General Provisions
36.01 Anti-idling policy
Code of Ethics
36.15 Purpose
36.16 Obedience to laws
36.17 Integrity, independence from improper influence and respect for others
36.18 Avoid impropriety
36.19 Council members
36.20 Council affairs conducted in an open and public manner
36.21 Censure procedures
Fiscal Policy
36.30 Introduction
36.31 Objectives
36.32 Operating budget
36.33 Accounting/financial reporting
36.34 Cash management
36.35 Long-term debt management
36.36 Purchases for general operations
36.37 Purchase of vehicles
36.38 Credit card purchases
36.39 Contracts
36.40 Surplus property
36.41 Forms, tables and other information
Utility Billing Policy
36.50 Forward
36.51 Utility service connection
36.52 Billing and collections
36.53 Service disconnection
36.54 Collection of delinquent accounts
36.55 Meter information
36.56 Meter tampering
36.57 Returned check policy
36.58 Termination of services
36.59 Adjustments and errors
36.60 City’s right to suspend service
36.61 Profane, indecent, and threatening call
36.62 Equalized payments
Traffic Calming Policy
36.70 Mission statement
36.71 Purpose
36.72 Initiation of request
36.73 Analysis
36.74 Findings
36.75 Actions
36.76 Traffic calming policy overview flow chart