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Sec. 4.161. Longevity Pay.
   Any member of the Fire Department or Police Department who is employed as a Police Officer or Firefighter, regardless of pay grade, shall be eligible for longevity pay based upon the aggregate number of years the member has served as a member of the Fire Department or Police Department. For the purpose of computing such aggregate service, any member shall be deemed to have been in the service of the Fire Department or Police Department during any period of disability retirement under Charter Sections 1310, 1312, or 1412. Such longevity pay shall be made subject to the following conditions:
   1.   Upon the certification to the Controller by the Chief Administrative Officer of the Fire Department or the Police Department that a member has completed the prescribed number of aggregate years of service as a member of the Chief Administrative Officer’s department and that such member’s standard of service is satisfactory, such member shall receive compensation in addition to the regular salary prescribed for the member’s class and pay grade to be computed as follows:
   (a)   Upon completion of ten and until the completion of 15 years of aggregate service, an amount equal to one-half step above the maximum rate fixed in Section 4.158(b) for Police Officer II, as calculated by the Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services.
   (b)   Upon completion of 15 and until completion of 20 years of aggregate service, an amount equal to one step above the maximum rate fixed by Section 4.158(b) for Police Officer II, as calculated by the Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services.
   (c)   After the completion of 20 years of aggregate service, an amount equal to one and one-half steps above the maximum rate fixed in Section 4.158(b) for Police Officer II, as calculated by the Director of the Office of Administrative and Research Services.
   2.   It is the intent of the Council in enacting this section that the longevity pay herein provided for shall be construed and deemed to be a privilege earned by merit and not a right, and it at any time any member’s service is unsatisfactory, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Fire Department or the Police Department shall so certify to the Controller and upon such certification the payment of longevity pay for such member shall thereupon cease until such time as the Chief Administrative Officer or the Chief Administrative Officer’s department again certifies that such member has achieved a satisfactory standard of service.
   3.   No member of the Fire Department or the Police Department employed in any other class other than Police Officer or Firefighter shall be eligible to receive longevity pay.
   4.   All longevity payments herein provided shall be effective at the beginning of the pay period following a member’s completion of the prescribed number of years of aggregate service.
Based on Ord. No. 89,935.
Amended by: Ord. No. 108,494; Ord. No. 132,519; Subdivs. (a), (b), (c), Subsec. 1., Ord. No. 138,851, Eff. 7-1-69; Subdivs. (a), (b), (c), Subsec. 1., Ord. No. 139,900, Eff. 2-3-70; Ord. No. 140,565, Eff. 6-30-70; Subdivs. (a), (b), (c), Subsec. 1, Ord. No. 140,656, Eff. 7-3-70; Ord. No. 140,820, Eff. 8-21-70, Oper. 1-1-71; Ord. No. 141,416 repeals Ord. No. 140,820, Eff. 12-30-70, Eff. 1-1-71; Ord. No. 173,308, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.