A. Combined System Service Charges: Combined system service charges shall be the charge per quarter or month levied on all users of the combined system. The combined system service charge shall consist of a wastewater service charge for use of the wastewater facilities, water service charge for the use of the water facilities, plus a debt service charge.
The combined system charge, wastewater service charge, water service charge and debt service charge shall be set in accordance with the formulas contained in section 5-4-3 of this chapter and shall be set in amounts sufficient to produce revenues to pay the costs of operation and maintenance of the combined system, to provide an adequate depreciation reserve and to pay the debt service of the combined system, which debt service shall include the principal, interest and coverage of all outstanding bonds of the combined system.
B. Wastewater Service Charge: The wastewater service charge shall consist of the total of the basic sewer user charge and, where applicable, the capital improvement charge and a surcharge.
C. Water Service Charge: The water service charge shall consist of the total of the basic water user charge and, where applicable, the capital improvement charge. (Ord. SW-O-89-1, 8-8-1989)
D. Debt Service Charge: The debt service charge shall consist of an amount sufficient to pay the principal of an interest upon the outstanding revenue bonds, if any, as may be authorized and issued by ordinance of the town board from time to time. (Ord. SWO-96-3, 11-4-1996)