The type, capacities, location and layout of a private wastewater disposal system shall comply with all requirements of 6 MCAR 4.8040, entitled, Individual Sewage Treatment System Standards. No septic tank or cesspool shall be permitted to discharge to any natural outlet.
(Ord. 408, passed 12-26-1989) Penalty, see § 53.999
At that time as a public sewer becomes available to a property serviced by a private wastewater disposal system and in accordance with § 53.018, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer within 30 days in compliance with the ordinance, and within 30 days any septic tanks, cesspools and similar private wastewater disposal systems shall be cleaned of sludge. The bottom shall be broken to permit drainage and the tank or pit filled with suitable material.
(Ord. 408, passed 12-26-1989)
Any new connection(s) to the sanitary sewer system shall be prohibited unless sufficient capacity is available in all downstream facilities including, but not limited to capacity for flow, BOD5 and suspended solids, as determined by the Superintendent.
(Ord. 408, passed 12-26-1989) Penalty, see § 53.999
The city shall require property owners to pay a sewer access charge when connecting service lines into the city's wastewater collection system. The City Council will from time to time set by resolution the appropriate sewer access charge. In the event that property owners have been assessed for sewer trunk or lateral lines, there will not be a sewer access charge charged.
(Ord. 408, passed 12-26-1989; Ord. 560, passed 11-28-2016)