Sewer Use Regulations
53.001 Definitions
53.002 Control by Wastewater Superintendent
Usage of Public Sewers
53.015 Placing or depositing in an unsanitary manner
53.016 Unlawful discharges
53.017 Privies, privy vaults, septic tanks, cesspools
53.018 Service connection required
53.019 Compliance required; city action
Private Wastewater Disposal
53.030 Public sewer not available
53.031 Permit required
53.032 Inspection
53.033 Compliance required
53.034 When public sewer becomes available
53.035 Operation and maintenance
53.036 Additional requirements
Building Sewers and Connections
53.050 New connections
53.051 Sewer tap fee
53.052 Permit required
53.053 Application
53.054 Classes of permits
53.055 Costs and expenses
53.056 Separate connections
53.057 Old building sewers
53.058 Conformance with State Building and Plumbing Codes
53.059 Connection; elevation
53.060 Prohibited connections
53.061 Connection; conformance
53.062 Inspection
53.063 Excavations
53.064 Connection; license
53.065 Permit; application
53.066 Permit; bond
53.067 Permit; fee
53.068 Suspension; revocation
Use of Public Sewers; Discharges
53.080 Discharges of unpolluted waters
53.081 Prohibited discharges
53.082 Limited discharges
53.083 City action
53.084 Dilution
53.085 Pretreatment
53.086 Grease, oil and sand interceptors
53.087 Control manhole or suitable structure
53.088 Laboratory measurements, tests or analyses
53.089 Protection from accidental discharge
53.090 Obstructions
53.091 Repair
53.092 Motor vehicle washing or servicing facility
53.093 Assessments
53.094 Special agreements or arrangements
Damage of Wastewater Facilities
53.105 Damage
User Rate Schedule for Charges
53.120 Generally
53.121 Definitions
53.122 Establishment of a sewers service charge system
Determination of Sewer Service Charges
53.135 User classes
53.136 Operation, maintenance and replacement costs
53.137 Charges assessed
53.138 Determination of user charges
53.139 Recovery of local construction costs
53.140 Determination of sewer service charges
53.141 Wastewater collection system charges
53.142 Additional charges
53.143 Sewer Service Fund
53.144 Administration
53.155 Powers and authority of inspectors
53.999 Penalty