(A)   The Maintenance Supervisor or some person acting under his or her authority shall make all water meter connections, lay connecting service pipes and place stop cock as provided in § 51.021, whenever a permit therefor shall have been granted as herein provided, and in such connection, the material to be furnished and the labor to be performed and the manner of doing the same shall be as follows. All service pipes shall be polyethylene pipe of appropriate strength. The corporation cock, curb stop cock and service pipe must be of the size specified in the permit.
   (B)   The polyethylene pipe shall test at 200 PSI shall extend from the water main to the curb stop cock and meter box, which shall be placed on the lot line. In any portions of the town where curbs and gutters may hereafter be installed, the curb stop cock and meter box shall be placed at points within the lot line to be designated by the Maintenance Supervisor.
   (C)   The town will furnish the corporation cock, curb stock cock, meter box, saddle for converse joint pipe, tapping machines and repairs for the same. The town shall furnish the above named material and piping, and shall put in the connections from the water main to the curb line, and shall have exclusive control of the same. An extra charge may be made at the option of the Maintenance Supervisor to cover the additional expenses made necessary by making connections when the ground is frozen. The consumer shall at his or her own expense furnish all other material, tools and labor to make the finished connections; all material shall be strictly first class and all work shall be done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Any work done or material contrary to the requirements of this section shall be done over or refurnished by the consumer upon direction of the Maintenance Supervisor.
   (D)   All service pipes shall be laid at least five feet below the established grade of the street from the main to the gutter, and in all places at least five feet below the surface of the ground, unless the State Plumbing Code provides otherwise.
   (E)   In making excavations in avenues, streets, alleys or other places for the purpose of laying service pipes or making repairs, or for any other purpose, the earth removed must be kept and deposited in a manner that will occasion the least inconvenience to the public, with provision for the passage of water along the gutter, and a safe passageway for foot travel. The backfilling of all trenches shall be settled with water if practicable, and shall be tamped in order that the excavated material may be consolidated into the place so as to leave the street in as good condition as before excavation. All excavations in the street shall be made in conformity to the ordinances of the town and in a workmanlike manner, and suitable barricades and guards shall be placed around such excavations sufficient to protect all persons from injury and damage, and, also, from twilight until sunrise, sufficient amber lights shall be kept lighted near such excavation in order to protect all persons from injury or damage thereby, and the persons making such excavation shall be liable for all injuries or damages resulting from his or her failure to so guard and place danger signals on and around such excavations in order to give proper warning and to protect persons and property from injury on account of such excavations.
(Ord. 2006-2, passed 8-24-2006)