A.   Combined Service Only: Only combined sewer and water service shall be provided by the combined system. No separate water service or separate sewer service shall be provided to any user, except as approved by resolution or ordinance of the town board. Combined sewer and water service shall be exclusive of taking separate water service or separate sewer service provided by any other utility system or source, unless taking such separate service is approved by resolution or ordinance of the town board. (Ord. SWO-2012-1, 2-14-2012)
   B.   Application For Use Of Water: No person, other than an employee of the combined system acting in the discharge of their duties, shall open or take water from any fire hydrant, plug, valve, faucet, pipe or other opening connected with the combined system for any purpose unless such person shall have first made application to and received permission from the superintendent for use of such water for a specified purpose.
   C.   Extension Of Mains: The town board of trustees may extend water and sewer mains where the owner of the property, or the persons desiring such extension, shall advance and pay to the town a sum of money equal to the entire cost of the main extension. Alternatively, the town board may require the persons desiring such extension to construct such extension under the supervision of the town engineer.
   D.   Responsibility For Cost Of Installing Or Disconnecting Service: The cost of installing or disconnecting service to the combined system shall be borne by the person for whose premises such services has been installed or disconnected.
   E.   Repair Of Meters And Pipes: Every person using service of the combined system shall, at their own cost, keep in repair all water meters and pipes, including building sewers and private water supply pipes leading from the shutoff rod box to their premises, and shall prevent all waste from such water meters or pipes. If any such water meter or pipe is permitted to remain out of repair, the superintendent may, after a two (2) day prior notice in writing, cut off the service to the premises. Said notice may be served by personal service or by certified mail to the owner or occupant in possession, charge or control of the premises. Any service cut off pursuant to this subsection shall not be restored until the superintendent determines that the water meters or pipes have been properly repaired.
   F.   Obstruction Of Access To Water Meter: No person shall, in any manner, obstruct, cause or permit to be obstructed, access to any stopcock, water meter, proportional, indicating or recording device, shutoff rod box or connection with any water main or service pipe by any means shift or device whatever. In the event that the owner or person in possession, charge or control of such premises, after proper notification, shall fail to remove any such obstruction, the superintendent may withhold service to such premises until the obstruction is removed.
   G.   Injury To Or Obstructing Hydrants: No person shall wilfully or carelessly break or injure any public hydrant or pollute or unnecessarily waste the water at any such hydrant or obstruct the use of any fire hydrant or place any material in front thereof or within five feet (5') from either side thereof.
   H.   Authority To Enter Premises: The filing of an application for use and service of the combined system shall constitute the user’s express grant of a license to the superintendent, or any other persons designated in section 5-1-7 of this chapter, to enter the user’s premises for any purpose authorized by said section 5-1-7 of this chapter.
   I.   Nonliability Of Town: All service applied for hereunder shall be upon the express condition that the town shall not be subject to nor liable for any claim for damages caused by reason of any interruption of the supply or use thereof by reason of breakage, stoppage, alterations or extensions thereto.
   J.   Contract To Extend Or Receive Service: The town board may contract to extend and provide waterworks or sewage service to any city or village within the township. The town board may contract for a supply of water from any city or village operating a waterworks system.
   K.   Compliance With Provisions; Interpretation:
      1.   The filing of an application for use and service of the combined system, or the receipt of the use and service of the combined system in the absence of such application, shall constitute the user’s agreement to abide by and conform to all of the ordinances, rules and regulations of the town as now or hereafter amended.
      2.   All persons receiving the benefit of utility service from the combined system, including, but not limited to, property owners, beneficial owners, lessees and their agents, employees and contractors, are required to comply with all applicable statutes, rules, regulations and permits of any other governmental body or agency having jurisdiction over the delivery, receipt, use or discharge of water from the combined system. In the event of any conflict between the requirements of this title and the requirements of such governmental bodies or agencies, the more stringent requirements shall control. (Ord. SW-O-89-1, 8-8-1989)
   L.   Compliance With Occupancy Requirements: Sewer and water service from the combined system shall not be provided to any person, user or customer premises when the premises has been declared uninhabitable or unfit for human occupancy, or has not been approved for use and occupancy, under the zoning and building ordinances, codes, rules and regulations of the governmental entity or entities having zoning and/or building jurisdiction of such premises. Every person using or occupying premises that receives the use and benefit of sewer and water service from the combined system has the duty and shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable zoning and building ordinances, codes, rules and regulations applicable to the use and occupancy of such premises. Any premises used or occupied in violation of the applicable zoning and building ordinances, codes, rules and regulations governing the use and occupancy of such premises shall be subject to the termination of sewer and water service to such premises in accordance with the procedures provided in section 5-1-11 of this chapter. (Ord. SWO-2002-5, 6-11-2002; amd. Ord. TO-2022-13, 9-13-2022)