A.   (Rep. by Ord. 1460, 10-24-2007)
   B.   (Rep. by Ord. 1460, 10-24-2007)
   C.   Whenever it is deemed essential for the public health and safety that the consumption of water from the village water system be temporarily limited, the village president or the superintendent of water may impose temporary restrictions on the use, including, but not limited to, partial or total bans on lawn and plant watering, car washing, swimming pool filling, and other outside uses of hoses to dispense water. The village president and board of trustees may impose such other water use restrictions as they deem necessary to preserve the public water supply.
   D.   Notice of such water use restriction shall be disseminated through reasonable communication media throughout the village, including, but not limited to, posting notice of the same at various public buildings within the village, including the village hall. Such notice shall include a description of the restriction provisions in effect.
   E.   Violators of any water use restrictions shall be subject to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each observed violation. In addition, the superintendent of public works shall have the authority to enforce this section by discontinuance of water service in the event of any violation of this section.
   F.   Every police officer of the village shall diligently enforce the provisions of this section. (Ord. 1084, 4-12-2000)