The Manager may renew a taxicab driver's license from year to year upon payment of the required fee without requiring anew the information provided for in Section 759.13. A taxicab driver in applying for a renewal of his license, shall make application not less than thirty (30) days next preceding its expiration, upon a form to be furnished by the Manager, entitled "Application of Renewal of Taxicab Driver's License", which shall be filled out with the name and address of the applicant, together with a statement of the date upon which his original license was granted, the number thereof and such other information as the Manager may require.
(1969 Code 113.14)
The rates of fare charged by the operator of any taxicab shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the taxicab, printed in a type not smaller than ½ inch, and shall also be painted on each side of the cab in letters not less than 4 inches in height. The owner, driver or person in charge of such vehicle, if demanded by a passenger at the time of payment of such fare, shall give a receipt therefor, which receipt shall show the amount of fare paid, the point where such person was accepted as a passenger and where discharged, the number of passengers, the number of the cab and the name of the company operating the cab. Any fares calculated by a meter installed in each taxicab shall be subject to inspection by the Police Department at any time.
(1969 Code 113.16)
(a) The Manager shall fix the location and number of taxicab stands and taxicabs permitted to occupy each stand.
(b) No taxicab shall stand at any place on the streets of the City for the purpose of soliciting business, except upon public stands as established and fixed by the Manager.
(c) No vehicle other than a licensed taxicab shall stop in any taxicab stand, except while receiving or discharging passengers.
(1969 Code 113.17)
No taxicab driver shall:
(a) Permit any taxicab to be used for immoral or illegal purposes.
(b) Charge less or more than the fixed rates.
(c) Fail, neglect or refuse to turn in to the Police Department within 24 hours, all lost or misplaced articles found in the taxicab.
(d) Use any portion of the public streets or alleys as a taxicab stand or to permit a taxicab in his charge to stand upon any portion of the public streets or alleys, except for such times as are necessary to load or unload passengers, except in such portion of the streets as shall have been designated by the Manager as taxicab stands.
(e) Fail to immediately notify the Mentor Police Department after any accident occurring in the City of Mentor, giving the time and location of the accident, the name of any injured person, condition of the injured, character of injury as far as known, and in case of property damage, a description of the property and estimated amount of such damage.
(f) Receive and discharge passengers at any place other than the curb in any section of the City.
(g) Permit passengers to enter or leave, except out of the side of the taxicab nearest the curb.
(h) Exceed the seating capacity of the taxicab as shown by the application filed with the Manager.
(i) Drive a taxicab during the period of ½ hour after sunset to ½ hour before sunrise, unless the interior thereof shall be effectually illuminated.
(j) Fail to stop at railroad crossings before proceeding over same.
(k) Operate a taxicab while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, or drink intoxicating liquor or beer during working hours (including any rest breaks incident thereto) or emit the odor of an alcoholic beverage while operating a taxicab.
(1969 Code 113.18)