A. Filing Date. (Amended by Ord. No. 165,251, Eff. 11/20/89.) An application for rent adjustment, request for hearing, appeal or re-rental certificate shall be considered as filed on the date it has been completed in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations, and received together with any required filing fee by the Department. If at any time during the processing of an application it is determined that an application has been improperly prepared, or requires additional information not submitted in accordance with the rules and regulations, the time limits specified within this chapter shall be suspended and not continue to run until the application has been rectified or the omitted information furnished upon written notification to the applicant.
B. Place of Filing. Whenever the provisions of this chapter provide that applications or requests for hearing or appeals be filed in the office of the Department, such applications or requests for hearing or appeals may be filed in any of the branch offices of the Department.
C. An application fee required under this section may be waived by the Department for any individual who files a declaration stating that the individual annually earns no more than 50% of the median income for the Los Angeles area. The declaration shall state the above information is true and correct. The median is to be determined by the standards utilized by the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles acting pursuant to HUD relations. (Amended by Ord. No. 160,791, Eff. 2/10/86.)
D. If a hearing officer determines, based on clear and convincing evidence, that an applicant has willfully or knowingly with the intent to deceive, made or caused to be made a false statement or representation, or knowingly failed to disclose a material fact, in connection with any application under consideration by the hearing officer, then the hearing officer may deny the application. Any determination by the hearing officer based on this subsection shall be appealable to the Rent Adjustment Commission. (Added by Ord. No. 160,791, Eff. 2/10/86.)
E. For purposes of this chapter, if an application, request for appeal or request for hearing is mailed to the Department, it is deemed to be received as established by the date of the postmark affixed on an envelope properly addressed to the Department. (Added by Ord. No. 160,791, Eff. 2/10/86.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 181,744, Eff. 7/15/11.)
Any landlord who fails to pay the fee for registration or registration renewal in accordance with the provisions of Section 151.05 of this Chapter shall be deemed delinquent. The landlord shall pay a penalty equal to one hundred and fifty percent of the fee per subject rental unit for any delinquency incurred after the effective date of this amendment.
For any delinquency incurred prior to the effective date of this amendment, the landlord shall pay a penalty of $6.00 for a delinquency incurred prior to January 1, 1989, and a penalty of $14.00 for a delinquency incurred subsequent to January 1, 1989, and prior to the effective date of this amendment. Any landlord who pays a fee after the Department has notified the landlord of the landlord’s delinquency in failing to comply with the registration requirements of this Chapter prior to the effective date of this amendment shall pay a penalty of $15.00 for a delinquency incurred prior to January 1, 1989, and a penalty of $28.00 for a delinquency incurred subsequent to January 1, 1989, and prior to the effective date of this amendment per subject rental unit in addition to the amount of the fee.
The Department shall notify a landlord of failure to post a notice in accordance with the provisions of Subsection I. of Section 151.05 of this Chapter. If a landlord fails to post the notice within seven days of Department notification, the landlord shall pay a fine of $250 for each day after the seventh day that the landlord fails to post the notice.
If the Department determines that good cause exists for a landlord’s failure to timely pay the registration fee in accordance with the provisions of Section 151.05 of this Chapter, or failure to post a notice in accordance with the provisions of Subsection I. of Section 151.05 of this Chapter, the Department may waive the penalties or fines required by this Section. The Department may promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Section.
(Added by Ord. No. 161,704, Eff. 11/28/86.)
Upon request by any member of the public, the Department may provide non-confidential statistical information compiled from various data sources maintained by the Department.
The Department may recover the cost of providing such services by charging $100.00 per hour for the first hour or portion thereof and $50.00 for each subsequent hour or portion thereof.
Any monies collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited by the General Manager or the General Manager’s designee into the Rent Stabilization Trust Fund.
A landlord and tenant may enter into a contract for the provision of any housing service which was not a part of the original terms of the tenancy. A valid additional services contract must be written, and must describe each additional service, specify the period of time for which the additional service will be provided, and the monthly charge for the service. Termination of the tenancy shall also terminate the additional services contract. Any monies paid pursuant to an additional services contract shall not be considered rent for any purpose under this chapter. Neither the refusal of a tenant to enter into an additional services contract, nor the breach of such contract shall be a ground for termination of the tenancy. (Added by Ord. No. 156,597, Eff. 5/20/82, Oper. 5/15/82.)
During the period beginning on January 1, 1988 and ending June 30, 1988, the City Council, based on a report from the Community Development Department, shall undertake a detailed review of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance. The review shall include public hearings on the operation of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance and the impact of the ordinance on the existing rental housing stock, the rental housing market and production of new rental housing units in the City. (Amended by Ord. No. 160,791, Eff. 2/10/86.)
Additionally, the City Council shall review the dollar amount requirements of Section 151.09 A.9. on or before October 1, 1992 and at least once every three (3) years thereafter. (Added by Ord. No. 165,251, Eff. 11/20/89.)
(Added by Ord. No. 169,363, Eff. 3/1/94.)
A. Notwithstanding any provision of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance any provision of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to the contrary, the following provisions shall apply to any mobile home, which is subject to the provisions of the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance, rendered untenantable, as a result of the January 17, 1994 earthquake and its aftermath:
The ground for eviction set forth in Section 151.09 A.1. (non-payment of rent) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code shall not apply if a mobile home within a mobile home park was made untenantable on or after January 17, 1994, because of damage to utility-related facilities on a mobile home pad or a shut off of any utility to the mobile home pad as a result of the earthquake and its aftermath, where park management has the obligation to effect the necessary repairs to the utility system or facilities. A tenant is not required to pay the rent otherwise allowed pursuant to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance for those days that the utility was or is not provided. Once the utility facilities or services to the pad have been repaired, replaced or restored, the tenant shall be required to pay the rent allowed pursuant to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance for the period after that repair, replacement or restoration.
B. The provisions of this section shall remain in effect for a period of 90 days from the effective date of the ordinance adding the section and shall apply to any proceeding which has not resulted in a final judgment on or before the effective date of that ordinance. This section shall apply to mobile homes, as provided in Section 151.02 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, regardless of whether rent is paid for the mobile home and the land upon which the mobile home is located or rent is paid for the land alone. The Rent Adjustment Commission shall have the authority to promulgate any regulations or guidelines it deems necessary to implement this amendment to the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 177,184, Eff. 12/23/05.)
A. Purpose. The purpose of this Section 151.21 is to permit landlords to rent rental units subject to the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance at below market rates for a temporary period to persons displaced from their homes by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita and to raise the rental rates at the end of the temporary period.
B. Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this section, shall be construed as defined in this section. Words and phrases not defined in this section shall be construed as defined in Section 151.02 of this article, if defined there.
Displacee. A person who was displaced from a residence as a result of Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita and who was issued a registration number by FEMA because the person was affected by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita.
Fair Market Value Rent. The average rent as determined by the Department for a rental unit based on the unit’s location and size. The Department shall make available to the public the schedule of Fair Market Value Rent amounts.
FEMA. The United States Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Fixed Relief Period. The length of time identified in a Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form during which a landlord agrees to charge as rent to a Displacee an amount not greater than seventy-five percent of the applicable Fair Market Value Rent. In no event shall the Fixed Relief Period extend beyond December 31, 2006.
Increased Rental Rate. Amount specified in a Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form that a landlord may charge as rent after expiration of a Fixed Relief Period.
Program. The Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita Temporary Relief Program established by this Section 151.21.
Reduced Rental Rate. Amount specified in a Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form that will be charged for a Fixed Relief Period, after which the rent may be increased to the Increased Rental Rate amount specified in the Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form. The Reduced Rental Rate must be not greater than 75% of the applicable Fair Market Value Rent.
Rent Stabilization Ordinance. The City of Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance, codified at Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 151.00 et seq.
C. Rent Increases to Displacees. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection D. of Section 151.06 of this article, a landlord who files a Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form pursuant to Subsection D. of this section may increase the rent to the Increased Rental Rate at the expiration of the Fixed Relief Period. After a landlord increases the rent at the expiration of the Fixed Relief Period, regardless of whether the increase is less than the amount authorized in the Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form, the rent cannot be further increased without compliance with the provisions of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, including those provided pursuant to Section 151.06.
D. Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form. The provisions of this Section 151.21 shall apply only to leases for which a Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form pursuant to the provisions of this Subsection D. is filed with the Department. Landlords who desire to participate in this Program must file with the Department at its Central Regional Office located at 3550 Wilshire Boulevard, 15th Floor, Los Angeles CA 90010, a Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form that will be provided by the Department. The Form must contain, at a minimum, the following:
1. A description of the rental unit, including the address with zip code, the number of bathrooms and bedrooms;
2. Identification of amenities to be provided by the landlord during the Fixed Relief Period, and amenities that will be provided by the landlord after the Fixed Relief Period. The identification of amenities shall include whether the landlord will furnish the rental unit and which utilities, if any, will be paid by the landlord;
3. The Fair Market Value Rent applicable to the rental unit;
4. The Reduced Rental Rate that will be charged during the Fixed Relief Period, and the Increased Rental Rate that the landlord may charge at the end of the Fixed Relief Period;
5. The registration number issued by FEMA to the Displacee; and
6. A statement that the Displacee may terminate the lease upon thirty days notice and will not be liable for rent that would otherwise be owed for the remainder of the term of the Fixed Relief Period and the remainder of the lease, nor for damages resulting from termination prior to expiration of the Fixed Relief Period and the lease.
The completed Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form must be signed by the Displacee and the landlord. The Department will not accept for filing any Form that does not contain the information required by this subsection, that does not demonstrate that the initial rent charged under the Program is not greater than 75% of the applicable Fair Market Value Rent, and that is not signed by the Displacee and the landlord.
E. Effect of Failure to Increase Rent at the Expiration of Fixed Relief Period. A landlord may continue to rent to a Displacee at the Reduced Rental Rate upon the expiration of a Fixed Relief Period. A landlord who does not increase the rental rate upon the expiration of the Fixed Relief Period may impose one rent increase on or before December 31, 2006, provided that the new rental amount does not exceed the Increased Rental Rate. If, on January 1, 2007, the landlord has not increased the rent from the Reduced Rental Rate, the rent cannot further be increased without compliance with the provisions of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, including those provided pursuant to Section 151.06.
F. Ineligible Rental Units. Rental Units may not be rented pursuant to the provisions of this section if they are located in buildings: (1) that have been placed into the Rent Escrow Account Program pursuant to Section 162.00 et seq., or Section 155.00 et seq., and the REAP placement is not yet terminated; (2) for which there is an outstanding order or notice to comply, correct or abate a condition or violation issued by an Enforcement Agency as defined in Section 162.02; or (3) that contain a rental unit that the Department has determined is being rented in violation of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, and the Department has notified the landlord in writing of that determination.
G. Termination of Program. Effective January 1, 2007, rent can be increased only in compliance with the provisions of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, including the provisions of Section 151.06.
H. Authority of Department to Administer Program. The Department is authorized to administer the Program, and may develop procedures and regulations to assist in the administration. The Department may require the landlord to provide notice to Displacees on forms provided by the Department, and may require the landlord to file documents other than the Qualifying Relief Rental Agreement Form, including documents issued by FEMA identifying the Displacee’s FEMA registration number. Nothing in this Subsection H. is intended to limit the authority of the Department to administer the Program.
(Added by Ord. No. 177,901, Eff. 9/29/06.)
California Government Code Sections 7060, et seq. (the “Ellis Act”) permits the City, among other things, to require landlords to provide all tenants with 120 days notice, or one year if the tenants lived in the accommodations for at least one year and are more than 62 years of age or disabled, when rental units subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance are to be withdrawn from the rental market. The Ellis Act also permits the City to impose other restrictions, conditions and requirements upon the property. It is the purpose of this section, and Sections 151.23 through 151.28, to implement provisions of the Ellis Act. The Department may develop forms and regulations to assist in the implementation of these provisions.
There continues to be a low vacancy rate for rental units in the City of Los Angeles, and the withdrawal of residential rental property from rent or lease will exacerbate the rental housing shortage and make it more difficult for tenants displaced by the withdrawal to obtain replacement housing. Because of the rental housing shortage, it is essential that tenants be afforded substantial advance notice to enable them to obtain replacement housing, and that they receive other protections available under law.
In any action by a landlord to recover possession of a rental unit subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, including, but not limited to, where an owner seeks to displace a tenant from accommodations withdrawn from rent pursuant to this chapter by an unlawful detainer proceeding, the tenant may appear and answer or demurer pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1170 and may raise as an affirmative defense the failure of the landlord to comply with one or more of the requirements of Sections 151.22 through 151.28, as well as the failure of the landlord to comply with any other requirement of this chapter. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,224, Eff. 12/13/17.)
If rental units subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance were demolished subsequent to September 29, 2006, the effective date of Sections 151.22 through 151.28, without complying with the requirements set forth hereunder, then all replacement rental units constructed on the same property shall be deemed subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, Section 151.00, et seq., and other provisions of this chapter. Additionally, any landlord who is found to have demolished a property subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance subsequent to September 29, 2006, without complying with the requirements of Sections 151.22 through 151.28 shall be subject to a penalty. (Added by Ord. No. 184,873, Eff. 6/4/17.)
Pursuant to California Government Code section 7060, the Ellis Act and Sections 151.22 through 151.28 shall not apply to a Residential Hotel as defined in accordance with California Health and Safety Code section 50519 and Section 47.70, et seq., of this Code. (Added by Ord. No. 184,873, Eff. 6/4/17.)
(Added by Ord. No. 177,901, Eff. 9/29/06.)
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, if a landlord desires to demolish rental units subject to the Rent Stabilization Ordinance, or otherwise withdraw the units from rental housing use, irrespective of whether such rental units are occupied or vacant, then the following provisions shall apply: (Amended by Ord. No. 184,873, Eff. 6/4/17.)
A. Notice of Intent to Withdraw. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,873, Eff. 6/4/17.) The landlord shall notify the Department of an intention to withdraw a rental unit from rental housing use. This Notice of Intent to Withdraw shall be filed with the Department whether the rental unit(s) to be withdrawn or demolished are occupied or vacant at the time of filing and shall contain the following:
1. statements, under penalty of perjury on the form and in the number prescribed by the Department, stating that the landlord intends to demolish the rental unit or to remove the rental unit from rental housing use;
2. the address or location of the rental unit;
3. the number of rental units to be demolished or removed from rental housing use;
4. the names of the tenants, if any, of each rental unit and that the landlord intends to evict such tenants in order to demolish the rental unit or to remove the rental unit from rental housing use;
5. the date on which the rental unit will be withdrawn from rental housing use; and
6. the rent applicable to that rental unit.
The Department shall have the authority to promulgate forms and procedures to assist in the implementation of this subdivision.
B. Recordation of Non-Confidential Memorandum and Extension of the Date of Withdrawal from Rental Housing Use. Irrespective of whether the rental units to be withdrawn or demolished are occupied or vacant at the time of filing the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, the landlord shall record with the County Recorder a memorandum summarizing the provisions of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, other than provisions that are confidential pursuant to this section. If applicable, information respecting the name or names of the tenants, the rent applicable to any rental unit, and the total number of units is confidential information and shall be treated as confidential information by the Department for purposes of the Information Practices Act of 1977, as contained in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1798) of Title 1.8 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,873, Eff. 6/4/17.)
The landlord shall submit a copy of the memorandum filed with the County Recorder to the Department concurrently with the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, with a certification that actions have been initiated as required by law to terminate any existing tenancies.
The date on which the rental units are to be withdrawn from rental housing use shall be at least 120 days from the date of the delivery to the Department in person or by first-class mail of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw.
If the tenant is at least 62 years of age or disabled (as defined in Government Code Section 12955.3) and has lived in their accommodations for at least one year prior to the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw pursuant to Subsection A. of this section, then the date of withdrawal of the accommodations of that tenant shall be extended to one year after the date of delivery of that Notice to the Department. This extension shall take place, if and only if, the tenant gives written notice of their entitlement to an extension to the landlord within 60 days of the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw. In that situation, the following provisions shall apply:
1. The tenancy shall be continued on the same terms and conditions as existed on the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, subject to any adjustments otherwise available under the Rent Stabilization Ordinance.
2. No party shall be relieved of the duty to perform any obligation under the lease or rental agreement.
3. The landlord may elect to extend the date of withdrawal on any other rental units up to one year after the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, subject to Subparagraphs 1. and 2.
4. Within 30 days of the notification by the tenant to the landlord of their entitlement to an extension, the landlord shall give written notice to the Department of the claim that the tenant is entitled to stay in the accommodations for one year after the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw.
5. Within 90 days of the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, the landlord shall give written notice to the Department and the affected tenant of the landlord’s election to extend the date of withdrawal and the new date of withdrawal under Subparagraph 3.
C. Notice to the Tenants of Pending Withdrawal. Within five days of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw with the certification required under Subsection B. of this section, and a copy of the memorandum recorded by the County Recorder, the landlord shall notify, by delivery in person or by first-class mail, each affected tenant of the following:
1. That the Department has been notified pursuant to Subsection A., including the date of the delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw;
2. That the Notice delivered to the Department specified the name and the amount of rent paid by the tenant as an occupant of the accommodations;
3. The amount of rent the landlord specified in the notice to the Department;
4. Notice to the tenant of the tenant’s rights under Paragraph (3) of Subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 7060.2; and
5. Notice to the tenant stating the following:
(a) If the tenant is at least 62 years of age or disabled, and has lived in their accommodations for at least one year prior to the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, then the tenancy shall be extended to one year after the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, provided that the tenant gives written notice of their entitlement to the landlord within 60 days of the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw;
(b) The extended tenancy shall be continued on the same terms and conditions as existed on the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, subject to any adjustments otherwise available under the Rent Stabilization Ordinance; and
(c) No party shall be relieved of the duty to perform any obligation under the lease or rental agreement during the extended tenancy.
D. Annual Property Status Reports. (Added by Ord. No. 184,873, Eff. 6/4/17.) For no less than seven (7) years following the date of delivery to the Department of the Notice of Intent to Withdraw, or until such time as the Department advises the landlord that they have complied with all reporting requirements set forth in this section, whichever occurs first, the landlord shall file with the Department an Annual Property Status Report, under penalty of perjury and on the form and in the manner prescribed by the Department, providing the following information to the extent applicable:
1. the status related to the demolition of any withdrawn rental units;
2. the status related to the development of any withdrawn rental units; and
3. confirmation that any newly constructed rental units have been registered with the Department in conformance with Section 151.05 and are being operated in compliance with the Rent Stabilization Ordinance.