(A)   The franchisee shall not, in its rates or charges or in making available the services or facilities of its system, or in its rules or regulations, or in any other respect, make or grant preferences or advantages to any subscriber or potential subscriber to the system and shall not subject any persons to any prejudice or disadvantage. This provision shall not be deemed to prohibit promotional campaigns to stimulate subscriptions to the system or other legitimate uses thereof, nor shall it be deemed to prohibit the establishment of a graduated scale of charges and classified rate schedules to which any customer coming within the classifications shall be entitled.
   (B)   The entire system of the franchisee shall be operated in a manner consistent with the principle of fairness and equal accessibility of its facilities, equipment, channels, studios and other services to all citizens, businesses, public agencies or other entities having a legitimate use for the system and no one shall be arbitrarily excluded from its use. Allocation of use of the facilities shall be made according to the rules or decisions of regulatory agencies affecting the same and where the rules or decisions are not effective to resolve a dispute between conflicting users or potential users, the matter shall be submitted for resolution to the Town Administrator/Town Clerk, subject to appeal to the Board of Alderpersons.
   (C)   In the carrying out of the construction, maintenance and operation of the CATV system, the franchisee shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, marital status, age, sex or national origin.
   (D)   The franchisee shall post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
   (E)   The franchisee shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the franchisee, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, marital status, age or national origin.
(Prior Code, § 4.1-50)
(Ord. passed 9-19-1979)