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Lebanon Overview
Lebanon, Ohio Code of Ordinances
   1304.01    Fees
   1304.02    Zoning permit applications
   1304.03    Certificate of occupancy permit
   1304.04    Move and set permit
   1304.05    Board of Zoning Appeals hearing
   1304.06    Conditional use permit hearing and application fee
   1304.07    Amendments to the city’s zoning ordinance
   1304.08    Fees; not returnable
   1304.09    Building permit applications
   1304.10    (Reserved)
   1304.11    Plumbing fees
   1304.12    Electric permit fees
   1304.13    Engineering fees
   1304.14   Subdivision plat fees
   1304.15   Technical consultants
§ 1304.01 FEES.
   (A)   Fees for permits, inspection and certificates shall be paid to the City of Lebanon as set forth herein. The Account Clerk, Department of Service shall keep an accurate account of all fees collected and such fees shall be deposited by him or her as required by law.
   (B)   The fees listed in this chapter shall be paid by applicants for all permits prior to their issuance, except as provided hereunder. The fees listed in this chapter may be waived or reduced by the City Manager for schools or other government agencies.
(Ord. 5472, passed 4-12-83; Am. Ord. 6495, passed 5-22-90; Am. Ord. 6853, passed 6-22-93; Am. Ord. 9049, passed 11-23-04; Am. Ord. 2009-071, passed 9-8-09; Am. Ord. 2012-089, passed 10-12-12)
   (A)   New construction.
      (1)   New construction or additions to single-family and two-family dwellings — $200.
      (2)   New construction or additions to multi-family dwellings — $200 single unit base fee, plus $20 for each additional dwelling unit.
      (3)   New construction - accessory structures up to 200 square feet of gross floor area — $50.
      (4)   New construction - accessory structures over 200 square feet of gross floor area — $75.
   (B)   Commercial, industrial, conditional and other nonresidential uses. (New construction or addition to existing building).
      (1)   Major Site Plan - $500 first 5,000 square feet of building gross floor area, $10 for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof over 5,000.
      (2)   Minor Site Plan - $250 first 5,000 square feet of building gross floor area, $10 for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof over 5,000.
   (C)   Change in use when the zoning classification and building dimensions are not changed — $25.
   (D)   Signs, and other accessory structures (excluding fences and parking, as regulated by divisions (E) and (F) of this section) — $Permanent - $50; temporary - $30.
   (E)   Fences — $30.
   (F)   Off-Street parking and loading and/or unloading areas (when developed separately and not included in divisions (B)(1) and (2) above).
      $150 first 5,000 sq ft of parking lot area; $10 for each 1,000 sq ft or fraction thereof over 5,000.
   (G)   Certificate of appropriateness applications:
      (1)   Residential - $40, plus applicable zoning and building fees.
      (2)   Nonresidential - $75, plus applicable zoning and building fees.
      (3)   Demolition - $200, plus applicable zoning and building fees.
   (H)   Minor Administrative Modification - $100, plus applicable zoning and building fees.
   (I)   Zoning Certificate of Occupancy Requirements. (no fee) Prior to the issuance of the building final certificate of occupancy permit (§ 1304.03), the city shall require a zoning certificate of occupancy be issued by the Planning Department in accordance with § 1132.14 of the city’s zoning code. The purpose of this permit is to ensure that all zoning and engineering requirements have been met prior to final occupancy of the site.
   (J)   Temporary Use Permit (§ 1133.16) - $25.
(Ord. 5472, passed 4-12-83; Am. Ord. 6495, passed 5-22-90; Am. Ord. 6853, passed 6-22-93; Am. Ord. 7451, passed 11-11-97; Am. Ord. 9049, passed 11-23-04; Am. Ord. 9542, passed 6-12-07; Am. Ord. 2009-071, passed 9-8-09; Am. Ord. 2021-004, passed 1-26-21)
   (A)   For certification of lawful nonconforming uses and structures — $25.
   (B)   Final Certificate of Occupancy Permit for new construction — $75.
   (C)   Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Permit for new construction — $100. In the event a structure is occupied prior to the issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant listed on the original building permit application for which said certificate is required, shall pay an additional fee of $100. Temporary certificates of occupancy shall be issued at the discretion of the Chief Building Official.
(Ord. 5472, passed 4-12-83; Am. Ord. 6495, passed 5-22-90; Am. Ord. 6853, passed 6-22-93; Am. Ord. 9049, passed 11-23-04; Am. Ord. 2009-071, passed 9-8-09)