For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Words used in the present tense include the future. Words in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter. Words in the feminine and neuter gender include the masculine. The singular number includes the plural, and plural number includes the singular. Words not defined herein shall have the meanings stated in the State Building Code General Construction, State Building Code General Construction, State Electrical Code, State Building Code: Fire Code, State Gas Code, State Mechanical Code, or State Plumbing Code. Words not defined in the state building codes shall have the meanings stated in the Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, as revised.
   ALTER or ALTERATION. Any change or modification in construction or occupancy.
   AMUSEMENT DEVICE. A mechanically-operated device that is used to convey persons in any direction as a form of amusement.
   APPEAL. To make an appeal of a ruling or decision. Is a way to appeal the Fire Marshal’s refusal to issue or decision to revoke a permit. APPEALS shall be in accordance with G.S. §§ 143-140 and 143-141. All APPEALS shall follow the prescribed method as set forth in the statutes, not only as to permits but also as to any interpretation or variation of the fire code.
   ASPHALT KETTLE. Any vessel or container used to process, heat, hold for heating, or dispense flammable or combustible roofing materials that are in liquid form or will take form as a result of being exposed to the vessel or container.
   AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. A responsible person authorized and sworn by the Fire Marshal to enforce the provisions of the Lincoln County Fire Prevention Ordinance. This person is not authorized to enforce the provisions of the NCFC
   BONFIRE. An outdoor fire. BONFIRES may be used for ceremonial and religious purposes (schools, civic groups, and churches). Materials used for BONFIRES must also comply with the EPA regulations.
   BURNING BAN. A warning issued for any outdoor burning when conditions or local circumstances make a fire hazardous.
   CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. At the completion of this work done under a permit, the appropriate contractor must put in writing that all work done met or exceeded all codes (NCFC, NPFA, or LCFPPO ) that applied to that particular permit.
   CIVIL CITATION. A written notice of any violations of the State Building Code: Fire Code or this chapter.
   CONSTRUCTION PERMIT. A construction permit allows the applicant to install or modify systems and equipment for which a permit is required by § 105.6 of the NCFC and this chapter.
   DECORATIVE MATERIAL. Materials such as curtains, draperies, streamers, surface coverings applied over the building interior finish for decorative, acoustical, or other effect, and also cloth, cotton batting, straw, vines, leaves, trees, and plastic used for decorative effect. It shall not include floor coverings, ordinary window shades, or material 1/40 inch (0.64 mm) or less in thickness applied directly to and adhering tightly to a base.
   FEE. A charge for professional services, licenses, permits, and the like. FEES will be according to current schedule as adopted by the Board of Commissioners.
   FINE. A sum of money paid as a penalty. The penalties for violations of this chapter and the state building codes will be based on the current County Civil Citations Fee Schedule as adopted by the Board of Commissioners.
   FIRE FLOW TESTING. Tests conducted on water distribution systems to determine the rate of flow available at various locations for firefighting purposes.
   FIRE HYDRANT. A device used to gain access to water from a supply source.
   FIREWORKS. Devices used for noisy effects or brilliant displays. All fireworks for private use must meet the State Building Code: Fire Code, this chapter, and G.S. § 14-414.
   GOVERNING BODY. A city, county, state, agency, or other political government subdivision or entity authorized to administer and enforce the provisions of this code, as adopted or amended.
   GPM. Gallons per minute.
   HAUNTED HOUSE. Any building with several rooms or one room, displaying scary scenes or scenes that are to represent lifelike scenes, and used by organizations or individuals for fundraising or profit. All haunted houses must follow §§ 95.095 through 95.099 of this chapter and the State Building Code: Fire Code.
   HIGH-RACK DRY STORAGE FOR BOATS. Applies to the construction and operation of storage areas for boats, also applies to the construction and operations of marinas, boatyards, yacht clubs, boat condominiums, docking facilities, and all associated piers, docks, and floats.
   INTER-DEPARTMENTAL APPROVAL. Approval between other departments for different projects or jobs. Before any permits are issued for any projects, it will be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain approval from the Department of Development Services (including Public Utilities and Planning and Inspections), Environmental Health, the Fire Marshal’s office, and/or any other department(s) that may issue permits.
   KIOSK. A small structure, open at one or more sides, used to display or sell merchandise.
   LCBC. Lincoln County Board of Commissioners.
   LCFPPO. Lincoln County Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance.
   NCFC. North Carolina State Building Code: Fire Code, including all amendments and all appendices to the code.
   NFPA. National Fire Protection Association.
   NUISANCE BURNING. When during a burn the smoke and/or odors create a neighborhood nuisance, cause physical irritation exacerbating a documented medical condition, visibility impairment, evidence of soot or ash on a property or a structure other than the property on which the burning is done, the smoke and odors do not rise, hang close to the ground, cross a street or highway and cause a hazard, or three or more separate businesses or homes complain during the burning, it shall be ceased and all fires will be extinguished.
   OPEN BURNING. The burning of any matter in such a manner that the products of combustion resulting from the burning are emitted directly into the atmosphere without passing through a stack, chimney, or permitted air pollution control device. This definition covers bonfires and all OPEN BURNING done within 100 feet of a structure.
   OPERATIONAL PERMIT. A permit that allows an applicant to conduct an operation or a business for which a permit is required by § 105.6 of the NCFC and this chapter, for either a prescribed period or until renewed or revoked.
   PLAN REVIEW. A review process used for the determination of compliance with this chapter and the fire code, and shall be completed within a reasonable time of receipt of the plans after they are received in the Fire Marshal’s office. The PLAN REVIEW shall not apply to one- and two-family dwellings. The PLAN REVIEW shall apply to all buildings and occupancies in the State Building Code General Construction and the State Building Code: Fire Prevention, and §§ 95.145 through 95.149 of this chapter. The provisions of this code (NCFC/LCFPPO) shall apply equally to existing as well as new buildings.
   STORAGE TANK. Any tank used for storage of flammable or combustible liquids or hazardous materials above or below ground.
   VIOLATION. Anyone or anything that violates any of the provisions of the NCFC or this chapter.
   VIOLATION NOTICE. A notice that specifies a period in which the violator must correct the violation. If the violation is not corrected within the specific time, the violator shall be guilty of a new and separate offense.
   WASTED-TRIP FEE. A fee imposed for a violation that occurs when an applicant does not have everything ready for inspection or no one is there to allow inspection to be done.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)