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   (Added by Ord. No. 141,580, Eff. 4/2/71.)
   (a)   Social Contact Concierge Establishment Defined. As used in this article, “Social Contact Concierge Establishment” shall mean any dance hall or place conducting public dances where partners are provided for dancing or social contacts by those conducting, managing, maintaining or operating such public dances for patrons or guests and for which such patrons or guests pay a fee or other consideration.
   (b)   Permit Required. No person shall conduct, manage, maintain or operate a Social Contact Concierge Establishment without a written permit from the Board.
   (c)   Floor Space. No permit shall be issued for the conduct of any Social Contact Concierge Establishment having less than 400 square feet of contiguous area set aside and reserved exclusively for dancing, such area to be exclusive of hallway space.
   (d)   Hours of Operation. No Social Contact Concierge Establishment shall operate between the hours of 2:00 o’clock A.M. and 6:00 o’clock A.M. of any day.
   (e)   Alcoholic Beverages – Prohibited. No permit shall be issued at any establishment that serves or offers for sale any alcoholic beverages.
   (f)   Possession of Alcoholic Beverages Prohibited. No person shall possess an alcoholic beverage in or on the premises of a Social Contact Concierge Establishment.
   (g)   Employees – Social Contact Concierge Dancers. No person under the age of 18 years shall be employed as a dancer, social contact concierge dancer or instructor. (Amended by Ord. No. 144,116, Eff. 12/31/72.)
   (h)   Illumination. The illumination shall conform with the provisions of Section 41.48 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
   (i)   Public Hearings. The Board may require a public hearing prior to taking action on an application for a permit pursuant to this section. The applicant shall cause to be published a notice of public hearing two times at intervals of not less than 5 days within the 21-day period following the filing of an application, in a newspaper of general circulation in the district where the business is to be located. Furthermore, the Board may give notice by mail to all property owners within three hundred feet of the proposed business. The Board shall cause a suitable public notice to be posted at the location where the business is to be conducted. The applicant shall bear all expense involved in mailing, printing, publishing and posting such notice. Such public notice shall conform to the rules and regulations adopted by the Board and shall be designed to inform the public as to the nature of the business to be engaged in, its location, the names of the applicant or applicants, the time of the public hearing, and the right of persons objecting to be heard. Any interested person may file written protests or objections, or appear at the hearing. The Board shall give consideration to all such protests in reaching a decision on such application.
   (j)   Prior Operation. Any business activity that qualifies under the Social Contact Concierge Establishment Ordinance and is currently operating with a Dance Hall Café Permit at the time this ordinance first becomes effective shall be exempt from Subsection (i) of said Social Contact Concierge Establishment Ordinance and shall be exempt from the original permit fee. The annual fee shall be effective when applicable.