General Provisions
96.01 Encroachments
96.02 Overhanging awnings, signs and the like
96.03 Signs, advertisements and merchandise prohibited on sidewalks
96.04 Placement of obstructions; consent required of town authorities
96.05 Sidewalks to be maintained and kept clear of obstructions; duty of property owners
96.06 Sidewalks to be kept clean; removal of snow
96.07 Throwing balls and playing games on streets and sidewalks
96.20 Curb and gutter construction
96.21 Sidewalk, curb and gutter sections; conformance
96.35 Permit required
96.36 Bond
96.37 Removal of sand, dust or stone; permit
96.38 Condition of street or sidewalk after opening or digging of ditch
96.39 Barricades and reflectors
96.50 Removal of condemned trees
96.99 Penalty