(Title and Article amended by Ord. No. 180,528, Eff. 3-22-09.)
22.646 Administration of Information Technology Systems.
The Information Technology Agency shall exercise the following powers and duties with respect to Information Technology Systems, and such other powers and duties as may be conferred by ordinance with respect to the same:
(a) Investigate and prepare recommendations to the City Council when an application for a franchise, permit or privilege or for any other action affecting an existing franchise, permit or privilege involving information technology systems is referred to the Information Technology Agency pursuant to Chapter 1 of Division 13.
(b) Investigate all Information Technology Systems franchises and compile such data as may be necessary to determine the proper services to be furnished to the public by the franchises and the just and reasonable rates for the services. The Information Technology Agency shall have the right of access at all reasonable times to the property and records of all franchisees for the purpose of investigation of each franchise and its implementation, and may require the franchisees to keep such records and make such reports as the Information Technology Agency may prescribe.
(c) Establish and prescribe regulations providing for the operation of, the extent, character and quality of service of, and the rates to be charged by, each franchisee, all in a manner not in conflict with any paramount state or federal law or regulation, rate fixing, or service requirements for the franchises.
(d) Investigate complaints regarding the service or rates of any franchisee and to issue orders adjusting them where necessary.
Article and Section Added by Ord No. 170,600, Eff. 8-11-95.
Amended by: Ord. No. 173,290, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00; Ord. No. 176,006, Eff. 7-12-04; Title and Section in Entirety, Ord. No. 180,528, Eff. 3-22-09.
(Amended in entirety by Ord No. 180,528, Eff. 3-22-09.)
22.647 Rules and Regulations Regarding Information Technology Systems Franchises.
(a) The General Manager of the Department or the General Manager’s designee shall cause to be published once in a daily newspaper of general circulation a copy of each proposed new regulation which has been tentatively approved by the Department. The publication shall also include a notice to show cause, if any, within five days from the date of publication of the notice, why the proposed regulation should not become final and effective.
(b) In response to said notice to show cause, any person interested in or affected by the proposed regulation may file objections thereto with the General Manager or designee within five days after the publication, specifying the grounds of such objections. After the expiration of the time for filing objections, the General Manager or designee shall fix a date for hearing the objections. After the hearing, the General Manager or designee shall act on the objections and on the proposed regulation. The regulation may be adopted, amended and adopted, or rejected by the General Manager or designee in the General Manager’s or designee’s sole discretion.
(c) All regulations adopted by the General Manager or designee shall be published at least once in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the City and shall be subject to the referendum provisions of the City Charter relating to ordinances before becoming effective.
(d) Each resolution fixing rates must be approved by ordinance adopted by the City Council before taking effect.
(e) City rules and regulations previously authorized, adopted and operative on the effective date of this chapter with respect to matters which the Department has the authority to regulate shall remain in full force and effect until adoption of further City resolutions or orders with respect thereto. Rules and regulations of the Board of Information Technology Commissioners operative on the date of abolishment of the Board of Information Technology Commissioners shall remain in full force and effect until the adoption by the Information Technology Agency of further rules or regulations with respect thereto.
Article and Section Added by Ord No. 170,600, Eff. 8-11-95.
Amended by: In Entirety, Ord No. 180,528, Eff. 3-22-09.
(a) The Department shall have the power and duty to supervise, control, manage, design, develop and administer all of the Information Technology Systems which may be developed and which are used by the offices and departments of the City of Los Angeles under the budgetary jurisdiction of the Council in accordance with rules and regulations established therefor by the Mayor and Council so as to provide optimum utilization of equipment, devices and systems consonant with sound economic, managerial and systems design practices.
(b) The Department shall, on behalf of the City:
(1) Develop and coordinate municipal uses of Information Technology Systems for public and city government information dissemination and other applications, and coordinate all technical matters involving usage of Information Technology Systems for both public and City government purposes;
(2) Monitor and report to the Mayor and to the City Council all legislative and industry matters impacting the City’s Information Technology policies, programs and applications consistent with the provisions of The Organization and Procedures Manual on Legislative Matters Affecting the City of Los Angeles.
(3) Assume authority for all design, planning and coordination of other City Information Technology Systems as specified in Article 1 of this chapter, and developing and coordinating joint applications with the private sector and with other governmental entities;
(4) Coordinate the development of a strategic planning approach to Information Technology System uses for voice, data and video transmissions, processing and services which may be implemented by or through the cooperation of other City departments.
Article and Section Added by Ord No. 170,600, Eff. 8-11-95.