General Provisions
   110.001   Title and purpose
   110.002   Definitions
   110.003   Operation prohibited except by franchise
   110.004   Request for proposal; form
   110.005   Severability
Franchise Agreement
   110.020   Non-exclusive right
   110.021   Franchisee acknowledgments
   110.022   Contract duration
   110.023   Effect at termination of contract
   110.024   Termination by expiration of contract
   110.025   Right of revocation reserved
   110.026   Foreclosure; appointment of trustee or receiver
   110.027   Transfer of effective ownership or control
   110.028   Continuation of service
   110.029   System sale upon revocation or non-renewal
   110.030   Review sessions
Franchise Service Area
   110.045   General extension of service
   110.046   Service outside corporate limits
   110.047   Special service areas
Payments By Franchisee
   110.060   Reimbursements
   110.061   Compensation
Design and Construction
   110.075   Emergency override; standby power
   110.076   System standards; signal carriage; channel access
   110.077   FCC certificate of compliance
   110.078   Construction in workmanlike manner
   110.079   Existing pole and conduit usage
   110.080   Temporary or permanent changes
   110.081   Authority to order post-construction improvements
   110.082   Minimum aboveground clearance compliance
   110.083   Interference with property rights or fixtures prohibited; maps and records required
   110.084   Underground installations
   110.085   Unauthorized equipment; connection prohibited
Business Operations
   110.100   Current technology required
   110.101   Office hours; staffing
   110.102   Service repair
   110.103   Complaints
   110.104   Prohibition of sale or service of parts or accessories; antenna and equipment
   110.105   Books and records required
   110.106   Permits, authorizations; FCC certificate of convenience and necessity
   110.107   Documents submitted to County Manager
   110.108   Reports
   110.109   Full legal compliance
Rates and Charges
   110.120   General provisions
   110.121   Initial rates and charges; adjustments
   110.122   Refunds
   110.123   Advance payments; installation and reconnection charge
   110.124   State, federal regulation
   110.125   Public buildings, facilities
   110.126   Public access programming charges
Franchise Agreement Administration
   110.140   Limitation of franchisee recourse
   110.141   Franchisee obligation continuing
   110.142   Indemnification of town
   110.143   Insurance
   110.144   Performance bond; deposit in lieu of
   110.145   Reservation of rights by town
   110.146   Franchisee right to appeal
   110.147   Subscriber list use prohibited
   110.148   Right of privacy
   110.149   Non-discriminatory practices
   110.150   Individual right to appeal
   110.151   Optional regulatory commission; Town Administrator/Town Clerk duties
   110.999   Penalty