The General Manager of the Personnel Department shall establish a fee schedule to reasonable offset cost of preparation of documents prepared for other than governmental agencies or for other than the immediate follow-up medical care of a patient. The fee schedule established shall not exceed $2.00 per page.
Added by Ord. No. 140,506, Eff. 7-1-70.
(a) Liability for costs of emergency response. Pursuant to the authority vested in the City of Los Angeles by state statute, every person who is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or any drug, or the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and any drug, whose negligent operation of a motor vehicle, boat, vessel, or aircraft caused by that influence proximately causes any incident resulting in an appropriate emergency response, or every person whose intentionally wrongful conduct proximately causes any incident resulting in an appropriate emergency response, shall pay to said City the expense of such emergency response. In no event shall a person’s liability under this section exceed the maximum allowable under state statute.
(b) Definition of an “expense of an emergency response.” “Expense of an emergency response” means those costs incurred by the City of Los Angeles in making any appropriate emergency response to the incident, and shall be comprised of all costs directly arising because of the response to the particular incident, including, but not limited to the costs of providing police, firefighting, rescue, and emergency medical services at the scene of the incident, as well as the salaries of the personnel responding to the incident.
(c) Collection of costs. The expense of an emergency response shall be charged against the person liable for the expenses under this section. The charge constitutes a debt of that person to the City of Los Angeles and is collectible by said City in the same manner as in the case of an obligation under a contract, express or implied.
Any person acquitted of, or receiving a dismissal of, all criminal charges arising out of the incident which resulted in the emergency response shall not be charged for the costs of said emergency response. Any such costs paid shall be refunded.
Added by Ord. No. 168,504, Eff. 2-5-93.
The General Manager of the Personnel Department shall furnish any employee of the City of Los Angeles preventive medical care for exposure to any communicable disease which is not a common disease known as a risk of the communality (such as a cold or influenza) when all of the following conditions exist in the cumulative.
a. The employee has actually and closely been exposed to the disease while in the course and scope of the employee’s City employment;
b. The General Manager of the Personnel Department has determined the City would be liable to provide the employee with workers’ compensation benefits pursuant to Division IV of the California Labor Code if the employee contracted the disease;
c. There exists and is available a medically acceptable form of preventive medical care for exposure to the disease and it is medically advisable to administer such preventive medical care to the employee.
Added by Ord. No. 141,087, Eff. 11-20-70.
Preventive medical care provided for by this article shall be administered only by or under the direction of a medical doctor selected to administer such care by the General Manager of the Personnel Department.
Added by Ord. No. 141,087, Eff. 11-20-70.