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Chapter 1A City of Los Angeles Zoning Code
Table of Amending Legislation for Chapter 1A
Sec. 1007. Examination Bulletins.
   Notice of time, place and general scope of every examination shall be given as provided in the civil service rules.
Amended by: Charter Amendment II, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025.
Sec. 1008. Register of Eligible Candidates.
   The general manager of the Personnel Department shall prepare a register for each class of position in the classified civil service of the persons whose general average standing upon examination for the class is not less than the minimum fixed by the civil service rules, and who are otherwise eligible. These persons shall be listed in the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence, as determined by their examination without reference to the date of examination. The board may prescribe a minimum score in the written portion of any examination, including credit for past service in examinations for promotion, and may exclude from subsequent portions of the examination any candidate who fails to attain the minimum score.
   The board may, by its rules, provide for the extension of the life of an eligible list and may delegate to the general manager of the Personnel Department the authority to extend the life of an eligible list for entry-level positions in accordance with the civil service rules.
Sec. 1009. Promotion.
   The board shall by its rules provide for promotion in the classified civil service on the basis of ascertained merit and seniority in service and examination, and shall provide, in all cases where it is practicable, that vacancies shall be filled by promotion. All examinations for promotion shall be competitive among members of lower ranks who apply for the examination and who have the experience and qualifications required by the board as a prerequisite for taking the examination. The general manager of the Personnel Department shall submit to the appointing authority for each promotion the names of eligible applicants in accordance with Section 1010.
   In rating eligible candidates, the board shall make an allowance of credits for past service. The announcement of the examination shall state that credits will be given for past service. Upon the written request of the appointing authority, the board may certify the names of those applicants having the highest ratings on the open competitive eligible list whose scores before adjustment for preferential credits are higher than the score of the highest available applicant on the promotional eligible register after credits for past service have been added. Names of candidates shall be removed from the register of eligibles for promotion after they have remained on the register for two years without re-examination.
   Promotional examinations shall be held at intervals necessary to maintain a register of eligibles for promotional positions in which there are vacancies. The method and rules governing examination and certification for promotions shall be the same as provided for applicants for original appointment, except as otherwise provided in this section.
Sec. 1010. Certification.
   (a)   Three Highest Whole Scores. The appointing authority of a department shall notify the board when one or more classified positions are to be filled. The general manager of the Personnel Department shall certify to the appointing authority the names and addresses of those eligibles having the three highest whole scores on the register for the class to which the positions belong. The appointing authority shall fill the positions from the names certified by the general manager within 60 days from the date of certification. Certified test scores shall be made public.
   (b)   Selective Certification. Upon request of the appointing authority and approval by the board, the general manager of the Personnel Department may establish a separate register of eligibles from among those eligibles having the three highest whole scores based on factors such as special skills, licenses, language proficiency and specialized training.
   (c)   Extra Certifications. If there are sufficient eligibles available, the general manager of the Personnel Department shall certify at least five names and addresses more than the number of positions to be filled. If there are less than five available eligibles more than the number of positions to be filled within a range of three whole scores, the general manager of the Personnel Department shall certify the names and addresses of all available eligibles within such additional number of whole scores as necessary to provide a minimum of five available eligibles more than the number of positions to be filled.
   Where there are remaining on the eligible list less than five available eligibles more than the number of positions to be filled and the general manager of the Personnel Department finds that it is for the good of the civil service, the names of all available eligibles may be certified and appointments may be made from among those available eligibles.
   (d)   Certification Within Range of One or More Whole Scores. In consideration of the number of vacancies to be filled and the likely number of available eligibles within a range of three whole scores, the general manager of the Personnel Department may certify the names and addresses of all available eligibles within a range of one or more whole scores whenever a certification is requested by an appointing authority and there are at least five eligibles available within such range over and above the number of positions to be filled.
   (e)   Order of List. Whenever the general manager of the Personnel Department certifies the names and addresses of eligible candidates, the names shall be listed in the order of the whole scores achieved, except that within the range of each single whole score the names of eligibles shall be listed in random order.
   (f)   Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any certification from being used concurrently by multiple departments.
Amended by: Subsec. (f) repealed, Charter Amendment Q § 3, approved March 8, 2011, effective April 8, 2011; Subsec. (f) added, Charter Amendment II, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025.
Sec. 1011. Probation.
   (a)   Length of Probation. A candidate appointed to an entry level classified position shall be employed on probation for a period not exceeding 12 months, with the specific period to be established by the board, and for a period not exceeding 18 months, to be measured from the commencement of recruit training, for those employees appointed under civil service rules and regulations and sworn in, as provided by law, to perform the duties of regular police officers. The civil service rules may provide for a different period of probation for non-entry level employees, not exceeding six months except that a longer period, not exceeding 12 months, may be fixed for management personnel.
   (b)   Termination During Probation. At or before the expiration of the probationary period, the appointing authority may terminate the probationary employee by delivering written notice of termination to the employee assigning in writing the reasons for the termination. The appointing authority shall subsequently notify the board of such termination. Unless the probationary employee is served with written notice of termination during the probationary period, the employee’s appointment shall be deemed complete.
Amended by: Subsec. (a), Charter Amendment Q § 4, approved March 8, 2011, effective April 8, 2011.
Sec. 1012. Removal from and Reinstatement to the Register of Eligible Candidates.
   (a)   No candidate shall lose his or her place on a register of eligible candidates by certification or rejection, except that the board may remove names of candidates from a register after they have remained on the register for more than two years.
   (b)   The board may, by its rules, provide for striking off names of candidates from open competitive eligible lists established as a result of continuous examinations after they have remained on the list for six months.
   (c)   The civil service rules shall provide for reinstatement to the register of eligibles, on recommendation of the head of the department, of persons who have become separated from the civil service or who have been reduced in rank, other than persons who have been removed for cause.
   (d)   The board may, by its rules, provide for restoration to the register of eligibles, those candidates who are terminated during the probationary period, but the general manager of the Personnel Department may not certify any candidate to the department or office which terminated the candidate except at the specific request of the appointing authority of that department or office.