All subdivision and all areas contained therein shall be planned to take advantage of the natural topography of the land, to reduce the overall amount of grading and disruption of surrounding drainage. The City Council reserves the authority to deny or require modification of any subdivision or part thereof which because of its natural characteristics or positions, cannot be developed to provide an environmentally sound location. Some conditions which may make land unsuitable for subdivision or development are as follows:
   (A)   Proposed development in flood hazard areas shall be governed by these regulations, in addition to Ordinance No. 87-4532, “An Ordinance Regulating Development in Special Flood Hazard Areas;”
   (B)   Land areas with high permanent water tables, swamp, highly organic soils subject to overflows, soils subject to extreme erosion, and soils which in other ways present hazards to public and private construction;
   (C)   Subdivision planned for development with septic systems which contain areas with soils which show a high seasonal water table, slow or excessive permeability, or soils subject to excessive frost action;
   (D)   Lands lying on a general overall slope in excess of 50% shall be excluded from development and may be placed in a conservation easement. Nonpublic systems for sewage and waste disposal intended to be located on lands lying on more than 12% slope shall require special engineering and shall require approval of a system for each such lot prior to approval of the subdivision. Public or private improvements on lands containing more than 12% slope will be considered for approval provided that the developer's evidence conclusively indicates no damage will occur to the environment; the approval of the subdivision will not create or intensify negative conditions relating to public health, safety or welfare; and, there will be no increase in replacement or maintenance costs of public facilities when compared to an area of lesser slope. Meeting these conditions, the City Council may approve the subdivision;
   (E)   Lack of adequate and readily available water supply for the domestic and fire protection needs of the inhabitants of the subdivision.
(Ord. 88-4582, passed 10-18-1988)