The Mayor and Metro Council Members, in addition to the annual salary provided for by statute and/or ordinance, shall be eligible for the following employment benefits: workers' compensation, Social Security, retirement, and insurance.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004)
The Chief Financial Officer, with the approval of the Mayor, shall establish a schedule of fidelity bonds, either on an individual or blanket basis, for all officers, agents, and employees of the Metro Government. Such bond or bonds shall be a covenant to the Metro Government from the principal and surety that the principal will faithfully discharge his duties and shall provide that the bond be limited in a definite penal sum to be determined and fixed in such amount as to adequately protect Metro Government from any loss of any nature whatsoever by reason of the acts or omissions of such officers, agents, and employees. The Chief Financial Officer shall effect the execution of such bonds and see that they are maintained in full force and effect at all times. All bonds shall be lodged with the Chief Financial Officer. The premiums on all bonds required to be executed hereunder shall be paid by the Metro Government and charged to the respective department or agency.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 64-2004, approved 6-3-2004)
(A) Full-time employees, who in the previous tax year were eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, and permanent part-time employees who make less than $11.50 per hour, shall be eligible to receive tuition reimbursement of up to $3,000 per fiscal year.
(B) Full-time employees and permanent part-time employees, other than those employees mentioned in subsection (A) directly above, shall be eligible to receive tuition reimbursement of up to $2,000 per fiscal year.
(C) The tuition assistance benefit provided in this subchapter shall be administered in accordance with the personnel policies and procedures that were used to administer such benefit in the former City of Louisville and continued in § 35.001.
(D) For purposes of this subchapter, tuition reimbursement shall mean the cost of tuition, books and/or class fees.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 91-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 214-2005, approved 12-12-2005; Lou. Metro. Am. Ord. No. 91-2014, approved 6-9-2014)
Full-time employees, who in the previous tax year were eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, and permanent part-time employees who make less than $11.50 per hour, will be provided financial assistance to cover a portion of the cost of childcare expenses in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the Metro Government.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 91-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 214-2005, approved 12-12-2005; Lou. Metro. Am. Ord. No. 91-2014, approved 6-9-2014)
(A) In the event that Metro Government employees are not offered free fares on TARC bus and trolley routes, the following schedule of fare reductions shall apply:
(1) Full-time employees, who in the previous tax year were eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, and permanent part-time employees who make less than $11.50 per hour, will be provided the opportunity to purchase TARC tickets in which the Metro Government will cover 80% of the cost for such tickets.
(2) Employees, other than those employees mentioned directly in subsection (A), above, will be provided the opportunity to purchase TARC tickets in which the Metro Government will cover 50% of the cost for such tickets.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 91-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 214-2005, approved 12-12-2005; Lou. Metro. Am. Ord. No. 91-2014, approved 6-9-2014)
For purposes of §§ 35.005 and 35.006, "full-time employees" shall mean employees of the Metro Government who work on a regular basis of no less than 35 hours per week and permanent part-time employees shall mean employees of the Metro Government who work on a regular basis of up to 25 hours per week.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 91-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 214-2005, approved 12-12-2005)
The Human Resources Department will have on site and make available to all employees of Metro Government upon their being hired, and at open enrollment, IRS W-5 Forms, which enable employees to take advantage of being able to receive earned income tax credits and will work to educate such employees in completing the forms necessary to qualify and apply for the Earned Income Tax Credit and such other benefits.
(Lou. Metro Ord. No. 91-2003, approved 5-16-2003; Lou. Metro Am. Ord. No. 214-2005, approved 12-12-2005)