(A)   The following is a list of jobs/tasks that will need a construction permit for the business to do the job or task. These permits must be issued before work begins:
      (1)   Automatic fire extinguishing systems and related equipment;
      (2)   Compressed gases;
      (3)   Fire alarm and detection systems and related equipment;
      (4)   Fire pumps and related equipment;
      (5)   Flammable and combustible liquids;
      (6)   Hazardous materials;
      (7)   Industrial ovens;
      (8)   LP gas;
      (9)   Private hydrants;
      (10)   Spraying or dipping;
      (11)   Standpipe systems and related equipment; and
      (12)   Temporary membrane structures, tents, and canopies.
   (B)   The permit fee shall be based upon the county fee schedule.
   (C)   Construction permits check-off list:
      (1)   New alarm systems certification test;
      (2)   New fixed fire suppression system certification test;
      (3)   New sprinkler systems (20 heads or more);
      (4)   New standpipe systems;
      (5)   Renovations of standpipe systems;
      (6)   Renovations of fixed fire systems;
      (7)   Renovations of alarm systems;
      (8)   Renovations of sprinkler systems (20 heads or more);
      (9)   Storage tanks used for flammable/combustible liquids or hazardous materials (aboveground and underground);
         (a)   Removal (per tank); and
         (b)   New installations (per tank).
      (10)   Inspection of the retrofitting of storage tanks and pipes containing or used for flammable or combustible liquids or hazardous materials;
      (11)   Preliminary plans review:
         (a)   Up to 5,000 square feet;
         (b)   Five thousand one to 10,000 square feet;
         (c)   Ten thousand one to 25,000 square feet;
         (d)   Twenty-five thousand one to 100,000 square feet; and
         (e)   Over 100,000 square feet.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)