§ 51.015 NAME OF SYSTEM.
   (A)   The water works constructed and maintained by the town and used to supply the town and its inhabitants with water, shall be known as the town’s water system.
   (B)   Such water system and all things pertaining thereto shall be under the control of the Board of Trustees, who shall direct the maintenance and operation thereof, and the construction of all additions thereto, and in all cases not particularly provided for by ordinance, shall determine in what manner and upon what terms water may be taken from the water system by any water consumer and the character of the connections and appliances which may be made or used therewith.
   (C)   Every owner of any inhabited building, whether residential, educational, recreational or commercial, regularly used or to be used by human inhabitants situated within the incorporated limits of the town and which is dependent on a supply of potable water must have as its source of water only that water derived from the town’s water supply system and no other source.
   (D)   The owner of any property, whether such property is used for personal, recreational, residential or business purposes shall be solely responsible at all times for all expenses incurred in either the installation, repair or maintenance of the water line from the building or structure located on such person’s property to the point of connection with the town’s water meter. Any repairs or maintenance from the point of connection with the town’s water meter and points downstream therefrom shall be the sole and separate responsibility of the town. In no event and under no circumstances shall the town be deemed, expressly or by implication, to be solely responsible for such repairs, installation or maintenance work on such property owner’s property
   (E)   Notwithstanding the terms and provisions of division (D) above, nothing contained herein shall be construed to impose upon the town any responsibility, expressed or implied, with respect to any area outside of the incorporated limits of the town, the intent being that, with respect to any unincorporated area that is presently served or may be served by the town’s municipal water supply system in the future, such to include, but not limited to, all that area lying east of Main Street South and lying south of the town’s 23 acres, the town’s responsibility with respect the furnishing of water to such unincorporated area shall be limited to the repair and maintenance of the town’s water meter, and no other. All other charges, including, but not limited to, installation of water and water lines and water meter shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the property owner.
   (F)   Any person who shall violate any provision of divisions (C) and (D) above shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined as hereinafter set forth in § 51.999. Each day during which such owner or occupant shall fail to comply with any provision of divisions (C) and (D) above shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(Ord. 2006-2, passed 8-24-2006; Ord. 2017-2, passed 6-8-2017) Penalty, see § 51.999