91.01 Definitions
91.02 Litter; disposal where; when
91.03 Accumulation constitutes nuisance
91.04 Illegal deposits
91.05 Prohibition on transfer of garbage
91.06 Offensive substances
91.07 Noxious weeds prohibited
91.08 Height of weeds and grasses
91.09 Barbed or electric fences
91.10 Overgrown trees or shrubbery
91.11 Stagnant water
91.12 Dense smoke
91.13 Open burning of refuse prohibited
91.14 Regulations regarding open burning
91.15 Exclusions; grills, fireplaces and fire pits
91.16 Expectoration in public buildings
91.17 Duty of maintenance of private property
91.18 Parking and storing prohibited
91.19 Vehicle parts
91.20 Premises
91.21 Notice to abatement
91.22 Lien
91.99 Penalty