   Each taxicab driver shall pay a license fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each year, said fee to be collected by the Manager. All taxicab drivers, licenses shall expire on December 31st of each year. No person shall drive a taxicab without first having paid the required license fee and having received such license from the Manager.
(1969 Code 113.09)
   The application for a taxicab driver's license shall be made in writing by the applicant upon forms to be furnished by the Manager, which must be completed in full. The application shall be accompanied by two (2) unmounted, unretouched photographs of the applicant taken within one hundred days of the date of the application and which shall not be less than 2x3 inches in size and suitable for the attachment to such license. If said license is issued to said applicant, one photograph shall be securely attached to the license issued to said person and the other shall be filed with the application in the office of the Manager. Each licensed operator shall at all times display said license and photograph in the taxicab so that any passenger or passengers occupying the taxicab may readily observe same. When the application for a license is denied, one copy of the photograph shall be returned to the applicant, the other kept in the files of the office of the Manager. (1969 Code 113.10)
   Each applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall be examined by the Chief of Police as to his knowledge of the laws of the City and upon his knowledge of the manner and method of driving and operating a motor vehicle. No person shall be given a taxicab driver's license unless such person:
   (a)    Shall be of the age of 18 years or over, and be of good moral character.
   (b)    Shall have no bodily or mental infirmities which render him unfit to safely operate a motor vehicle.
   (c)    Shall not be addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors or drugs.
      (1969 Code 113.11)
   A taxicab driver's license may be denied to any applicant who, within ten years prior to the application has been convicted of a criminal offense under state or federal laws, whether charged under such statute or ordinance. The license shall be denied in the event of a conviction of the applicant within said ten year period of any offense involving gambling, illegal traffic in intoxicating liquor or in narcotics, or moral turpitude. By and with the approval of the Police Department of the City, a taxicab driver's license may be denied to any person who has knowingly transported persons engaged in either liquor or narcotics traffic or prostitution, whether such applicants have or have not been convicted of such transportation.
(1969 Code 113.12)
    No person shall make false statements or representations for the purpose of obtaining a taxicab driver's license. Any false statement or representation made by the applicant for the purpose of securing a license shall forthwith, upon its discovery, work a revocation of said license.
   Any licensee who defaces, removes or obliterates any official entry made upon his license, shall be punishable by a revocation of his license. Said licensee shall notify the Manager of any change in his address, and at all times keep on file in the office of the Manager, his correct address. (1969 Code 113.13)