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Lagoon District
1125.01     General provisions.
1125.02     Permitted principal uses.
1125.03     Permitted accessory uses.
1125.04    Height regulations.
1125.05     Lot area and frontage regulations.
1125.06     Side and rear yard requirements for principal buildings.
1125.07   Front yard regulations for principal buildings.
1125.08     Off-street parking.
1125.09     Maximum lot area coverage.
1125.10     Additional accessory structure regulations.
Additional district regulations - see P.& Z. Ch. 1133
Demolition or removal of residential structures - see P.& Z. 1133.09
Historic Preservation Districts and Historic Properties - see P.& Z. Ch. 1134
Off-street parking - see P.& Z. Ch. 1143
Home occupations - see P.& Z. Ch. 1145
Signs in residential districts - see P.& Z. Ch. 1151
Fences - see P.& Z. Ch. 1153
Antennas - see P.& Z. Ch. 1157
Wireless telecommunication facilities - see P.& Z. Ch. 1159
Flood damage prevention - see BLDG. Ch. 1308
Swimming pools - see SAN. Ch. 1721