Signs and Billboards
1325.01   Purpose.
1325.02   Definitions.
1325.03   General requirements.
1325.031   Exceptions to general requirements.
1325.04   No permit required.
1325.05   Permit required.
1325.06   Permit application.
1325.07   Performance.
1325.08   Name of owner to be placed on billboard.
1325.09   Prohibitions.
1325.10   Consent of property owners required for billboards and permanent signs.
1325.11   Maintenance.
1325.12   Failure to comply; removal or repair by Municipality.
1325.13   Future signs.
1325.14   Exceptions.
1325.99   Penalty.
Power to regulate billboards and signs - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
Power to regulate advertising - see Ohio R.C. 715.65
Advertising on State and Interstate highways - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 5516
Sign fees - see P. & Z. 1113.02(e)