General Provisions
95.001 Title
95.002 Applicability
95.003 Authority and mission
95.004 State code and amendments
95.005 Jurisdiction
95.006 Effective date
95.007 Definitions and abbreviations
Permit, Application and Review
95.020 Definition
95.021 Permits required
95.022 Information required with applications
95.023 Plan review
95.024 Sprinkler/standpipe application; review and permits
95.025 Fire alarm system application; review and permits
95.026 Automatic fire suppression system permits
Permit Types
95.040 Generally
95.041 Storage tanks application; review and permits (commercial or businesses)
95.042 Open burning (within 100 feet of a structure)
95.043 Fireworks permits for public display
95.044 Other permits
95.045 Operational permits
95.046 Construction permits
Fee Administration
95.060 Fees
95.061 Civil citation fees
General Regulations
95.075 Fire lanes
95.076 Fire hydrants
95.077 Hazardous materials disclosure
95.078 Display of address numbers
95.079 High-rack dry storage for boats, also known as high-piled combustible storage and high-rack storage systems
95.080 Marinas, boatyards, yacht clubs, boat condominiums, docking facilities, and all associated piers, docks, and floats
95.081 Key boxes
95.082 Smoke detectors (for rental property; landlords and tenants)
Haunted Houses
95.095 Generally
95.096 Permit required
95.097 Permit-issuance procedure
95.098 Inspection and revocation of permit
95.099 Regulations regarding the use of Halloween haunted houses
Decorative Materials and Pyrotechnics
95.110 Generally
95.125 Notice of violation
95.126 Civil citation
95.127 Summary abatement
95.128 False alarms
95.129 Open burning violations
95.130 Carelessness with fire
95.131 Accumulations of waste materials
95.132 Unsafe, defective buildings or systems
95.133 Code violations
95.134 Appeals
Scheduled Inspections
95.145 Inspections; generally
95.146 Annual
95.147 Once every two years
95.148 Once every three years
95.149 To be free of charge
Reporting a Hazard or Violation
95.160 Hazards and violations
95.161 How to report a hazard or violation
95.162 Required information for complaints
95.163 Records
95.999 Penalty
(A) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all buildings and occupancies in the State Building Code General Construction and the State Fire Code § 102, and §§ 95.145 through 95.149 of this chapter. The provisions of the North Carolina Building Code: Fire Code/Lincoln County Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance (NCFC/LCFPPO) shall apply equally to existing buildings as well as new buildings.
(B) All one- and two-family dwellings and any buildings for use by any farmer are exempt from operational permit fees. See also “Exceptions to Applicability” in NCFC § 102A.
(C) No one is exempt from construction permits, open burning permits, or special use permits, as defined in § 105 of the NCFC and § 95.040(B) of this chapter.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)
The NCFC and the LCFPPO shall be enforced by the County Fire Marshal, and his or her authorized representatives, or as otherwise provided herein. The mission of the County Fire Marshal’s office is to minimize the risk of fire and other hazards to the life and property of the citizens of the county. To accomplish this, the Fire Marshal’s office shall provide effective fire prevention, fire investigation, arson mitigation, fire inspections and code enforcement, and assist fire departments and rescue squads in the county.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)
For the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire, explosion, or exposure to hazardous materials, the State Building Code: Fire Code and all Appendices to the code, including Chapter 1 of the code, the permits chapter, along with State Amendments to the code, is hereby adopted by reference and is set forth herein as the fire code for the county. Any amendments to the aforementioned NCFC, which are adopted, amended, and published by the State Building Code Council, shall be effective in the county at the time they are declared in effect by the State Building Code Council.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)
In accordance with the North Carolina General Statues and the provisions of this chapter, it will be the responsibility of the Fire Marshal’s office to issue all fire prevention permits, to conduct all fire inspections for the county, and to enforce the NCFC/LCFPPO.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)