area as a historic district or part thereof, or designation of any building, structure, site, area, or object as a landmark, be revoked or removed for cause;
   (F)   Conduct an educational program with respect to historic properties and districts within its jurisdiction;
   (G)   Cooperate with the state, federal, and local governments in pursuance of the purposes of this ordinance. The Historic Preservation Commission when authorized by the local governing Board and Councils may contract with the state, or the United States of America, or any agency of either, or with any other organization, provided the terms are not inconsistent with state or federal law;
   (H)   Enter, solely in performance of its official duties and only at reasonable times, upon private lands for examination or survey thereof. However, no members, employee or agent of the Historic Preservation Commission may enter any private building or structure without the express consent of the owner or occupant thereof;
   (I)   Prepare and recommend the official adoption of a preservation element as part of the comprehensive plan of Union County, the City of Monroe, and the Towns of Marshville and Wingate;
   (J)   Review and act upon proposals for alterations, demolitions, or new construction within historic districts, or for the alteration or demolition of designated landmarks, pursuant to this ordinance;
   (K)   Negotiate at any time with the owner of a building, structure, site, area, or object for its acquisition or its preservation, when such action is reasonably necessary or appropriate;
   (L)   Accept funds granted to the Historic Preservation Commission for preservation purposes from private individuals and organizations;
   (M)   Organize itself and conduct its business; and
   (N)   Any other powers as allowed by law.
(Ord. O-2002-46, passed 8-5-02)