(Added by Ord. No. 111,348, Eff. 7/4/58.)
(a) Definition. As used in this article:
1. “ESCORT BUREAU” means any business, agency or person who, for a fee, commission, hire, reward or profit, furnishes or offers to furnish names of persons, or who introduces, furnishes or arranges for persons who may accompany other persons to or about social affairs, entertainments or places of amusement, or who may consort with others about any place of public resort or within any private quarters. (Amended by Ord. No. 113,701, Eff. 7/11/59.)
(b) Permit Required. No person shall conduct, manage or carry on any escort bureau without a written permit from the Board. No permit under this section shall be issued to, or in the name of, any organization, group, corporation, partnership or any entity other than an individual person. The business may be advertised and carried on by the permittee under a fictitious name in the manner permitted by law if such fictitious name is first approved by the Board.
(c) Information Required. Each application must state the names and addresses of all escorts intended to be employed by the applicant. Permittees shall notify the Board of any change in personnel in writing within 24 hours of such change. All such escorts shall be registered by the Board. No escort shall be registered unless the Board is furnished with satisfactory evidence of the good moral character of such escort. The registration of any escort may be cancelled for cause by the Board and thereafter no escort bureau shall employ, engage, or deal with such escort.
(d) Change of Location. A change of location may be endorsed on a permit by the Board upon written application by the permittee accompanied by the change of location fee prescribed in Section 103.12.
(e) Records. A record shall be kept by each permittee showing every transaction whereby any person or name of a person is furnished or arranged for on behalf of any patron or customer, the date and the approximate hour of the transaction, the name, address and telephone number of the patron or customer, the name of each escort involved and such other information as the Board may reasonably required by rule or regulation. Such record shall be kept available and open to inspection of any police officer at any time during business hours and shall be presented before the Board at any time upon written request therefor. (Amended by Ord. No. 113,701, Eff. 7/11/59.)
(f) Exception. Nothing in this section shall apply to the lawful business of any employment agency licensed under the laws of this State.
(g) Persons Under 18 – Employment. No permittee hereunder shall employ as an escort any person under 18 years of age. (Amended by Ord. No. 144,116, Eff. 12/31/72.)
(h) Furnishing Escorts to Persons Under 18. No permittee shall furnish any escort to, or accept employment from any patron, customer, or person to be escorted who is under 18 years of age, except at the special instance and request of the parent, guardian or other person in lawful custody of the person upon whose behalf the escort service is engaged. (Amended by Ord. No. 144,116, Eff. 12/31/72.)
(Added by Ord. No. 142,884, Eff. 2/6/72.)
(a) Escort Defined. As used in this article, “Escort” means any person who, for a fee, commission, hire, reward or profit, accompanies other persons to or about social affairs, entertainments or places of amusement or consorts with others about any place of public resort or within any private quarters.
(b) Permit Required. No person shall be engaged as an Escort without a written permit from the Board. Such permit shall be issued to the address of the employer.
(c) Employment Prerequisite. Before an application for an Escort will be acted upon by the Board, the applicant shall present satisfactory evidence that such person is at least 18 years of age and that employment has been offered by an Escort Bureau under permit by the Board, including name and address of prospective employer, and such employment is contingent upon the issuance of said permit. (Amended by Ord. No. 144,116, Eff. 12/31/72.)
(d) Identification Card. Each permittee shall be issued an identification card by the Board and shall carry such card when acting as an escort. Each permittee shall immediately surrender to the Board any identification card issued by the Board upon suspension, revocation or cancellation of the permit, and upon leaving employment.
(e) Change of Location. A change of location may be endorsed on a permit by the Board or its designated representative upon written application by the permittee, accompanied by the change of location fee as prescribed.
(f) Persons Under 18. No permittee shall escort or perform any activity covered by this section or offer to escort or perform any other activity covered by this section to any person under 18 years of age, except at the special instance and request of the parent, guardian or other person in lawful custody of the person upon whose behalf the escort service is engaged. (Amended by Ord. No. 144,116, Eff. 12/31/72.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 175,676, Eff. 1/11/04.)
(a) Motion Picture Shows Defined. As used in this article, “motion picture shows” means the exhibiting or presenting of motion pictures to the public in any theater, show house or other place of entertainment.
(b) Permit Required. No person shall engage in the business of exhibiting or presenting motion picture shows without a written permit from the Board.
(Title and Section amended by Ord. No. 176,617, Eff. 6/6/05.)
(a) Purpose. This Section establishes the standards and procedures for the issuance of permits for special events consisting of parades and assemblies in the City of Los Angeles. The purpose of this Section is to preserve and protect the public health and safety of the citizens of Los Angeles, the rights of individuals to engage in expressive activity protected under the First Amendment, and to provide for the recovery of costs to the City directly flowing from these events. This Section shall only apply to events that fall within the definition of “Parade” or “Assembly,” as set forth below. All other street closures, including Athletic Events (as that term is defined in this Section), shall be governed by the procedures set forth in Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 41.20.
(b) Definitions. As used in this Article:
“ASSEMBLY” means any stationary formation, assembly, or gathering for the purpose of Expressive Activity upon any public street, sidewalk, alley, or other public place which does not comply with normal or usual traffic regulations or controls. This term does not include block parties, street festivals, carnivals or other Street Closures, as that term is defined in this Section.
“ATHLETIC EVENT” means an event, not involving as a primary component, “Expressive Activity,” as that term is defined in this Section, in which a group of people collectively engage in a sport or form of physical exercise, including but not limited to jogging, bicycling, walking, roller skating, or running, upon any public street, sidewalk, alley or other public place, which does not comply with normal and usual traffic regulations and controls.
“BOARD” means the Board of Police Commissioners for the City of Los Angeles.
“DEPARTMENT” means the Los Angeles Police Department.
“DESIGNATED POLICE COMMISSIONER” means the Board Commissioner designated by the President of the Board to act on behalf of the Board to grant or deny event permits.
“EVENT” means a parade or assembly, or both, which is the subject of a permit application under this section.
“EXPRESSIVE ACTIVITY” includes conduct, the sole or principal object of which is the expression, dissemination or communication by verbal, visual, literary or auditory means of opinions, views, or ideas. It includes public oratory and the distribution of literature.
“PARADE” means any march or procession, other than an Athletic Event, consisting of persons, animals or vehicles, or combination thereof, upon any public street, sidewalk, alley or other public place, which does not comply with normal or usual traffic regulations or controls. This term does not include Street Closures, as that term is defined in this Section, funeral processions, or official governmental motorcades.
“PERMIT APPLICATION FEE” means a nonrefundable fee to be paid by the applicant at the time the permit application is submitted to the Department. The amount of the fee will be set from time to time by resolution of the City Council. The fee will be used to defray the direct costs of processing and investigating the Event application.
“STREET CLOSURE” means the closure of streets by the Department of Public Works for an Athletic Event or other activity pursuant to Section 41.20 of this Code.
(c) Permit Required. No person shall conduct, manage or sponsor any Parade or Assembly without a written permit from the Board. No person shall participate in any Parade or Assembly with the knowledge that its sponsor has not been issued the required permit.
(d) Interference with Event. No person shall knowingly join or participate in any Parade or Assembly conducted under permit from the Board in violation of any of the terms of the permit, or knowingly join or participate in any permitted Parade or Assembly without the consent and over the objection of the permittee, nor in any manner interfere with the progress or orderly conduct of a permitted Parade or Assembly.
(e) Application for Permit.
1. Submission of Application.
A. Written applications for permits should be submitted to the Department at least 40 days prior to the date of the requested Event. However, all applications for permits shall be acted upon by the Department and the Board so long as they are received by the Department not less than five days before the date of the requested Event. The five-day time limitation shall be waived by the Designated Police Commissioner if the occurrence giving rise to the permit application did not reasonably allow the applicant time to file within the time prescribed, and imposition of the time limitation would place an unreasonable restriction on the right to free speech.
B. An application will be accepted by the Department only if it is fully completed, legible, and is accompanied by a receipt from the Office of Finance of payment of the Permit Application Fee as required pursuant to Subdivision (e)(2)C. below.
C. Applications shall be submitted no more than six months before the Event date.
2. Form of Application.
A. An application for a permit shall be made on a form provided by the Department and shall contain the following:
(1) the name, address, and telephone number of the applicant;
(2) the name, address, and telephone number of the sponsoring organization;
(3) the specific date(s) of the Event, including date(s) for set-up and tear down;
(4) the starting and ending times;
(5) the exact location of the assembly and disbanding areas, indicating the particular portion of a street, corner of an intersection, portion of private property or park area, etc., if appropriate;
(6) the exact route and direction of travel of the Parade;
(7) the portion of the street needed for the Event;
(8) the total number and type of bands, marching units, vehicles, animals, structures, or other elements/props which will be used in the Event;
(9) the estimated number of participants and spectators expected at the Event;
(10) a description of any sound amplification equipment which will be used in the Event;
(11) the number of floats, if any, which will be used in the Parade and their size, type and method of power;
(12) the cleanup activities planned; and
(13) the parking contingencies planned.
B. If the Event is designed to be held by and on behalf of or for any organization other than the applicant, the applicant for the permit shall file a communication in writing from the organization authorizing the applicant to apply for such permit on its behalf.
C. The application for a permit shall be accompanied by a receipt from the Office of Finance evidencing payment of the requisite Permit Application Fee.
(f) Application Processing Procedure.
1. Timing of Action on Permit. The Board shall approve or deny an application as set forth in this subsection no later than the earliest date of the following: (i) 15 days after the complete application and receipt for payment of the Permit Application Fee were received by the Department, or (ii) three business days prior to the date of the scheduled Event; provided however that in the event that the Designated Police Commissioner waives the five-day notice requirement as set forth in Subsection (e), the application shall be approved or denied no later than 24 hours prior to the date of the scheduled Event.
2. Processing by the Department.
A. Written Report. Applications for permits shall be filed directly with the Department. The Department shall investigate the application and prepare a written report, including recommendations of whether the permit should be granted or denied and any conditions which should be imposed.
B. Notification of Affected Agencies. Upon receipt of the complete application and Permit Application Fee receipt, the Department shall notify and transmit a copy of the application to the following:
(1) Chief Engineer of the Fire Department;
(2) General Manager of the Department of Transportation;
(3) General Manager of the Department of General Services;
(4) Director of the Bureau of Street Services and Director of the Bureau of Sanitation, Department of Public Works;
(5) CalTrans (where appropriate);
(6) General Manager of the Metropolitan Transit Authority;
(7) California Highway Patrol, only if a state highway is involved;
(8) Entertainment Industry Development Corporation (EIDC);
(9) General Manager of the County of Los Angeles Department of Beaches and Harbors (where appropriate);
(10) General Manager of the Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks (where appropriate);
(11) The Mayor’s Office of Special Events; and
(12) The Office of the Council Member of the affected Council District.
This notification and transmittal shall be for the purpose of identifying any logistical or public safety issues surrounding the granting of the particular application, and to enable the Department of Transportation and the Bureau of Street Services to determine the traffic control and clean-up services that will be required and the costs to be paid by the applicant for those services.
Immediately upon the granting of a permit, the Board shall transmit a copy thereof to each of the above agencies.
3. Action on Application.
A. Recommendations of Department.
(1) If the recommendation of the Department is to approve the application without conditions or with conditions to which the applicant agrees, the Executive Director of the Board, on behalf of the Board, shall approve the permit.
(2) If the recommendation of the Department is to approve the application with conditions to which the applicant disagrees, the contested conditions shall be set forth in a report. The application, report, and recommendations shall be referred to the Designated Police Commissioner and a copy shall be provided to the applicant.
(3) If the recommendation of the Department is to deny the permit, the grounds for the recommendation shall be set forth in a report. The application, report, and recommendations shall be referred to the Designated Police Commissioner and a copy shall be provided to the applicant.
(4) If the Department simultaneously receives two or more applications from applicants requesting the same date, time, and location for the same or similar events, the Department will complete the processing on the applications and forward them to the Designated Police Commissioner for action on each application.
B. Action by the Designated Police Commissioner. If an application is referred to the Designated Police Commissioner, the Designated Police Commissioner shall act to grant or deny the application in compliance with Subdivision (f)(1). The applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision by the Designated Police Commissioner by facsimile or overnight courier and shall be informed that the applicant has the right to appeal the decision as set forth in Subsection (j) below.
(g) Issuance of the Permit. The Board shall issue a permit following:
1. Final action on the permit pursuant to Subsection (f);
2. An agreement by the applicant or sponsor in writing to comply with any conditions imposed on the Event by the permit, including payment of traffic control and clean-up costs; and
3. Compliance with all of the applicable requirements of Subsection (h) below.
(h) Conditions to Issuance of Permit. The Board may condition the issuance of a permit by imposing reasonable requirements concerning the time, place, and manner of the Event, as necessary to protect the safety of all persons and property, provided that the conditions shall not unreasonably restrict the right of free speech. These conditions include, but are not limited to:
1. Alteration of the date or time of the Event proposed on the application;
2. Alteration of the location of the Assembly, route of the Parade, and/or the area and manner of assembling and disbanding of the Parade;
3. Accommodation of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, including restricting the Event to only a portion of a street or highway;
4. Compliance with all ordinances or laws and obtaining all legally required permits or licenses;
5. Requirements for the training and use of volunteers, monitors, or parade officials;
6. Restrictions on the number and type of vehicles, animals, or structures at the Event, and prior inspection and approval of floats, structures, and decorated vehicles for fire safety by the Los Angeles Fire Department;
7. Requirements for the use of garbage containers, cleanup, and restoration of City property;
8. Requirements for providing notice of permit conditions to volunteers, monitors, parade officials, and event participants;
9. Requirements for providing a certain specified number of parade officials or volunteers to ensure a safe and expeditious parade;
10. Requirements for the provision of adequate first aid and sanitary facilities;
11. Requirements for the use of amplification devices or amplified sound; and
12. Requirements to provide proof of automobile insurance (where the Event involves the operating of vehicles, including motorized floats, upon the streets or highways).
(i) Grounds for Denial of Application or Revocation of a Permit.
1. The Board, through either the Executive Director or the Designated Police Commissioner, shall approve an application for a permit unless it determines from a consideration of the application or other pertinent information, the existence of any of the following, any of which shall also be justification for the Board to revoke a previously issued permit:
A. Information contained in the application, or supplementary information requested from the applicant, is false in any material detail;
B. The applicant failed to provide a complete application after being notified of the requirement of producing additional information or documents;
C. The Event will interfere with another Event, street closure or other activity for which a permit has previously been granted;
D. The concentration of persons, animals and/or vehicles at the site of the Event, or at the assembly and disbanding areas, will prevent proper police, fire, ambulance, or other public services to areas contiguous to the Event;
E. The time, route or size of the Event will disrupt to an unreasonable extent the safe and expeditious movement of traffic contiguous to the event site or route, or unreasonably disrupt the use of a street or highway when it is usually subject to great traffic congestion;
F. The size or duration of the Event will require the diversion of so great a number of police officers of the City that providing the minimum level of police services to other areas of the City is jeopardized. Nothing in this paragraph authorizes denial of a permit because of the need to protect Event participants from the conduct of others;
G. The Event will substantially interfere with any construction or maintenance work scheduled to take place upon or along the affected City streets or highways, or a previously granted encroachment permit;
H. The parade will not move from its point of origin to its point of termination in five hours or less;
I. The length of the parade route exceeds 3 miles from its point of origin to its point of termination; or
J. The applicant fails to conduct the Event in accordance with the information contained in the permit application, or any terms and conditions imposed on the issued permit.
2. When the grounds for denial of the application for a permit specified in Subdivision (i)1. can be corrected by altering the time, place and/or manner of the Event as authorized by Subsection (h), the Board shall, instead of denying the application, conditionally approve the application provided the applicant accepts such conditions for permit issuance. The conditions imposed shall provide for only such modifications of the applicant’s proposed Event as are necessary to achieve compliance with this subsection.
(j) Appeal Procedure.
1. Right to Appeal. The applicant shall have the right to appeal any permit conditions imposed upon an Event or the denial of a permit application. The applicant shall also have the right to appeal the amount of traffic control fees or clean-up deposits imposed pursuant to subsection (l).
2. Notice of Appeal. A notice of appeal stating the grounds for the appeal shall be filed with the Board no later than three days after delivery of the notice of the denial of the application or notice of the contested/disputed permit conditions.
3. Hearing by the Board.
A. If an applicant files a notice of appeal, the Board shall conduct a hearing on the appeal at the next scheduled meeting of the Board. The Board shall render its decision at the hearing unless the permit applicant or sponsor agrees to a continuance. The decision of the Board is final.
B. If the date of the next scheduled meeting of the Board following the receipt of a notice of appeal is later than two business days before the date of the scheduled Event, the Board shall convene a special meeting within 24 hours of the delivery of the notice of appeal. Notice of the time and place of said special meeting shall be given to all parties at least 24 hours prior to said hearing. The Board shall render its decision at the hearing unless the permit applicant or sponsor agrees to a continuance. The decision of the Board is final.
C. No Board member who did not hear the evidence or who was not read or heard the record or proceedings shall vote on the decision.
(k) Contents of Permit. In each permit, the Board shall prescribe:
1. The assembly area and time therefor:
2. The start time;
3. The minimum and maximum speeds for the Parade;
4. The exact route of the Parade;
5. What portions of streets to be traversed may be occupied by the Event;
6. The maximum number of units and the maximum and minimum interval of space to be maintained between the units of the Parade;
7. The maximum length of the Parade in miles or fractions thereof;
8. The disbanding area and disbanding time;
9. The number of persons required to officiate and/or monitor the Event;
10. The number and type of vehicles, if any;
11. The material and maximum size of any sign, banner, placard or carrying device therefor; and
12. All conditions imposed upon the Event pursuant to Subsection (h) of this Section.
(l) Fees and Indemnification.
1. Each applicant, and any other person, organization, firm or corporation on whose behalf the application is made, shall be required to agree in writing to jointly and separately indemnify, protect and defend and hold harmless the City of Los Angeles, its officers and employees against all claims, damages, expenses, loss or liability of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of, or resulting from, the alleged acts or omissions of the permittee, its officers, agents or employees in connection with the Parade or Assembly.
2. Traffic Control Costs.
A. Prepayment of Costs. Upon approval by the Board of a permit for a Parade or Assembly but prior to the date of the scheduled Event, the Department of Transportation, through the Bureau of Street Services, shall provide the applicant with a statement of the estimated cost of providing traffic management at the Event. The applicant/sponsor shall be required to pay the traffic control costs either prior to the date of the Event or within 15 days thereafter. Traffic control consists of clearing the parade/assembly route of unauthorized vehicles, posting any parking restrictions necessary for the Event, diverting traffic around the Event, and directing pedestrian and vehicular traffic along the route of a parade.
B. Computing Traffic Control Costs. The traffic control costs shall be computed by determining the number of LADOT personnel who will be required for traffic control beyond that which would otherwise be required at that time, multiplied by the number of hours for which such additional service is rendered at the rate of the City’s full cost of providing officers on an hourly basis as established by the Department of Transportation.
C. Refunds or Additional Charges. If the actual cost for traffic control on the date of the Event is less than the estimated cost pursuant to Subdivision (l)2.A. above, the applicant/ sponsor will be refunded the difference by the City. If more traffic officers’ hours are required than originally charged, the applicant/sponsor will be billed the additional costs.
D. Traffic control costs shall not be assessed if the size of the parade/assembly can be controlled by 5 or fewer traffic officers over a two-hour period, as determined by LADOT.
3. Clean-up Deposit.
A. The applicant/sponsor of an Event involving horses or other large animals, the sale of food or beverages, or the erection of any structure shall be required to provide a clean-up deposit prior to the date of the Event, paid to the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services. The clean-up deposit shall be in the amount established in a cleanup fee schedule adopted by the City Council.
B. The clean-up deposit shall be returned after the Event if the area used for the Event has been cleaned and restored to the same condition as existed prior to the Event, as determined by a representative of the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Street Services.
C. If the property used for the Event has not been cleaned or restored, the permittee shall be billed for the actual cost of the clean-up and restoration by the Office of Finance, and the clean-up deposit or portion thereof shall be applied toward the payment of the bill.
D. If the permittee disputes the bill, the permittee may appeal to the Board of Public Works within 5 days after receipt of the bill. Should there be any unexpended balance on the deposit after completion of the work, this balance shall be promptly refunded to the permittee. Should the amount of the bill exceed the clean-up deposit, the difference shall become due and payable to the City upon the applicant’s receipt of the bill.
4. Waiver of Fees for Traffic Control and Clean-up Services. Upon receipt of an application therefor to the Bureau of Street Services One Stop Special Events Permit Office, Traffic Control and Clean-up Services costs shall be waived for non- commercial Parades and Assemblies, so long as the particular event would qualify for a waiver applying all of the requirements, conditions and criteria set forth in Municipal Code Sections 41.20 and 41.20.1. Applications for such waivers shall be processed as set forth in Municipal Code Sections 41.20 and 41.20.1.
(m) Waiver. Except as specifically set forth herein, no requirements of this Section shall be waived.
(n) Violation. Willful violation of any of the provisions of this Section, or the terms or conditions of an Event permit by the permittee or any participant in said Event is a misdemeanor.
(o) Severability. If any subsection, subdivision. sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this section, or the application thereof to any person, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Section or its application to other persons. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this section and each subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions, or the application thereof to any person, be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
(Amended by Ord. No. 157,104, Eff. 11/27/82.)
(a) Definitions.
1. “BILLIARDS” means any of the several games played on a table, the surface of which is surrounded by an elastic ledge or cushions within which balls are impelled by cues, and shall include all forms of a game known as “pool”.
2. “BILLIARD ROOM” or “POOLROOM” means any place where the game of billiards is permitted to be played on one or more tables designed for that purpose, referred to herein as “billiard tables’ or “pool tables”.
3. “BOWLING ALLEY” means a place, usually indoors, where a game is conducted in which large balls made of composition rubber, plastic or other material are rolled along an alley or lane toward pins, arranged symmetrically.
(b) Permit Required. No person shall operate or maintain a billiard room, poolroom or bowling alley open to the public, whether or not operated for a profit, and to which the public is admitted either with or without charge, without a written permit from the Board.
(c) Notice to Public. Each applicant for a permit shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the community wherein the activity is to be conducted, a notice of intent to conduct or maintain a billiard room, poolroom or bowling alley as defined herein. The notice shall be published twice at intervals of not less than three days within a ten-day period following the date of the filing of the application.
In addition, the Board shall cause a suitable public notice to be posted at the location where the activity is to be conducted within five days after the date of the filing of the application for the required permit.
Both the published and posted notices shall conform to the rules and regulations adopted by the Board and shall be designed to inform the public as to the nature of the business to be engaged in, including the location, and the name or names of the applicant or applicants. Said notices shall also state that persons who object to the proposed activity must present their objections to the Board in writing on or before a final date set forth in the notice, and that objections submitted subsequent to that date shall not be considered. Such final date shall be the date ten days following the first date of publication of the notice, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The Board shall review the application for the permit, and, in the event objections are submitted within said time limit, shall likewise consider the objections and may withhold issuance of the permit applied for pending a public hearing and further determination thereon. In the event the Board conducts a public hearing with respect to the objections received, the Board shall provide at least a ten-day notice to the applicant and to the objecting parties, and shall permit these and every other interested party to be heard thereat.
All expenses and costs involved in publishing and posting any notices referred to herein shall be borne by the applicant.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the issuance of a permit to operate or maintain a billiard room or poolroom containing no more than three billiard or pool tables, where the operation and maintenance thereof is not the principal business activity of the premises where such table or tables are located.
(d) Minors. No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall enter or remain in, nor shall any person having charge or control of any billiard room or poolroom permit any person under the age of eighteen (18) to enter or remain in, any billiard room or poolroom with two or more pool tables or billiard tables.
Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, persons under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be permitted to enter and remain in family billiard rooms under the provisions of Section 103.112.1 of this Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 139,204, Eff. 10/23/69.)
(a) Definitions.
1. “FAMILY BILLIARD ROOM” means any billiard room wherein minors are permitted to play billiards under the provisions of this section.
(b) Permit Required. No person shall conduct, operate or manage a family billiard room without a written permit from the Board.
(c) Investigation. Upon the filing of an application for a permit, the Board shall cause to be made such investigation as it deems necessary.
(d) Public Hearings. The Board shall hold a public hearing prior to taking action on an application for a permit pursuant to this section. The applicant shall cause to be published a notice of public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the district where the business is to be located. Said notice shall be published two times, at intervals of not less than five days, within the 21-day period following the filing of an application. Furthermore the Board may give notice by mail to all property owners within three hundred feet of the proposed business. The Board shall cause a suitable public notice to be posted at the location where the business is to be conducted. The applicant shall bear all expenses involved in mailing, printing, publishing and posting such notice. Such public notice shall conform to the rules and regulations adopted by the Board and shall be designed to inform the public as to the nature of the business to be engaged in, its location, the names of the applicant or applicants, the time of the public hearing and the right of persons objecting to be heard. Any interested person may file written protests or objections, or appear at the hearing. The Board shall give consideration to all such protests in reaching a decision on such application.
If the Board shall find that the operation of the family billiard room for which the permit is requested at the location set forth in the application will not violate any law of the State of California or any ordinance of the City of Los Angeles or constitute a menace to the health, peace, or safety of the community, and the applicant has not had a permit revoked by the Board within one year prior to the application, then the Board shall issue a permit to the applicant.
(e) Permits – Conditions. Permits to operate family billiard rooms shall be issued upon and subject to the following conditions:
1. Physical Environment:
(i) Family billiard rooms shall be located at street level or that level which most approximates street level.
(ii) A clear and unobstructed view of the entire interior of the family billiard room shall be visible from the entrance to such room.
(iii) No partitions forming rooms, stalls or other enclosures within which the public may congregate shall be permitted within the family billiard room. However, this shall not prohibit the maintenance of washrooms, toilet rooms or storage closets.
(iv) The family billiard room shall be maintained in a separate room from other business activities of the owner or operator of such room unless the owner or operator has obtained the consent of the Board to do otherwise.
(v) No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, consumed or available in family billiard rooms.
2. Conduct:
(i) Behavior within family billiard rooms shall conform to the rules and regulations of the Board in addition to the provisions of this section and of all other applicable laws. Sufficient adult supervision shall be provided by management to assure compliance with such rules, regulations and laws.
The owners, managers and operators, and each of them, of a family billiard room shall be strictly responsible for the enforcement of all rules and regulations, and shall not permit any person violating any rule, regulation or other applicable law to remain in such family billiard room.
(ii) No person shall bring any form of alcoholic liquor into a family billiard room. No person in an intoxicated condition shall enter or remain in a family billiard room. No person shall conduct themself in a boisterous or disorderly manner in a family billiard room.
(iii) No person having charge or control of any family billiard room shall permit any person to enter or remain therein who has any form of alcoholic liquor in their possession, or permit any intoxicated, boisterous or disorderly person to enter, be or remain in any family billiard room.
(f) Age Limits. Persons under the age of 18 years may enter and remain in family billiard rooms and play billiards therein with the following limitations:
1. No person having charge or control of a family billiard room shall allow a person under the age of 18 years to enter or remain in a family billiard room unaccompanied by their parent or guardian.
2. No person under the age of 18 years shall enter or remain in a family billiard room unless accompanied by their parent or guardian.
A person under the age of 18 years may be present in a family billiard room and engage in the game of billiards, unaccompanied by a parent or guardian, if the parent of guardian of such person has signed and filed with the owner, manager or operator of the family billiard room a consent form of a type approved by the Board. Such form must be signed by the parent or guardian in the presence of the owner, manager or operator.
3. No person having charge or control of any family billiard room shall allow a person under the age of 18 years to enter and remain therein after the receipt of a notice signed by the parent or guardian of such minor person in which notice the parent or guardian has requested that said minor be prevented from entering or remaining in any such premises.
4. No person less than 18 years of age shall enter or remain in a family billiard room between the hours of 12:01 and 9:00 A.M. Nor shall any person having charge or control of a family billiard room permit a person less than 18 years of age to enter or remain in such family billiard room between the hours of 12:01 and 9:00 A.M.
(a) Definitions. As used in this section:
1. “RIDE” includes any merry-go-round, Ferris wheel, carousel, rocket ride, looper ride, roller coaster, dive-ride or other similar device.
(b) Permit Required. No person shall operate or maintain any ride within 500 feet of any dwelling without a written permit from the Board. A separate application and permit shall be required for each location. One or more pieces of equipment described in the application may be installed under one permit at each location.
(c) Public Hearings. The Board shall require a public hearing prior to taking action on an application for a permit pursuant to this section. The applicant shall cause to be published a notice of public hearing two times at intervals of not less than five days, within the 21-day period following the filing of an application, in a newspaper of general circulation in the district where the business is to be located. The Board shall cause a suitable public notice to be posted at the location where the business is to be conducted. The applicant shall bear all expense involved in printing, publishing and posting such notice. Such public notice shall conform to rules and regulations adopted by the Board and shall be designed to inform the public as to the nature of the business to be engaged in, its location, the names of the applicant or applicants, the time of the public hearing and the right of persons objecting to be heard. Any interested person may file written protests or objections or appear at the hearing. The Board shall give consideration to all such protests in reaching a decision on such application. (Amended by Ord. No. 137,649, Eff. 1/6/69.)