759.01    Definitions.
759.02    License required.
759.03    Manager to regulate.
759.04    Licensing fees.
759.05    Licensing information.
759.06    Insurance required.
759.07   Vehicle identification.
759.08   Carrying capacity.
759.09    Taxicab driver's license.
759.10    Application for taxicab driver's license.
759.11    Examination.
759.12    Denial of taxicab driver's license.
759.13    Revocation of taxicab driver's license.
759.14    Renewal of taxicab driver's license.
759.15    Fares.
759.16    Fares, posting.
759.17    Taxicab stands.
759.18    Prohibited acts of taxicab drivers.
759.19    Deception.
759.20    Trip record to be maintained.
759.21    Taxis to be kept in clean and sanitary condition.
759.22    Inspection of taxicabs.
759.99    Penalty.
   (a)    "Taxicab operator" shall mean and include every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, person, firm or co-partnership, their licensees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any Court whatsoever, owning, controlling, operating, maintaining or managing one or more taxicabs within the City.
   (b)    "Taxicab" shall mean and include any motor driven vehicle engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire or fare or offered for hire or fare to the public for transportation, operating within the City, except motor buses operated on regular schedules and over regularly established routes.
   (c)    "Taxicab driver" shall mean any person who drives or operates a taxicab.
   (d)    "Street" shall mean and include any public street, alley and public way within the corporate limits of the City.
   (e)    "Manager" shall mean the City Manager or his authorized designee.
(1969 Code 113.01)
   No taxicab operator shall operate or cause to be operated any taxicab for the transportation of persons for hire, on any street within the corporate limits of the City unless licensed to do so in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(1969 Code 113.02)
   The Manager shall require the filing of annual reports, schedules or rates of fare and other data by all taxicab operators operating within the City, prescribe rules and regulations and issue orders in conformity with the revisions of this chapter.
(1969 Code 113.03)
   At the time of the issuance of such license, and annually thereafter, on or before the first day of January of each calendar year, every taxicab operator now operating and which shall hereafter operate in the City, shall pay the following fees for each taxicab operated or to be operated by it, to wit:
   (a)    If placed in operation between January 1 and June 30 of any year, the sum of thirty dollars ($30.00) per year.
   (b)    If placed in operation after June 30 of any year, the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00).
   (c)    There shall be no refund of license fees paid in the event that any taxicab is taken off the streets and not thereafter operated by said operator during the time for which a license has been issued.
      (1969 Code 113.04)
   No license shall be issued, nor shall any taxicab be operated upon the streets of the City until such taxicab operator shall have filed with the manager a statement setting forth:
   (a)    The make, model and color of the motor car to be used.
   (b)    The state license number of each vehicle.
   (c)    The factory V.I.N. number of each vehicle.
   (d)    The name of the owner of the car as indicated on the Certificate of Title.
   (e)    The seating capacity as originally purchased, and if changed or reconstructed, the seating capacity in its changed form.
   (f)    The name of the drivers who shall operate the motor vehicles their address, Social Security number and operator's license number, which information shall at all times be kept current.
      (1969 Code 113.05)
   The statement referred to in Section 759.05 shall be accompanied by a policy of liability insurance listing each taxicab to be operated in the City. Such policy shall be acceptable to and approved by the Manager and shall be written by the insurance company authorized to do business and write such policies in the State of Ohio. Such policy shall provide for limits of not less than $100,000 for injury to one person, $300,000 for injury to more than one person and $50,000 property damage in any one accident. The policy shall further contain a clause obligating the insurer to give ten (10) days written notice to the Manager prior to cancellation or expiration of said policy. Upon lapse or expiration of said policy of insurance, the taxicab operator license shall be null and void. (1969 Code 113.06)
   A taxicab operator may adopt any trade name, design, color scheme, or method of painting or lettering taxicabs as is approved by the manager. However, such trade name, design, color scheme or method of painting or lettering shall include the following:
   (a)    An identification number painted on each side and on the rear of the taxicab.
   (b)    The name of the taxicab operator, or the trade name and the word "taxi" or "cab", painted on each side and on the rear of each taxicab.
   All mandatory numbering, lettering and wording shall be of such color as in the opinion of the Manager will contrast distinctly with the color of the body of the taxicab. The identification numbers on sides and rear shall not be less than four inches (4") in height.
   Wherever the word "paint" or "painted" is used in this Chapter, it shall mean the application of coloring maker in oil solution not in water solution, or in approved adhesive material. (1969 Code 113.07)
   No taxicab shall carry more adult passengers than six (6), including the driver, unless otherwise permitted by special authorization of the City Manager.
(1969 Code 113.08)
   Each taxicab driver shall pay a license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each year, said fee to be collected by the Manager. All taxicab drivers, licenses shall expire on December 31st of each year. No person shall drive a taxicab without first having paid the required license fee and having received such license from the Manager.
(1969 Code 113.09)
   The application for a taxicab driver's license shall be made in writing by the applicant upon forms to be furnished by the Manager, which must be completed in full. The application shall be accompanied by two (2) unmounted, unretouched photographs of the applicant taken within one hundred days of the date of the application and which shall not be less than 2x3 inches in size and suitable for the attachment to such license. If said license is issued to said applicant, one photograph shall be securely attached to the license issued to said person and the other shall be filed with the application in the office of the Manager. Each licensed operator shall at all times display said license and photograph in the taxicab so that any passenger or passengers occupying the taxicab may readily observe same. When the application for a license is denied, one copy of the photograph shall be returned to the applicant, the other kept in the files of the office of the Manager. (1969 Code 113.10)