§ 36.71  PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this policy is to present ways in which the city can find solutions to residential traffic problems as approved by the City Council. Consideration is given to a variety of residential traffic concerns on a case-by-case basis. Each situation is reviewed with respect to the available traffic control measures that have been, or could be, found effective to alleviate the traffic concern. The ability to provide traffic control measures is always subject to the availability of city funding.
   (B)   Traffic calming initiatives may include police enforcement, lower speed limits, parking controls, traffic circles, chicanes, street narrowing, turn restrictions, one-way streets, changed street patterns or design, multi-way stop intersections, speed humps, and/or other traffic calming measures deemed appropriate by the city. The city will exhaust all other initiatives to calm traffic prior to the installation of speed humps.
   (C)   The following outlines the procedures which can be used to develop the optimum solution or solutions to each particular situation. There are many factors taken into consideration when reviewing residential traffic concerns to determine the most feasible traffic control measure. These factors include: the surrounding roadway network, resident access, speeds and/or volume of traffic, accident history, provision of emergency services, and budget considerations.
(Ord. passed 3-12-2018)