The provisions of this Article shall apply to all employees of the City, except for those specifically exempted in Section 1001.
Each of the following positions shall be exempt from this Article:
(a) Exempt Positions.
(1) All officers elected by the people.
(2) All members of the boards of commissioners.
(3) All chief administrative officers of the City's departments and offices and the Directors of the Public Works' Bureaus of Contract Administration, Engineering, Sanitation, Street Lighting and Street Services.
(4) Two positions in the class of Assistant General Manager or Deputy Director in each City office or department, and two positions in the class of Assistant Director in each of the Public Works Bureaus of Contract Administration, Engineering, Sanitation, Street Lighting and Street Services, and two positions in the class of Deputy Controller in the Office of Controller.
(5) All Deputy Chiefs of Police.
(6) All Deputy Chiefs of Fire.
(7) Positions in the Office of the Mayor.
(8) Positions established by the Council for the purpose of assisting the members of the Council in the performance of their duties, except for clerical personnel.
(9) All positions in the office of the City Attorney.
(10) The Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Water and Power.
(11) The Executive Director of the Board of Police Commissioners.
(12) The Inspector General of the Police Department.
(13) The Executive Director and all personnel of the City Ethics Commission.
(14) All Assistant Directors in the Office of the City Administrative Officer.
(15) The Traffic Manager and the Port Warden of the Harbor Department.
(16) Crossing Guards.
(17) All physicians and psychologists subject to Section 1040.
(18) All officers of election.
(19) Persons specially employed by the City Clerk, as authorized by the provisions of Section 405 of the Charter, to assist in the conduct of any election.
(20) Positions elsewhere specifically exempted by the Charter.
(b) Management, Professional, Scientific or Expert Services. In addition to those positions described in subsections (a), (c) and (d) of this section, up to 150 persons to provide management services or to render professional, scientific or expert services of an exceptional character to offices or departments including the Proprietary Departments. Appointments under this subsection shall be subject to the following:
(1) As to each position to be exempted under this subsection, and prior to the initiation of the selection process to fill the position, the Mayor shall forward to the Council a recommendation for an exempt position which sets forth the educational, experience and other professional requirements of the position and describes the circumstances presented by the department seeking the appointment that preclude filling the position through the civil service system. Within ten Council meeting days from receipt of the recommendation, the Council may by two-thirds vote disapprove the Mayor’s recommendation for the exemption. If the Council does not act on the recommendation within the specified time period, the recommendation shall be deemed approved. When the position is vacated, the exemption shall terminate unless re-authorized in accordance with this subsection.
(2) No person may be employed under this subsection if he or she has served in an exempt position in the office of an elected City official in the prior two years unless he or she meets the professional experience requirements established for the position.
(3) Persons who have been exempted or who have been appointed to an exempt position prior to the effective date of this Charter, will retain their exemption. Exemptions under this subsection shall be prospective and shall be made only at the time of filling a vacant position.
(4) Council may, by ordinance adopted by two-thirds vote, increase the maximum number of exempt positions as provided in subsection (b) to no more than one percent (1%) of the regular authorized positions in the City workforce, provided that if the maximum number of exempt positions is increased pursuant to this subsection, the number of positions created by subsections (a) (4), (5) and (c) of this section shall be counted toward the maximum allowable exemptions. If Council provides for a maximum number of exemptions based on a percentage of the workforce, and a reduction in the workforce results in more filled exempt positions than permissible, each incumbent shall retain the exemption, but when vacated, such excess exemptions shall terminate.
(c) Proprietary Department Positions. In addition to the exempt positions in the Proprietary Departments created by subsections (a), (b)(1), (2), (3) and (d) of this section, up to 15 positions in the Department of Water and Power and up to ten positions to be allocated between the Harbor Department and the Department of Airports for employment of persons to provide management services or to render professional, scientific or expert services of an exceptional character. Exemption of these positions shall be subject to the following:
(1) Upon receipt of a request for an exempt position by the department which sets forth the educational, experience and other professional requirements of the position and describes the circumstances that preclude filling the position through the civil service system, the Mayor shall forward to the Council a recommendation for the exempt position. Within ten Council meeting days from receipt of the recommendation, the Council may by two-thirds vote disapprove the Mayor’s recommendation for the exemption. If the Council does not act on the recommendation within the specified time period, the recommendation shall be deemed approved.
(2) No person may be employed under this subsection if he or she has served in an exempt position in the office of an elected City official in the prior two years unless he or she meets the professional experience requirements established for the position.
(3) Persons who have been exempted or who have been appointed to an exempt position prior to the effective date of this Charter, shall retain their exemption. Exemptions under this subsection shall be prospective and shall be made only at the time of filling a vacant position.
(d) Positions Approved by Council. In addition to the exempt positions created in subsections (a), (b) and (c) of this section, any of the following may be exempted from the provisions of this Article upon the request of the head of the department or office in which they are employed, by order of the Board of Civil Service Commissioners, approved by the Council by resolution:
(1) positions of unskilled laborers, including drivers;
(2) positions for workers, mechanics or craftspersons (including crew leaders) employed exclusively in that position on the construction of public works, improvements or buildings;
(3) any position requiring the services of one individual for not more than half time and paying a salary not to exceed three-fourths of the monthly rate established by the salary fixing authority of the department, division or office for entering-level clerical positions;
(4) grant-funded positions for a term of no more than two years which, by application of the procedures described in this subsection, may be extended for one additional year for a maximum exemption period of three years.
Any exemption made under the provisions of (1) through (4) may be terminated at any time by resolution of the Board of Civil Service Commissioners.
(e) Leave of Absence from Civil Service. Each person exempted or appointed to an exempt position under this section shall, during the period of exempt employment, be considered as being on leave of absence from the classified civil service if at the time of exemption he or she holds a position in the classified civil service, or is entitled to hold a position therein, and shall continue, during such period, to accrue seniority credit the same as though serving in such position.
Amended by: Subsec. (a), Charter Amendment Q § 1, approved March 8, 2011, effective April 8, 2011; Subsec. (a)(13), Charter Amendment ER, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025; Subsec. (a)(14), Charter Amendment II, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025.
All persons employed in the operating service of any public utility acquired by the City, who have been so employed for at least one year immediately prior to the date of the acquisition, may be employed by the City in their respective positions to the extent practicable, and, so long as continuously so employed by the City, shall be exempt from the civil service provisions of this Charter.
The Board of Civil Service Commissioners shall establish classes for all positions of employment. The positions classified by the board shall constitute the classified civil service of the City, and no appointment to any of these positions shall be made except in accordance with the rules adopted by the board under the authority of this Article (the civil service rules).
Each class shall be given an appropriate title and shall include all positions sufficiently similar in respect to duties and responsibilities and that have the same requirements as to education, experience, knowledge and ability; the same tests of fitness; and to which the same schedule of compensation may apply with fairness.
The board shall promulgate civil service rules to carry out the purposes of this Article in accordance with applicable law. All rules and any changes to those rules shall be made in writing. The board shall give notice by publication in some daily newspaper circulated in the City of Los Angeles of the place or places where the rules may be obtained, and the date, not less than 30 days after the date of publication, when the rules shall go into effect. The civil service rules shall provide for, among other subjects, examinations, leaves of absence, transfers, temporary appointments, disciplinary hearings, layoffs, and procedures for the review and appeal of determinations by the general manager of the Personnel Department with respect to the civil service provisions of the Charter.
Positions in the classified civil service shall be filled through competitive examination. Applicants shall be subject to review of experience and character and may be disqualified if it is determined specified requirements are not met. Examinations shall be practical, and shall relate to those matters that will fairly test the relative capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position to which they seek to be appointed and, when appropriate, shall include, or exclusively consist of, tests of physical qualifications, and manual skill. No limitation or restriction whatsoever shall be imposed, excepting to the extent permitted by applicable state or federal law in the departments of fire and police, fixing a maximum age in excess of which persons shall be deprived from taking examinations for or being employed in the classified civil service. The provisions of Section 104(i) regarding discrimination on the basis of age shall not prohibit fixing a maximum age in the departments of fire and police if otherwise authorized by this section.
Amended by: Charter Amendment Q § 2, approved March 8, 2011, effective April 8, 2011.
(a) Subject to the conditions set forth in this section, in all original examinations, the Board of Civil Service Commissioners shall, in addition to all other credits, give a credit of five percent of the total credits specified for an examination to all persons who receive a passing score on the examination and who have served in the armed forces of the United States during time of war or armed insurrection, or during any time when the United States is engaged in active military operations against any foreign power, whether or not war has been formally declared, or when the United States is assisting the United Nations in actions involving the use of armed forces to restore international peace and security (Military Service), if such persons are honorably discharged from active service even if they remain in the military reserve.
(b) The five percent (5%) credit shall be granted for a period of five years from the date of release from active Military Service of an eligible person or five years from the date the person becomes available for employment. A person shall be deemed unavailable for employment if the person is a student engaged in a training or educational process approved by the board or is hospitalized as a result of a service-connected injury or illness.
(c) A five percent (5%) credit for a period not to exceed five years shall be given to widows or widowers of persons killed while in Military Service. Such five-year period shall commence to run from the date the spouse is deceased.
(d) A five percent (5%) credit for a period not to exceed five years shall be given to spouses of persons who are unable to work because of disabilities resulting from Military Service. Such five-year period shall commence to run from the date the board determines that the person became unable to work.
(e) Notwithstanding any time limitations set forth in other parts of this section, the five percent (5%) credit shall be provided to all persons with disabilities resulting from Military Service without regard to the date of discharge. For purposes of this subsection, a person shall be deemed disabled if the disability is certified by the Veterans Administration or its successor agency.
The general manager of the Personnel Department shall prepare a register for each class of position in the classified civil service of the persons whose general average standing upon examination for the class is not less than the minimum fixed by the civil service rules, and who are otherwise eligible. These persons shall be listed in the register as candidates in the order of their relative excellence, as determined by their examination without reference to the date of examination. The board may prescribe a minimum score in the written portion of any examination, including credit for past service in examinations for promotion, and may exclude from subsequent portions of the examination any candidate who fails to attain the minimum score.
The board may, by its rules, provide for the extension of the life of an eligible list and may delegate to the general manager of the Personnel Department the authority to extend the life of an eligible list for entry-level positions in accordance with the civil service rules.