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   Art. I.   In General,  §§ 4-1--4-15
   Art. II.   Fire Department, §§ 4-16-440
      Div. 1.   Generally, §§ 4-16-4-45
      Div. 2.   Pension Fund. §§ 4-46-4-60
   Art. III.   Reserve Fire Department, §§ 4-61-4-85
   Art. IV.   Fire Prevention, §§ 4-86-4-120
      Div. 1.   Generally, §§ 4-86-4-115
      Div. 2.   Fireworks, §§ 4-116-4-120
*Cross references-Administration, Ch. 2; health and sanitation, Ch. 5; motor vehicles and traffic, Ch. 6; police department, Ch. 9; utilities, Ch. 11; civil emergencies, § 2-381 et seq.; fire protection tax, § 2-402; emergency services and disaster agency, § 2-496 et seq.; board of fire and police commissioners, § 2-576 et seq.; amusements, § 3-121 et seq.; fire hazards in places of amusement, § 3-127; smoking in assembly halls, § 3-131; fire inspections in cleaning and dyeing establishments, § 3-182; child care homes, § 3-241 et seq.; fire protection in mobile home parks, § 3-425; air pollution control, § 5-221 et seq.; fire extinguishers in school vehicles, § 7-200; building code, § 8-31 et seq.; fire limits, § 8-39; dangerous buildings, § 8-141 et seq.; smoke detectors in condominium district, § 12-73.
State law references-Adoption of technical codes by reference, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 24, § 1-3-1 et seq., Ch. 85, § 1001 et seq.; municipal fire protection, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 24, Art. 11, Div. 6 et seq.; false alarm, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 38, § 26-1; Fire Protection Training Act, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 85, § 531 et seq.; environmental protection agency, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 111 1/2, § 1001 et seq.; fire protection districts, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 127 1/2, § 21 et seq.; fireworks, Ill. Rev. Stat. Ch. 127 1/2, § 101 et seq.