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   (a)   Definitions. As used in this article:
   1.   “DANCING ACADEMY” means a regularly established place of business maintained or conducted principally for the purpose of giving instructions in dancing.
   (b)   Permit Required. No person shall engage in, manage, conduct, maintain, or carry on the business of furnishing a place where instruction in dancing is given without a written permit from the Board.
   (c)   Change of Location. A change of location may be endorsed on a permit by the Board upon written application by the permittee accompanied by the change of location fee prescribed in Section 103.12.
   (d)   Invitational Dance. Persons other than those receiving regular instruction therein may be admitted to a dance, ball or dance instruction at a dancing academy by bona fide written invitation. Such invitation must be issued to a person named therein prior to the date specified in the invitation. Only the named person and not more than two other guests may be admitted by such invitation. The invitation shall be surrendered to a doorkeeper or ticket taker at the entrance to the dancing academy.
   The invitee shall write the names and addresses of the invitee’s guests on the back of the invitation before presentation to the doorkeeper or ticket taker. Nothing in this section shall apply to the admission to a dancing academy of musicians or other persons regularly employed in the conduct of the dance, ball or dancing instruction.
   (e)   Public Dance – Unless Invitations. Every dance or ball given by a dancing academy for or to which former pupils of such academy are admitted shall be deemed to be a public dance unless all the provisions in this section concerning the issuance of invitations are complied with.
   (f)   Register Required. Every person conducting, maintaining or carrying on a dancing academy shall keep at all times a register of all persons instructed in dancing therein, in which shall be entered:
   1.   The name of each and every such person;
   2.   The time when such instruction begins;
   3.   The time when the same terminates;
   4.   The dates upon which instruction is given or contracted to be given;
   5.   In the case of a female minor under the age of 18 years or a male minor under the age of 17 years, the name of the parent or guardian or other person exercising parental control over such minor with whom the contract for instruction for dancing was made on behalf of such minor. Said register shall be at all time open to the inspection of the Chief of Police and the members of the Police Department.
   (g)   Intoxicating Liquor, Sale of. No person shall sell, furnish, serve or give away any intoxicating liquor in any dancing academy or in any room or place connected with or used in connection with any such dancing academy or at any place upon the same premises or within the same enclosure in which such dancing academy is situated while dancing or dancing instruction is being carried on.
   (h)   Invitations – Writing False Names. No person shall write upon an invitation a false name or any name other than the true name of the persons accompanying the holder of any invitation as provided in this section.
   (i)   Illumination. No permittee or the permittee’s employees shall hold or conduct any dance or instruction in dancing in any dancing academy after sunset unless the room or hall in which the dance or instruction in dancing is held is well lighted at all times. The intensity of such lighting shall not be less than a minimum of one foot candle at a plane three feet above the floor at all points on such floor
   (j)   Shutting Off Light. No person shall shut or turn off the lights or lighting or reduce the intensity below the minimum in Subsection (i).