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    (a)   In the ML District no building or premises shall be used or established which is designed, arranged, or intended for other than a low density multiple-family residential building, a single- or two-family dwelling, adult family home, adult group home, or cluster house development.
   (b)   In the MH District no building or premises shall be used or established which is designed, arranged, or intended for other than a medium density multiple-family residential building, a low density multiple-family residential building, a single- or two-family dwelling, adult family home, adult group home, or cluster house development.
(Ord. 91-95. Passed 10-7-1996.)
   (c)   A single- or two-family dwelling in the ML and MH Districts shall meet all the requirements of the R2 District. Cluster house developments in the ML and MH Districts shall meet all the requirements of Section 1121.12. 
   (d)   A Planned Development may be permitted in the MH District provided that the regulations in Chapter 1156 and all other provisions of the Ordinances and this Code have been met.
(Ord. 61-04. Passed 7-6-2004.)