General Provisions
157.01 Title
157.02 Intent
157.03 Taxpayers’ protection
157.04 Jurisdiction
157.05 Regulations in force
157.06 Amendments
157.07 Validity
157.08 Exemptions from regulations
157.09 Disclosure of beneficial interest
157.10 Variance
157.11 Definitions
157.20 City Council
157.21 City Planning Commission
157.22 Coles County Soil and Water Conservation District
157.23 Coles County Health Department
157.30 Compliance
157.31 Preapplication phase
157.32 Preliminary plat review phase
157.33 Final plat review phase
Subdivision Design Standards and Specifications
157.40 General requirements
157.41 Conformity to natural features
Roads, Streets and Other Thoroughfares
157.50 Specifications
157.51 Curbs and gutters
157.52 Sidewalks and pedestrian walkways
Specific Subdivision Provisions
157.60 Easements
157.61 Blocks
157.62 Lot width and area
157.63 Required setbacks
157.64 Drainage
157.65 Monuments
157.66 Culverts, bridges, intersections and private entrances
157.67 Water
157.68 Sanitary sewers, septic systems and on-site disposal
157.69 Street signs
157.70 Required engineering plans and certificates
157.71 Release of surety
157.72 Inspection of improvements
157.99 Violations and penalty
Appendix A: Tables and Plates
Appendix B: Required Certificates