Upon completion of the application, the individual engaged in soliciting shall be furnished a registration certificate which shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. The certificate shall contain at least the following:
   (a)    The name of the individual solicitor;
   (b)    The name of the organization on behalf of which the solicitation is conducted;
   (c)    The purpose of the solicitation activity;
   (d)   The date of issuance; and
   (e)    The date of expiration.
   An individual shall not be furnished a registration certificate if the individual has a criminal record evidencing a criminal history of dishonesty, theft, falsification, menacing, coercion, sex offenses, assault or the commission of an act of physical harm, or trespassing.
   This certificate shall be displayed upon the request of any individual being solicited and, upon request, to any police officer.
(Ord. 193-01. Passed 11-5-01.)