(a) "Person" includes the singular and the plural and also means and includes any person, firm or corporation, association, club, co-partnership or society or any organization.
(b) "Transient dealer" means any person(s), firm or corporation desiring to "temporarily" open stores, places, sites or locations on any private or public property or street within the corporate limits of the Municipality, for the purpose of selling goods, wares, merchandise or services of any kind and from a specific designated location. A transient dealer shall not be construed to fall under the classification of a vendor, solicitor, or peddler whom solicits or sells goods, wares, merchandise or services of any kind through door to door means rather than from an established location. Nor shall individual garage sales be construed to fall under the classification of a transient dealer.
(c) "Door to door vendor, solicitor and peddler" means any person(s), firm, or corporation desiring to sell goods, wares, merchandise or service of any kind on any public or private property or street within the corporate limits of the Municipality, rather than from a specific designated location and under the provisions of this chapter.
(d) "Garage sales" means sales to the general public of personal property owned by the property owner or persons living within the dwelling unit located on the property of another and which sales are conducted on the real estate upon which the dwelling unit of the owner of the personal property to be sold is located. All garage sales will be conducted under the provisions of Chapter 713.
(Ord. 26-87. Passed 11-10-87.)