Halloween haunted houses present a difficult problem in trying to meet the provisions of the fire code and maintain a safe environment. The following provisions will be required to be met to assure the safety of all persons participating and attending Halloween haunted houses.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)
A special use permit shall be required to be obtained from the Fire Marshal’s office for anyone wishing to open a Halloween haunted house to the public. The permit fee shall be based upon the county fee schedule.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023) Penalty, see § 95.999
(A) Any person who desires to obtain a special use permit for a haunted house shall first contact the Fire Marshal’s office to obtain the documentation required for obtaining a special use permit.
(B) Following the submission of a request for a special use permit for a haunted house, an appointment for a fire inspection shall be made to inspect the building planned to be used as a haunted house. The permit fee shall be paid by this time.
(C) A copy of the guidelines for the use of haunted houses shall be made available in the Fire Marshal’s office and will be provided to the applicant. The fire inspection should not be conducted until the requirements for safety systems of the building are in place and the facility is ready for use. If all requirements are met, then a permit will be issued at that time.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)
(A) At any time the haunted house is open to the public, a fire inspection can be conducted by the Fire Official to assure compliance with all guidelines and the fire code.
(B) In the event that the specified guidelines and/or the fire code regulations are not being met, then the person that obtained the special use permit will be subject to a civil citation. If the violations are of such a severe nature as to be hazardous to the lives and/or well-being of the public, then the Fire Official may revoke the special use permit, which will terminate the further use of the haunted house. If the violations are corrected, then the special use permit may be reinstated with no charge.
(C) In the event a special use permit is revoked and the occupant refuses to comply with the required regulations, a refund of the permit fee will not be allowed.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023)
(A) A scaled sketch, showing the locations and the widths of egress and exits, is required to be submitted to the Fire Marshal’s office, along with a log showing: a description of the event, performance dates and times, and the name of the person or persons responsible for the event.
(B) Emergency exits shall be provided throughout the structure to ensure the safe and prompt egress of occupants in the event of an emergency. These exits shall not be covered or concealed in any way and shall be available for immediate use without any type of hindrance. These exits shall be marked “EXIT”. All exit signs shall be of a florescent-type, with letters a minimum of three inches in size. The Fire Official may require lighted exit and emergency lights if he or she deems it necessary. All staff personnel shall know the location of all exits and the proper procedures to follow when leading people to an exit.
(C) Workers are to be stationed at or near each exit while the haunted house is open to the public.
(D) All exits must remain unlocked and unblocked while the structure is occupied.
(E) The haunted house must have workers in each room at all times of operation. Each worker shall have a flashlight and handheld alarm (whistle, horn, and the like) to warn of an emergency.
(F) All steps, ramps, or outside porches shall be lighted at all times.
(G) Lights shall be installed in all areas of the structure that will be occupied. They shall be turned on in the event of an emergency to provide sufficient light for a safe means of exiting the building.
(H) Multi-purpose, portable fire extinguishers shall be installed near each exit and throughout the structure so that the maximum travel distance to an extinguisher does not exceed 25 feet. All fire extinguishers shall be ABC extinguishers rated ten pounds.
(I) All staff shall know the location and be trained in the use of all fire extinguishers.
(J) No combustible or flammable liquid-type equipment shall be used in structure.
(K) No open flame, candle(s), or pyrotechnics shall be used within the structure or within 50 feet of the structure.
(L) No smoking shall be allowed within, or within 50 feet of, the structure. In order to enforce this requirement, “No Smoking” signs must be posted within and around the structure.
(M) The use of straw, hay, live vegetation, moss, vines, split bamboo, leaves, cloth, foam plastics, paper, cotton batting, and similar material shall not be used unless the materials are flame-resistant, as determined by the Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Official will need to approve any items used and the flame-retardant chemical used to treat those items.
(N) Spliced electrical cords, homemade switching devices, and/or open junction boxes and connections shall not be permitted. Extension cords shall not be used as a wiring method.
(O) The number of persons allowed inside the structure will be based on the size of the structure. Each group shall be led through the structure by a competent staff person. There shall be at least one empty room in between each group. All staff persons leading groups shall be familiar with all the guidelines required for haunted houses.
(P) In the event of an emergency, a warning signal will be sounded to notify all occupants to evacuate the structure.
(Q) There shall be regular meetings with all personnel who will be working at the haunted house, prior to opening the structure to the public, to review all rules and regulations required to be followed, most importantly those rules related to emergency evacuation procedures.
(R) Other considerations for the safety of the public that may be necessary, such as decorations, fire lanes, and the like, shall be enforced by the Fire Official.
(Ord. passed - -; Ord. passed 11-6-2023) Penalty, see § 95.999