(a) In the ML District no building or premises shall be used or established which is designed, arranged, or intended for other than a low density multiple-family residential building, a single- or two-family dwelling, adult family home, adult group home, or cluster house development.
(b) In the MH District no building or premises shall be used or established which is designed, arranged, or intended for other than a medium density multiple-family residential building, a low density multiple-family residential building, a single- or two-family dwelling, adult family home, adult group home, or cluster house development.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
(c) A single- or two-family dwelling in the ML and MH Districts shall meet all the requirements of the R2 District. Cluster house developments in the ML and MH Districts shall meet all the requirements of Section 1121.12.
(d) A Planned Development may be permitted in the MH District provided that the regulations in Chapter 1156 and all other provisions of the Ordinances and this Code have been met.
(Ord. 61-04. Passed 7-6-2004.)
The following accessory uses shall be permitted when located on the same lot with a permitted principal use:
(a) Private garages to house passenger motor vehicles of the occupants of the principal building.
(b) Signs as regulated by Chapter 1151.
(c) A Type A home occupation provided such use is clearly incidental to the principal use and complies with the requirements of Chapter 1145. (Professional, medical, or general business offices permitted pursuant to Section 1127.04(c) shall not be considered an accessory use in the ML and MH Districts.)
(f) A storage shed not to exceed 120 square feet in area and ten (10) feet in height above grade or the requirements of subsection 1127.09(c), whichever is greater.
(g) Fences and living fences as regulated by Chapter 1153.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
(h) An arbor and/or trellis, provided that where located in a front yard the total length of such shall not exceed six (6) feet in width, four (4) feet in depth, and eight (8) feet in height.
(Ord. 24-98. Passed 5-18-1998.)
(i) Gazebos and other decorative structures not to exceed 120 square feet in area, Section 1127.09(c) notwithstanding.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
(j) Antenna(s) and satellite dish antenna(s) provided they comply with the standards of Chapter 1157.
(k) Wireless telecommunication antenna(s) provided they comply with the standards of Chapter 1159.
(Ord. 24-98. Passed 5-18-1998.)
District | ML Multiple- Family | MH Multiple- Family |
Garages | ||
Side and Rear Yard Depth (Feet) | 3 | 3 |
Patio Decks | ||
Area (Square Feet) | 300 | 300 |
Height Limit (Inches) | 42 | 42 |
Side and Rear Yard Depth (Feet) | 20 | 20 |
Storage Sheds | ||
Area (Square Feet) | 120 | 120 |
Height Limit (Feet) | 10 | 10 |
Side and Rear Yard Depth (Feet) | 3 | 3 |
Arbor and/or Trellis | ||
Length when Located in Front Yard | 10% of Foundation Width | 10% of Foundation Width |
Decorative Structures | ||
Area (Square Feet) | 120 | 120 |
Height (Feet) | 10 | 10 |
Side and Rear Yard Depth (Feet) | 10 | 10 |
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
If approved by the Commission pursuant to Section 1173.02, the following may be permitted as conditional uses provided that the standards and conditions hereinafter specified are met:
(a) Restaurant, convenience food shops or delicatessens, and barber and beauty shops, pursuant to Section 1161.03(d).
(Ord. 52-10. Passed 9-20-2010.)
(b) Places of Worship, pursuant to Section 1161.03(m).
(c) Professional, medical, and general business offices, pursuant to Section 1161.03(n).
(d) Type A Child Day-Care, pursuant to Section 1161.03(e).
(e) Parking facilities, including surface parking lots and parking garages of up to three (3) stories in height, pursuant to Section 1161.03(l), provided that any structure complies with all other provisions of this Chapter and the Ordinances.
(f) Wireless telecommunication antenna(s), pursuant to Section 1159.04(c)(2).
(g) Mixed Use Overlay District, pursuant to Chapter 1135.
(h) Bed and Breakfast Establishment, pursuant to Section 1161.03(c).
(Ord. 73-08. Passed 9-2-2008.)
(i) Wind generation facility, pursuant to Chapter 1160.
(Ord. 52-10. Passed 9-20-2010.)
(a) Principal buildings and uses permitted in the ML and MH Multiple-Family Districts shall be located only on a lot that complies with the lot area and frontage regulations set forth in Schedule 1127.06, unless otherwise specifically provided for elsewhere in this Code.
(b) The lot area in Schedule 1127.06 may be reduced by up to ten percent (10%) if all required parking spaces are enclosed or if at least seventy-five percent (75%) of all required spaces are located underground.
District | ML | MH |
Minimum Lot Area (Square Feet) | 15,000 | 10,000 |
Minimum Area per Dwelling Unit (Square Feet) | 800 | --------- |
Minimum Area per Dwelling Unit | ||
Buildings of One (1) to Four (4) Stories (Square Feet) | ---------- | 800 |
Buildings of Five (5) or more Stories (Square Feet) | ---------- | 600 |
Minimum Lot Frontage (Feet) | 100 | 60 |
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
In the ML and MH Multiple-Family Residential Districts each lot shall maintain the minimum front, side, and rear yard specified in Schedule 1127.07. Exterior steps leading to a main entrance of a principal building shall be excluded from the front yard requirement. For existing principal buildings with side yards of less than those specified in Schedule 1127.07, an addition may be constructed provided that the new addition does not encroach into the existing side yard any further than the foundation sidewalls of the existing building.
(Ord. 24-98. Passed 5-18-1998.)
District | Side Yard Depth |
ML | Sixty percent (60%) of the height of the building, but not less than twenty (20) feet on interior lot lines. |
MH | Seventy-five percent (75%) of the height of the building, but not less than twenty (20) feet on interior lot lines. |
For each two (2) feet all side yards are increased over the required width, five (5) square feet may be subtracted from the required lot area per dwelling unit in the ML and MH Districts. | |
District | Rear Yard Depth |
ML | Sixty percent (60%) of the height of the building, but not less than fifty (50) feet on interior lot lines. |
MH | Seventy-five percent (75%) of the height of the building, but not less than fifty (50) feet on interior lot lines. |
District | Front Yard Depth |
ML | The front yard, including the street side of a corner lot, shall be as established on the Building Line Map, or a distance equal to the height of the building measured from the base of the building to the center of the street, whichever is greater. |
MH | The front yard, including the street side of a corner lot, shall be as established on the Building Line Map, or a distance equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the height of the building measured from the base of the building to the center of the street, whichever is greater. |
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)